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View Full Version : can Thai have UK and Thai passport

February 26th, 2007, 23:03
If my Thai BF got a UK passport, would he lose his Thai nationality/passport. Anyone have any knowledge, links, experience on this?

February 26th, 2007, 23:15
He can have both.

February 27th, 2007, 00:48
He can have both.
I would think he would have to have UK nationality first ... before the passport. I don't think one can have a passport issued unless they are a citizen of the issuing country.
Getting UK citizenship is the only (huge!) hurdle.

Cheers ...

February 27th, 2007, 07:06
Thailand amended its citizenship laws a few years ago - previously taking another country's citizenship meant losing Thai citizenship. The Malaysians still have that rule. The Australians also changed their laws a couple of years ago to abandon that position. The Indians have recently decided to fudge the issue - Indians who took up a foreign citizenship (and therefore lost Indian citizenship) can now apply for "Overseas Indian" citizenship - which gives them back all the rights they gave up when they lost their Indian citizenship except the right to vote. In these days of comparatively large population flows the notion that being a citizen of multiple countries somehow means a lessening of loyalty to the country of one's birth is diminishing. I believe (since they have said so here - but that means nothing in terms of verification) that Cedric and boygeenyus both have multiple passports, as do I

February 27th, 2007, 13:48
Under the Kingdom's 1965 (2508) Citizenship Act (amended 1992 & 1993) , dual nationality is permitted. However, the section dealing with dual nationality was written for the purpose of covering Thai females who have married foreign nationals and who wish to acquire their husband's nationality. As for males, you really ought to write directly to the Ministry in Bangkok, or through the Consul-General at the Royal Thai Embassy in London. Or, maybe someone on this board knows a really good immigration lawyer in Thailand (emphasis on the REALLY GOOD!!!).

February 27th, 2007, 23:21
you really ought to write directly to the Ministry in Bangkok, or through the Consul-General at the Royal Thai Embassy in London.

Oh, yes. And I'm sure they'd right back to you right away with a lengthy and detailed response.

Or, maybe someone on this board knows a really good immigration lawyer in Thailand (emphasis on the REALLY GOOD!!!).

Right. Give a big bag of money to a lawyer so he can tell you exactly what I just did: THERE IS NO PROBLEM FOR A THAI TO HOLD ANOTHER COUNTRY'S PASSPORT.

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 28th, 2007, 19:01
I can assure you I had a Thai boyfriend in London who had a UK passport..mine..along with my briefcase..wallet..cash..Cartier watch (genuine), overcoat, 2 guitars, suitcase and 3 garbage bags packed with assorted sundries.

I never saw him again. :idea: