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February 28th, 2007, 21:33
I know Songkran is celebrated thru out the kingdom on different dates. What are the dates for Songkran in pattaya and is it mainly during the daylight hours that the water throwing takes place?

February 28th, 2007, 21:39
is it mainly during the daylight hours that the water throwing takes place?

Ha ha ha...you have a nasty surprise awaiting you.

February 28th, 2007, 22:17
I believe it is normally around /on the 19th April.

I have the fortune ???!!!?? to arrive on the 18th AAARGH!!!! But thats how the first vacation falls. The water throwing and sometimes powder pasting is all in good fun ...... for the first two or three times but then can be a right pain. Expect to be wet pretty much all the time - loads of people say they vacate Pattaya during this time - there will always be someone or a few that will push the boundaries of good fun and become irritating - you gotta grin and bear it or stay in the safety of your hotel bar.

March 1st, 2007, 01:18
April 13 for 4 days. I don't know why Pattaya celebrates later, does anyone know why?

First day is Maha Songkran, end of the old year.
Second day is Wan Nao, the day between the old year and new
Third day is Wan Thaloeng, the day of the new year
Forth day is Wan Parg-bpee, the day to honor ancestors

March 1st, 2007, 03:38
To the best of my Knowledge:

April 18th is Songkran Day in Naklua (north Pattaya) - every year
April 19th is Songkran Day in Pattaya/Jomtien - Every Year
April 20th is Songkran day in Rayong - every year
These dates never change

For at least a week before the 18th you can expect to have people "playing water" on the streets

On most days the water will be put away once dusk comes... except on the 18th when it becomes an all day affair into the 19th... my BF always stays going for all 48 hours during this period - no rest!

I can't understand why farang seem to hate Songkran so much... if only they would relax and try to have fun instead of being so miserable they would enjoy themselves...

I arrive on April 13th, for a week of Songkran fun... Followed by a week of drying!

March 1st, 2007, 04:48
April 13th to 15th in Chiangmai. My experience there is that the water throwing starts at about 11AM and quits between 6 and 7 PM (I've never seen it done after that time in the city).
In Bangkok once, I was powdered and drenched going to dinner one night at about 8PM....and wasn't too happy about it. I like Songkran but only when I expect it.
I have noticed a couple of times that the celebration, although much milder, continues on for another day or two in some of the smaller villages north of Chiangrai (but in Chiangmai, haven't seen any activities beyond April 15th for the last few years).

March 1st, 2007, 05:09

April 19th is always the big Splish-Splash day in Pattaya. The water slinging starts in the early hours and stops at 8:00 PM almost on a dime. With the exception of the sois where the breeder bars are located (mostly along Beach Road) you can plan to stay dry.

March 1st, 2007, 12:13
I seem to recall last Songran, a farang was in police custody because his water gun had something nasty in it.
I don't remember the details but maybe it was an acid or an irritating chemical and he got caught trying to flee the police. Often,
when water is hurled, there is ice mixed in for added effect and of course the powder is lovely.

The Thais, in general, have decent manners and don't target the elderly or those sitting in outdoor restaurants but some farangs think they are in war games and behave like total assholes. This includes some gay farangs but of course, in sheer numbers the breeders
are in the vast majority.

Sometimes, the water is filthy and full of disease causing germs and sometimes the water throwers cause accidents as they
dump filthy water laden with powder on motorbike drivers on the roads. It is a nightmare and it is the farangs who have
corrupted the meaning of this holiday... In Pattaya, this goes on and on for almost a week and the final day is pure madness but
if you must see a Songkran, come just for the last day and stay away from the breeder bars at all costs.. :cat:

March 1st, 2007, 18:07
of course the powder is lovely.

Not when it contains soda crystals or caustic soda or other equally dangerous substances - I was told by the doctor at Pattaya Memorial one year that I was fortunate not to have suffered permanent eye damage after one particular nasty dousing and spraying with 'powder', some of which went into my eyes - (incidentally from a katoey in Pattayaland Soi 1 !!).

Because of that incident, I now make sure I am no-where near Thailand during Songkran.

November 17th, 2007, 21:50
does anyone know the dates for songkran 2008? or direct me to link of website with thai calender for april 08


November 17th, 2007, 22:11
does anyone know the dates for songkran 2008? or direct me to link of website with thai calender for april 08It's the same date every year

November 17th, 2007, 23:03
Thai New Year is from the 13th to 15th April although the celebrations go on a lot longer and the dates vary from province to province. Hope that helps.


November 17th, 2007, 23:19
I know Songkran is celebrated thru out the kingdom on different dates. What are the dates for Songkran in pattaya and is it mainly during the daylight hours that the water throwing takes place?

The official dates for Songkran are April 13th - 15th and these are the dates observed for the traditional ceremonies by most Thais.

The extended 'celebrations' that you will find in the tourist areas are really nothing to do with the tradition but an excuse for causing as much mayhem as possible with water and powder throwing.

If you want to avoid the disruption that happens in Pattaya every year and experience the true Songkran and you have the time to do so, why not pay a visit to a few of the villages away from the tourist traps? You will even find that the Songkran celebrations in Bangkok are far less obtrusive than those in Pattaya and unless you really enjoy getting soaked and covered in flour / powders Bangkok is a better bet for you than Pattaya is.

November 25th, 2007, 14:35
The dates are the same every year:
It starts on 13th and finishes the 19th April - so expect to get wet any or all these days!