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View Full Version : Crystal Boys Grand Opening

February 14th, 2007, 22:39
The doors opened at eight but I did not make it there until nearly half past, by which time most of the seating was occupied. It is a small bar similar to the original Wild West Bar. There is tiered seating - quite comfortable - along the right hand side. Facing this is a stepped bar with half a dozen boys rotating and dancing, snake style, energetically. I don't remember ever seeing go-go boys dance so enthusiastically.

There was an opening night free buffet provided by New Orleans - part of the same group - with baby ribs, chicken wings, sausages, salads and an elegant array of fruits. This did not seem popular with the audience who were gazing in rapt admiration of the beef on stage.

I had rather expected that there would be about ten boys mostly the bigger muscled ones from Wild West. They were indeed there but they seemed to have a bus load from the gyms of Korat arrived. In all honesty they did tend a tad to the pom pui but with the boys from the bar there was a huge selection from muscled athletic to massive.

Drinks, as at Wild West, are 150 baht and off fee 400 baht. One of my regular 'darlings' was there and I just had to off him and skip the 11.15 p.m. show. Hopefully others will feel able to report? I gather that there is quite a bit of muscle display in one section and the rest similar to the more robust of Wild West's cabaret.

I forcast a big success.


A reminder of the superstar Mr Chang who will now apear at Crystal Boys


February 14th, 2007, 22:42
baby ribs

My favorite!


February 15th, 2007, 12:36
[quote="wowpow"]The doors opened at eight but I did not make it there until nearly half past, by which time most of the seating was occupied. It is a small bar similar to the original Wild West Bar. There is tiered seating - quite comfortable - along the right hand side. Facing this is a stepped bar with half a dozen boys rotating and dancing, snake style, energetically. I don't remember ever seeing go-go boys dance so enthusiastically.

I had rather expected that there would be about ten boys mostly the bigger muscled ones from Wild West. They were indeed there but they seemed to have a bus load from the gyms of Korat arrived. In all honesty they did tend a tad to the pom pui but with the boys from the bar there was a huge selection from muscled athletic to massive.


I was there earlier than Wowpow, and once the crowd stated to drift in I started to feel unconfortable and hemmed in

The bar is only one shop front wide . With just 20 customers there was no place for the boys{men} to sit when not on stage
The stage is similar to the Olympic winners dais except there are 5 positions not 3. There is no stage.

My first impression was not favourable as the first man I saw looked like a junior sumo. To be fair it was muscle not fat, or almost but he was big. Most of the first on the stage seemed to be thirtiesh big and not all in good shape.

As the night progressed a small stream of WWB boys arrived and there were at least 5/ 6 faces I recognised from WWB
By 9pm I started to worry they could be damaging WWB by transferring all their good looking young men to prop up the new bar.

I did not enjoy the new concept. I doubt whether I will return even to see the stunning #77 who retains his same number.

Noticed that #77 arrived down on the floor just before 8.15 He saw an admirer and went to chat and accept a valentine bunch of roses Almost straight away he was tapped on the shoulder. He had been offed by another whilst still saying thank you for his roses At 8.20 before wowpow made his entrance, he was changed and back downstairs ready to leave

It is a cut throat world when you have his looks and body

February 16th, 2007, 07:07
Boxer has posted pics from Crystal Boys... Pattayaland
taken Valentines Night ..."Grand Opening" Night...

http://www.boxertravels.net/valentines0 ... /index.htm (http://www.boxertravels.net/valentines07/crystal/index.htm) .


February 16th, 2007, 07:19
Different strokes for different folks. Definately not my cup of tea but I wish them well.

February 19th, 2007, 08:28
One of my regular 'darlings' was there and I just had to off him

How much then did you pay the guy? Without sounding cheeky. Wondering if they are upping their tips also.

February 20th, 2007, 07:55
Passing by Crytal boys last nite, I saw #77 and the other handsome guy with the weird long tattoo or scar on his thigh, standing
in front of the bar in their black spandex shorts, shirtless. The concept of boys in sexy attire worked for Wild West Boys when they
had gorgeous boys in sexy outfits in front of the bar and at the corners of the soi to entice customers.

I predict Crystal will have to change its format soon or go under. The music is deadly and the posing into the mirrors is boring.
While I am not a fan of boys constantly trying to enlarge their members by rubbing and tugging their undershorts, at least it would
be interesting if a bulge in the boys thongs appeared and enough of the pec-tacular displays.. The owner are smart and will make
the changes or it will be for the straights only and a freak show for the straight men and maybe some interest for the ladies.....