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View Full Version : Sphinx Restaurant

February 19th, 2007, 01:46
I went to Sphinx twice recently and I wonder if any Bangkok regulars can help me. Almost the entire staff from when I was there in November seems have been replaced. Is that true? The level of service has dropped a lot, I thought. I did see one funny thing. There were two young farang there, must be their fiirst time in Bangkok because they were checking out the gay tourist maps. When their meal came, they demanded chopsticks. I thought Thais only eat noodles with chopsticks?

February 19th, 2007, 01:57
I went to Sphinx twice recently and I wonder if any Bangkok regulars can help me. Almost the entire staff from when I was there in November seems have been replaced. Is that true? The level of service has dropped a lot, I thought. I did see one funny thing. There were two young farang there, must be their fiirst time in Bangkok because they were checking out the gay tourist maps. When their meal came, they demanded chopsticks. I thought Thais only eat noodles with chopsticks?

Thai eat noddle soup with chop sticks, anything else with spoon and fork.

I haven't been there for several month. Sphinx was a long time favorite of mine, the only decent place for food in the soi. Food at Telephone is louse and over priced, food at Balcony is just lousy. I am used to good standard Thai food - not stuff they feed foreigners with.

February 19th, 2007, 02:31
I only ate at Sphinx once. I thought the food was good but nothing special. I thought the prices were a bit high.... Also, I come to that Soi for the electric atmosphere and to see and be seen and you sacrifice that once you enter the Sphinx.

On my last visit, I asked a Thai friend, while we were at the Balcony, where they would like to eat. They said the Sphinx, but I vetoed that Idea and took them to Dick Cafe.

I would recommend the Sphinx to anyone seeking information about it but it is not my cup of tea.

February 19th, 2007, 05:22
I went to Sphinx twice recently and I wonder if any Bangkok regulars can help me. Almost the entire staff from when I was there in November seems have been replaced. Is that true?
No it's not true

The level of service has dropped a lot
I disagree

Food at Telephone is louse and over priced, food at Balcony is just lousy
Again, I disagree

AND I have a bet with a friend where this thread will end up ............ :geek:

February 19th, 2007, 12:35
Padlom is the perfect dinner companion at the Sphinx, he will not annoy you with long convoluted sentences.

I stayed away from the Sphink for a long time because of the level of smoke in the place. We were seated and presented with two ash trays. I said we don't need them, they were taken away only to have another waiter see we did not have ash trays and promptly got some for us.

I went in a few weeks ago and the section to the right, up a step, had no ash trays on the tables. There was now several outside tables and the smokers were there puffin away. I was very happy and enjoyed the food. I will return.

Balcony, the food is OK, few come to eat, mostly drinkers. The problem I have with the Balcony is the place next door, Luminations. They play music so loud the tables at the balcony vibrate. Then add the balcony music, at a different beat and you get noting short of annoying noise pollution.

I find the tables and chairs at Balcony and Telephone uncomfortable and too close togther. The watiers too distracted but nice to look at. I now perfer Dick's Cafe, good food, and much more comfortable. The only problem at Dick's is getting past all the go-go bar door touts.

February 19th, 2007, 13:40
On my last visit, I asked a Thai friend, while we were at the Balcony, where they would like to eat. They said the Sphinx, but I vetoed that Idea and took them to Dick Cafe.Is that polite?

February 19th, 2007, 17:53
It was perfectly fine. He uses his veto with some of my suggestions all the time. AND I would not have it any other way :)

On my last visit, I asked a Thai friend, while we were at the Balcony, where they would like to eat. They said the Sphinx, but I vetoed that Idea and took them to Dick Cafe.Is that polite?

February 19th, 2007, 19:45
Haven't been to Sphinx in a long time; if eating in that area I'd rather go to Bua (Soi Convent, just off Silom).
If with a Thai friend, I have him order for us both; "Surprise me." So far, it's worked fine: I've had some things I'd probably never have ordered on my own--Lucky I've rather eclectic tastes--but often have to ask the server what we had (So I can order it again, if I liked it.)...and she looks at me like I just landed from Mars. (How'd she guess?)

February 20th, 2007, 00:05
I like Bua as well; this is the first time I've seen anyone else recommending it. Reliable standards, fair prices and quick service. I enjoy the bustle of Convent Road.
Sphinx has a place in my heart because it is always my first port-of-call on arrival in Thailand after the long journey from London. Cute waiters, quiet ambience, my first taste of Thailand. And only a month away.

February 20th, 2007, 10:09
Bua is a chain of restaurants around the city (maybe other cities, too?). There is another nice one on Rama 3 in the SV City cluster of high-rises. That one has outdoor seating right on the river.

February 21st, 2007, 17:25
I do not go to sphinks used to go a lot around 2003,I think soi 4 need,s to change in some way or reinvent itself
a liitle bit I feel it has become a little dull and I see a lot of people are now spending more time in soi twilight.
or other area's...at the moment, things can change quickly though in what is after all a rather fickle market...

February 21st, 2007, 17:51
There were two young farang there, must be their fiirst time in Bangkok because they were checking out the gay tourist maps. When their meal came, they demanded chopsticksWe must have been there the same evening, Curious. These were two young fools sitting outside, tattoos on display, couldn't stop cruising the waiters?

February 22nd, 2007, 01:49
I found Bua pretty good too. But if I ask my BF and his friends where they want to eat. They always pick JAPANESE. They will steer me to ZEN on convent road.

February 24th, 2007, 09:23
.... Sphinx has a place in my heart because it is always my first port-of-call on arrival in Thailand after the long journey from London. Cute waiters, quiet ambience, my first taste of Thailand...

Yes, thats exactly how I feel about Sphinx. It was my first introduction to the Big Gay World of Bangkok in 2001 and its always my first dinner in the city.
Soi 4 always seemed to me to be a place to start the evening but not a place to party all night.

February 26th, 2007, 23:01
Sphinx has a place in my heart because it is always my first port-of-call on arrival in Thailand after the long journey from London. Cute waiters, quiet ambience, my first taste of Thailand.

I also have fond memories of a couple quiet dinners at Sphinx. I was taken there on my first visit to the Silom area and had my first taste of a number of new dishes, selected by the internet friend who was guiding myself and another newbie friend around Bangkok. I agree with Nelson about the waiters and the quiet ambience, if you catch it less than full.

On my last visit I'd pushed through the gauntlet of Balcony and Telephone hosts, intending to eat at Sphinx; but at 8pm on a Tuesday night it was packed. Not feeling like waiting (or eating there alone, for some reason) I went back into the melee and allowed myself to be placed at an outside table at Telephone, where I had a marginal meal but a fantastic spot to "guy-watch". I like to watch the touts at work if it isn't me being recruited - and the interactions between them when there isn't anyone to wave a menu at are a hoot, too.

http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... &mode=next (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/album_page.php?pic_id=2151&mode=next)