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View Full Version : Arriving in Pattaya for my first long term trip

February 18th, 2007, 05:12
Hi all, am arriving in Pattaya in a few weeks and would be grateful for advice.

Have been to Thailand quite a few times but nearly always Bangkok. I will be staying in an apartment and am totally honest
about wanting to meet quite a few cute lads, pay them some cash and have fun.

Anyway, a few questions:

1. If I "off" a lad in Pattaya what is the average acceptable rate for a) a couple of hours and b) an overnight?
2. Whats the average "off" fee in the bars and gogo place?

Anyway would be great to get some advice. I am sure there will be the usual cheap remarks and attempts at jokes from
a few guys, seen a few of those on here!!!!

Thanks in advance to all the sensible answers and maybe hope to meet a few of you when i arrive


February 18th, 2007, 05:57

The average off fee is around 200-300 baht.

A reasonable tip for a short time roll in the hay is 1,000 baht, and 1,500 for an overnighter. Of course you can tip a little more based on the quality of the experience.

My recommendation is to be generous within reasonable bounds. Try to avoid getting dragged into the jewelry shops or Bic C. Gold necklaces and mobile phones are the hot items and you will probably;y be coaxed in this direction sooner or later...we all do!

Enjoy yourself...I'll be just a few weeks behind you.

mai pen rai

February 18th, 2007, 06:01

February 18th, 2007, 06:04
Reply to Question 1) I'm sure the expats will be able to advise of the current average acceptable rate as they are more in tune with the ongoing expectations of Pattaya boys.
You did ask for an average, but I can only advise on my own tipping rates, for short time I give Bt1000 and long time Bt1500 and in all the years I have been visiting Thailand in my experience i've never had a request for more,I'm surprised I haven't mind you, as I've never ever discussed the tip/fee before taking a guy off, I've always let the 'up-to-you' mindset work for me.

Question 2) Nothing definitive here either I'm afraid, again in my own experience most host bars Bt200, some gogos Bt250, Pattayaland3 gogos Bt300. But hopefully you'll get enough replies to work out Pattaya averages.

As for the cheap remarks.......don't worry I'm sure you won't be disappointed there......the usual 'miserable few' will be queuing up as soon as they stumble out of bed.

I hope you do get a few replies with attempts at jokes,in my view they're what keeps the forum entertaining.

Good luck with your first trip to Pattaya, your hopes of meeting quite a few cute lads for fun-for-payment will easily be achieved.

February 18th, 2007, 07:32

February 18th, 2007, 09:25
I was a total newbie last month. First trip ever to Thailand.

I had read the posting like above that say 1,000 baht. My first boy in BKK wanted 1,500 and said that was the going rate in BKK. He had been with me for two or three hours. In hindsight, he was well worth it and much more. After that, I just handed the new boys 1,500 and always got a beautiful WEY and a killer smile. In US dollars, another 500 to make it 1,500 is only an additional $14. If a guy can't pay that to make the sweet boy happy, I don't think he should be shopping.

Then I get to Pattaya where I'm told everything is cheaper. I think I paid 400 for the off fee in BKK and I don't think I ever paid over 300 in Pattaya. What the hell, the boys were great and the bars in Pattaya were great. I'm a business man, and I tried to calculate the gross for the bar in OFF fees and its precious little for the great service they provide.

In Pattaya I never tried to tip less than the 1,500 and the boys were always grateful. I remember one giving me a double WY and then asking me if I wanted to do it again before he left.

On that gawd aweful long flight back to Seattle, I mentally calculated my expenses for the trip. I had averaged doing 1.7 boys per day. The total cost for Off fees and boys was nothing compared to airfare costs and hotels etc.

I was particularly impressed by the No Cover charge to get into the shows. The other thing in Pattaya, they don't badger and intimidate you into buying extra drinks. I always do anyway, as the show boys fire my rockets and I need to cool down with drinks. But, what a great show for only the cost of a drink. Where else in the world???????? If you haven't been to Vegas for awhile, I can compute that one for you and you'll be heading right back to Thailand and tipping big time cause it's so cheap.

SHOWS.....don't miss Wild West Boys. In Vegas I would pay over $60 a show and not get the entertainment and sensual show they have. It's awesome. And only for the cost of drinks. I took boys from the show home and they changed my life. I still love a little Wild West dancer named Sang. Try it. It would be hard to beat the choreography and work that must have went into pulling that show off with variation every day. I loved it and every boy from Wild West that I took home was a nine or a ten. They were real boys. Maybe luck, but I never met a phony or a stuck up little bitch. All really decent kids that I wanted to adopt in a heart beat.

Throb/Splash or whatever. Good water show and I laughed my ass off at some of the skits. I hear other comments by the old trolls on Message Boards, but you need to see it for yourself. It's a good show.

So to answer your question...........300 baht is I think the routine off fee. Tip is perhaps as low as 1,000, but if I had a good boy, as I always did, I would feel like a cheap ass to offer any less than 1,500. One evening of dinner back in the states would cost more than the extra 500 for each boy you did.

AND, I will always be waiting for that boy that has a big enough tool to make sky rockets go off again, like when I was a teenager. He gets the big prize.

I think we all get cheap when were in another countries economy. For these boys, providing the dream of a lifetime for what their bodies can offer us....lets not be cheap.

Go to Wild West Boys, enjoy the show, take a boy home by paying 300 baht or whatever to get him out the door, have a grand time and tip him well.


February 18th, 2007, 10:23
I took boys from the show home and they changed my life.............................................. ........ PUH-LEEEEEEEESE!

It is interesting to note that new posters get on here and ask the same old same old. They are then responded to by people like the one above, who sounds like a know it all after one supposed visit. And Darl, who cares what its like in VEGAS???? I dont wanna see no Liberace prancing about in a g-string on the crummy Pattaya stages. Or feeding the slots, machine or female or OTHERWISE.

I am of the view that many if not most of the new posters have never left their trailers in their life. Everything is indeed rosy rosy rosy. It appears to me to be a regurgitation of reading previous posts and blah blah blah.

Or we have to endure the other poster bitching about being short cahanged 40B at bus station. Puhleeeeese, Hon, just get a damn taxi.

February 18th, 2007, 10:34
Paj222 - do a search you lazy old queen.

Dodger - what is wrong with being dragged into of all places - BIG C?????? I could think of worse Hon.

Alaan - another knewbie know it all. Always worrying what others will say or bitch or whine about but saying nothing of interest himself. With your grand total of posts, Luv, what qualifies you to take people under your wing you mother hen chook.

February 18th, 2007, 10:39
I personally welcome new posters who, having a certain joy of life, express what they saw and felt during a first time experience in the Land of Smiles. I actually can recall my first trip to LOS and can appreciate (at least a little) the intial excitement and fun of experiencing the whole Thai scene.

Give him a break, Paul. Maybe it'll take Splash 4-5 trips over to Thailand before he becomes as wise and cool as you (and thus able to contribute by posting a bitchy and cynical post to blast a newbe for being too fucking rosy......)

February 18th, 2007, 10:51
Well Darl, that is your view.

My view, Sweetie, is that the newbie posters and their minimal post know it all repliers are ANYTHING but new.................

February 18th, 2007, 11:38
come on pauly666, this is no way to welcome new posters with nasty bitchy comments.. why, one would think
you are just a bitter wrinkled old queen who hasn't gotten laid in a few decades.

Hopefully new posters and readers will totally ignore the personality challenged few, who forget what is was like
to be new to Thailand and the incredible pleasures that await.
It certainly changed my life and one shouldn't let the prunes ruin the fruit salad of fun, joy and sex to be found
in this place. Don't think too much about the money. When you get good service you pay well and when you don't
you don't pay well. It is good to have a base number in your mind but I also reward good service and don't reward
those who promise you the moon and just lie back and wait for your to finish. Fortunately, the positive far outweighs the
negative and one tip is to avoid the boys who are most aggressive and suggestive in the bars and they are often the most
useless back in your room.. Have a ball before it is too late, you aren't getting better just older, day by day so enjoy the party
and don't worry about the small change... :cat:

February 18th, 2007, 13:14
Well, well Paul2257, if your aimin at the most degrading and insulting poster, all I can say is you aint no Boygeenyus.

February 18th, 2007, 13:59
Paj222 - but saying nothing of interest himself. With your grand total of posts, Luv, what qualifies you to take people under your wing you mother hen chook.

You really must tell us sometime how you cope living as a bitter old brain dead queen, maybe that would be your first interesting post.

As to the questions asked by the paj222 I totally agree with the advice given in the other posts. Just treat the guys as you would like to be treated and you will have a great time.

February 18th, 2007, 16:16
Well Hons, my view is that the new posters are anything BUT new. That, sweeties is my oponion. They are reincarnations of old has beens who have been booted off, or otherwise left the board in a flurry of their organza jock straps

You really must tell us sometime how you cope living as a bitter old brain dead queen, maybe that would be your first interesting post.

Ok, pet, wanna set a date?

one would think you are just a bitter wrinkled old queen who hasn't gotten laid in a
few decades.

You bitch! Do you want my walking stick shoved up your arse Luv?

February 18th, 2007, 16:21
Speaking of old has beens................

Well, well Paul2257, if your aimin at the most degrading and insulting poster, all I can say is you aint no Boygeenyus.
formerly just Trongpai, now Trongpaiexpat


February 18th, 2007, 16:53
What do people tip for a massage? I've had two massages before, and tipped each as I would for short time. I don't know if thats a good or a bad tip? The parlours recommended minimal tip is only about 500 baht - but sounds low to me.

Also, whats the deal with Sunee and Boyz town then? are offing/tipping rates the same everywhere?

February 18th, 2007, 17:11
paj - dont worry...... there are a lot of resident farang who will guide you price wise etc. Just dont be shy to ask one thing for sure - you will have a great time unless you are really unlucky.

if you are near jomtiem complex pop in and have a drink and a chat with colin at Bondi or Monty at the enchanted hut - they will steer you in the right direction.

Im here right now and having a blast. Met 8 board members from here so far and all very nice people!

February 18th, 2007, 21:17
Also, whats the deal with Sunee and Boyz town then? are offing/tipping rates the same everywhere?

From what I've seen it's very consistent for Pattaya at 300bt Off, 500bt ST, 1000bt LT . I know nothing about the massage thing tho.
Have 'heard' of people paying 400bt bar fine but have not seen it. It's fair to expect higher prices as you get closer to the beach, though I've
not noticed much of that.

Paj: you'll have no problems. Will be interested to hear which you prefer, bkk or pattaya.

I'll be in Pattaya when you are. Send a private message if you want to meet up.
