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February 20th, 2007, 08:06
On way to Thailand, 'Rocky' raided

"Sydney (dpa) - Australian Customs officers raided Hollywood tough-guy Sylvester Stallone's Sydney hotel room in a continuing investigation into what the star of the Rocky Balboa boxing film told reporters he had "taken for years," news reports said Tuesday. Stallone left Australia for Thailand, where he will begin filming Rambo IV.

Members of the 60-year-old Stallone's entourage were seen throwing items out of the hotel window Monday afternoon as officers entered the harbour-side Park Hyatt Hotel to issue a summons relating to prohibited substances, The Sydney Morning Herald reported. Stallone, who arrived Friday in Sydney to attend the local premiere of the sixth instalment of the Rocky series, was allowed to leave Australia after his private jet was searched.

The drama began Friday at Sydney Airport with the confiscation of several banned items that Customs officers found in Stallone's luggage. Customs kept him at the airport for about two hours, after routine x-rays of luggage revealed several prohibited items. Customs would not confirm reports that bodybuilding drugs banned in Australia but legal elsewhere in the world were involved.

Stallone, who wrote, directed and acted in Rocky Balboa, refused reporters' requests to identify the substances other than to say "it's something I've taken for years" and "it's not dangerous." The first Rocky film came out in 1976, and Rocky Balboa is the first since 1990. Praised by film critics as the best Rocky film since the Oscar-winning first instalment, Rocky takes to the ring against a heavyweight champion half his age. "Around 1996-97 I could see the writing on the wall," Stallone told reporters. "Things weren't going well, and I thought 'Boy, as my career's winding down, if there's one thing I could fix, it would have been Rocky, because I knew Rocky V missed the mark.'"

Bangkok Post

February 20th, 2007, 13:22
Recently I bought some on-line vitamins and herbal products from a large US company. They shipped it FedEx to my Bangkok address.

I got a letter from FedEx to call them. They told me that the shipment has been detained by Thai customs and they want to see my passport and visa. I had to fax it four times to them. They then wanted me to have a doctor write a letter explaining what exactly these vitamins are and why I had to take them.

At this point, I was ready to just say, OK keep them, but I walked in a local clinic and it was quite easy to an official letter from a doctor for a few hundred baht. The doctor just wrote what ever I wanted. These are vitamins not drugs.

A few weeks went by and one day FedEx was at the door. The package had 15 or so various documents attached. Customs had opened each bottle and tested some of the vitamins. The report showed no illegal substances in violation of Thai law. Then I got a bill from customs for the drug testing, 2000B.

February 28th, 2007, 08:30
Then I got a bill from customs for the drug testing, 2000B.

Reminds me of a few years ago, when I shipped some computing equipment from Singapore for a new office in Bangkok... Thai Customs said that they needed to "test" the equipment for 6 weeks before we could receive it (sorry, but I have a difficult time imagining any of these guys being able to operate anything more complicated than a waffle iron). As it turned out, they would release immediately if we paid the "testing fees" in advance. TIT!

February 28th, 2007, 08:49
Customs had opened each bottle and tested some of the vitamins. The report showed no illegal substances in violation of Thai law. Then I got a bill from customs for the drug testing, 2000B.What exactly do you expect Thai Customs to have done? Taken your word? Why? They seem to have followed the same process as Customs in your own country might have pursued. As someone who deals with Thai Customs on a weekly basis, I'm surprised you didn't get a demand for "tea" money as well although since you used FedEx they undoubtedly have their own arrangements for such facilitation payments. The Port of Klong Toey is known for being one of the most corrupt in the world, and air freight isn't much better

February 28th, 2007, 08:52
What are you talking about, dear? US or UK Customs would certainly smile and wave through a huge box of pills coming in from Thailand. Happy to be of service, sir! The stupidity of some of the posters here continues to amaze and inspire.