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View Full Version : The Cartier Club

February 19th, 2007, 08:15
... what is this place like, has anyone been recently?

February 19th, 2007, 09:54
ghost town bar located far from other similar venues and with only a few boys.

I have stopped by 3 times and have seen the show twice and once was the only customer and the other
two times there were one or two other customers. The show was ok first time but a few weeks later
had gone downhill and I can't imagine they can hold on to quality employees with so few customers
and a bad location amidst a dozen girlie bars. sorry, but they are doomed to failure unless they have
very deep pockets and can work miracles...

February 19th, 2007, 14:15
Have stopped by a number of times as it's on my way into town. Quite often I've been the only customer. The 10 and 11pm shows are OK, if they have the right boys performing, but otherwise..... not worth sitting through. They do offer a delivery service and I think that is where most of the boys (and bar) make their money.

February 20th, 2007, 02:20
I visited there once on my last trip and posted about it on this board, as I was impressed with the quality of the boys and the show.

Again, I was their only customer at the time.

It is a shame that their location is against them, as the quality of boys seemed very high compared with the average Boyztown bar (if you like tall lean muscled types). The owner had also invested in some good quality lighting, sound equipment and dry ice generator(s).

If it was in Boyztown I am sure it would be a hit.
