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February 26th, 2007, 02:20
people told me G.O.D. is closed. LOL...it was only open recently and now closed.
Now no XBoom, no G.O.D., and DJ closed at 2:30 sharp, where else can we go??? sad life in BKK!!

February 26th, 2007, 06:07
sad life in BKK!!

If you can only achieve happiness by discoing to dawn, I suggest you try another country. The rest of us are quite happy here.

February 27th, 2007, 07:12
The rest of us are quite happy here.

by paying for sex or supporting a grandson. good for you. :bounce:

February 27th, 2007, 07:55
You've got the wrong guy, dear. My bf's affections are not purchased, and our age difference is only four years.

February 27th, 2007, 08:45
You've got the wrong guy, dear. .......our age difference is only four years.

You're messing with a 4 year old?

February 27th, 2007, 09:02
You've got the wrong guy, dear. .......our age difference is only four years.

You're messing with a 4 year old?I think he's referring to his mental age :idea:

February 27th, 2007, 16:08
He has got it all wrong G>O>D. was open as usual Monday night.......

February 27th, 2007, 21:30
G.O.D. had been staying open till 0600 and only got customers after DJ closed. I hear that is now changed and they close at 2 or 2:30. I also have not heard anyone say anthing good about the place.

It was open Monday? I was eating at Noodi, the entrance to that soi, around midnight and I did not see one person go in or leave. It looked dark down that soi too.

February 28th, 2007, 02:34
You've got the wrong guy, dear. My bf's affections are not purchased, and our age difference is only four years.

only you know or can choose to believe your bf's affections. It is none of my bussiness. It is ok if you don't want to tell us wether you guys are monogomous, and who pays the rent.

February 28th, 2007, 06:04
It is ok if you don't want to tell us wether you guys are monogomous, and who pays the rent.It is on record that The Lad frequents go-go bars and "offs" boys (all the while disapproving of sex tourists and Thailand's attractions to them). This is known among civilized people as hypocrisy. He is also a man of property, so rent (in that sense) doesn't enter into it

February 28th, 2007, 07:31
It is on record that The Lad frequents go-go bars and "offs" boys (all the while disapproving of sex tourists and Thailand's attractions to them).

Get your facts straight, old man. I visit a go-go bar on average perhaps twice a year (only when a visiting friend wishes accompaniment), and cannot even remember the last "off". Sometime in the late '90s?

February 28th, 2007, 11:21

February 28th, 2007, 11:31
Well the big poster is still up outside The Boys Bangkok. It is beginning to look very tacky outside with the loutish doormen and worn handwritten notice "Do not touch" on the marble ball that spins on water - though it seems not to be working at the moment. There are a few plants 'in extreemis' and a number of rocks? Odd.

February 28th, 2007, 14:08
It is ok if you don't want to tell us wether you guys are monogomous

Monogamy is a western concept and in Thai culture it's application is peculiar and unique.

Lots of farangs in Bangkok claim to other farangs that they are Monogomous and then I see them in Pattaya in a less than monogomous situations. They also seem to be able to give quite descriptive directions to the various massage venues and saunas in Bangkok.

February 28th, 2007, 15:08
Lots of farangs in Bangkok claim to other farangs that they are Monogomous and then I see them in Pattaya in a less than monogomous situationsExactly how many is "lots"?

February 28th, 2007, 19:09
Exactly how many is "lots"?

lots = 372

But more important; I have just read that poster put up by Boxer.
400 baht including 2 drinks.
That is double the price and half the number of drinks that DJ Station charges.
How many 'boys' are going to be able to afford that?

Sen Yai
February 28th, 2007, 23:47
The 'boys' usually make other arrangements with the doormen at DJ so I am sure the same can happen at G.O.D!

March 1st, 2007, 00:52
Just when I post that G.O.D. appeared dead Monday night, all that seems reversed tonight, Thursday. There's life in the ol' gal tonight. Even Richard's had 3/4th of their tables filled at midnight.

Go figure. Well, it payday here for many, that may account for it. In contrast soi Twilight had a slow night.