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January 31st, 2006, 23:06
Has anyone ever stayed at a Hotel called Sala Prabang in Luang Prabang Laos?
If so, what was it like . Sounds interesting on the Internet and I am looking for a good Hotel there for next December.. Thanks for any helpful suggestions for Luang Prabang.

February 1st, 2006, 01:03
Full description and feedback about this hotel (and others in Luang Prabang) at this link :
Travelfish website - Sala Prabang Hotel (http://www.travelfish.org/accommodation_profile/laos/northern_laos/luang_prabang/luang_prabang/all/868/19?ord=0)
In LP do not miss the very romantic and cheap restaurant along the Mae Nam Khan (less tourists and cheaper than the eateries on the Mae Khong side)
Walk and have a drink in the Khop Chai gay bar.
Go to the east part of town near the universities during the afternoons when the students ride back to their homes, never saw so much eye-candy in my life.
Go back to Vientiane on a bus along the very scenic road but reserve through a trustworthy agency or directly from the bus terminal. Perhaps you could stop for one or to days in Vang Vieng (heaps of western tourists but the landscape is so beautiful...)

February 1st, 2006, 01:53
I stayed at Sala Prabang during my trip to L-P and enjoyed my stay very much. Nice hotel and rooms, friendly staff and nice little outdoor cafe overlooking the banks of the Mekong.

Be sure to check out the Khop Chai bar; it's a fun place. You should try Lao beer and also lao-lao rice whiskey! But be careful, the lao guys love to drink, can drink a lot and will drink you under the table no time flat! I woke up with a massive hang-over first night out and had to learn to pace myself!

My tour guide was a guy named Douk. Check out Laos section on gaydar.com; he post there.

Can;t remember the other river which connects with the Mekong, but that side of town has some great small resturants and also gift and antique shops. I have a thing for collecting monkey figures and found a great set of chops with monkey figures carved in them.

take a trip up the Mekong to Pak Ou cave.

I loved my trip to Laos and can't wait to go back next time I get over to SE Asia!

And the lao guys are cute as can be!