View Full Version : Crystal girls becomes crystal boys: muscle mary bar pattaya

February 13th, 2007, 11:19
Inside the door of Wildwestboys is a sign that says from wednesday tomorrow night, Crystal boys will open as a muscleman show bar. Crystal is 2 doors from New Orleans towards the beach in the same soi, and is currently a pussy show

The new bar is owned by WWB and some of their heavier and more mature boys will transfer, plus new faces

It is interesting to see more nudity in the second show. That #50 has a great body and is hung,hung,hung. And he is not the only one.

February 13th, 2007, 13:01

No MARYS around only Muscle Men - BLISS

Pandas eat shoots and leaves

February 13th, 2007, 20:37
I enjoy the WWB shows but haven't tried the late one and will do soon in the near future.. I did notice lots of bigger more muscular guys
than previously at WWB and now that they have open a bigger boy bar, it all makes more sense.

As I recall the term "muscle Mary" applies to gay men who live in gyms and overdevelp their bodies but are only masculine in
appearance and quite less butch in bed. Perhaps this is just my impression of the term but the muscle boys in the boy bars are
not Mary's in that sense and the term muscle Mary may be outdated and not make any sense in Thailand boy bars.

What do you pre-Stonewall guys think about using the term Muscle Mary today in Thailand. Is it even P/C ? Does anyone care, may be a
better question.... :cat:

February 13th, 2007, 22:24
Does anyone care


February 14th, 2007, 13:11
[quote="catawampuscat"]IAs I recall the term "muscle Mary" applies to gay men who live in gyms and overdevelop their bodies but are only masculine in appearance and quite less butch in bed. Perhaps this is just my impression of the term but the muscle boys in the boy bars are not Mary's in that sense and the term muscle Mary may be outdated and not make any sense in Thailand boy bars.

My use of the term was on a [gay for pay + muscleman = musclemary]

Agreed my use is probably not accurate, but I think most would accept that as a general description.

I did not mean to suggest musclemary was top or bottom as there are both on offer.

Bit like the part time poofter category at home

February 14th, 2007, 16:20
Big Cage = Small BIRD

February 14th, 2007, 17:23
Big Cage = Small BIRD

hello small bird

does that mean small cock or brain, or both as in your case

February 14th, 2007, 22:36
is this a rent boy who isn't gay?

big cage=small bird? I have seen some anacondonas in big cages and small cages. maybe a cerebral reference?
muscle mary used differently in the USA and more like a sissyboy with big pecs and feminine mannerisms or only passive,
at least that is how I recall the word used, but we used "mary" alot for almost everyone. "Get her" and such expressions
were overused to death and I for one don't miss hearing all the "mary" this and "mary" that for a second. Bitch, cunt,
twat and a couple of others were also everyday words but never heard poofter used in the USA.
can you be a part time faggot or a part time queer?

February 15th, 2007, 11:40
is this a rent boy who isn't gay?
but never heard poofter used in the USA.
can you be a part time faggot or a part time queer?

No it is not used in rent boy situation in OZ, but more in the gay scene

Friday night is a big night in disco and saunas, a boys night out. You will find many str8 boys out in gay venues on friday night who go out with their mates and girlfriends on saturdays The expression BI is not favoured by these guys as it implies
they swing both ways all the time. Part time poofter does not excite them but I think it accurate

When I was in the military there was a standing joke, 'there is no such thing as a gay sailor- except in off pay week"
Cat let me turn your question back to you, would these people rather be called part time queers or Bi sexual

February 15th, 2007, 13:28
Dangerous to ask my opinion as I can go on and on and on.
But since you asked, my hunch would be Bisexual but since I went thru a phase like that, it is often
just some gaymen's way of dealing with his sexuality and since some men can function well with
both sexes, it can all be a bit confusing but eventually the stronger preferences win out and part time
becomes full time.
Difficult for some of the married guys who think they can swing both ways and have it all. Usually just
a receipe for disaster and life behind a closet door is no life at all. Amazing to me how many married or
divorced gay men with children I have met in Pattaya and some only discovered their true nature late in life,
often ex-military or from religious backgrounds but better late than never.. :cat:

February 17th, 2007, 11:01
Several guys that have been to Crystals more than once have commented on the large number of females

in the audience. This continues the trend of large number of str8 men and females watching the shows at WWB.

Twice I have been told that there have been queues to get into Crystal, and it has only been open 3 nights

The instant success of this musclemary venue[ok cat, but I love the expression] will encourage the owners of

New Orleans to convert the shop in between to double Crystals size

I am not certain but it seems that the length of the floorshow at WWB has been reduced since they lost some of their

performers to the new bar. I hope it is only temporary.

February 17th, 2007, 12:08
I was at the opening night and went there the following night. I read someone post that there was a line of 30 to 40 outside at 11 on Thursday but when we arrived about 11.15 there was none and seating was available?

I was happy to see that the chubby musclemen there on the opening night were not permanent. I think they imported a busload from the gyms of Korat to launch the place.

Both Wild West and Crystal belong to a consortium ( maybe escortium ) of several girl go-go bars and New Orleans retsaurant. They are having great success. I only hope that they support the gay community a brilliantly as the bars of Boyztown?

On Thursday the Wild West show was dulled by the omission of the muscleboys - particularly Mr Chang, 'Primia Bodybuilda', who is quite exceptional being of good proportions, extremely handsome, and has a unique elegant but manly way of posing which is almost dance. Apart from all that it seems that he is very polite indeed and quite modest - at present. His English is quite limited.

photo Khun Chang courtesy www.boxertravels.com (http://www.boxertravels.com)

February 17th, 2007, 12:22
I was happy to see that the chubby musclemen there on the opening night were not permanent. I think they imported a busload from the gyms of Korat to launch the place.

pic below from www.boxertravels.net (http://www.boxertravels.net) valentines day crystal

cannot see the bars in Sunee will fear competition from chubs like these

is Mr Chang the boy no 77 lonely and cat are on about

http://upload6.postimage.org/296459/IMG_9587.jpg (http://upload6.postimage.org/296459/photo_hosting.html)

February 17th, 2007, 18:14
#77 is the very hot guy in wowpow's photo and is a star on the stage. His abilities in the bedroom are somewhat more
limited to muscle worshipping (based on one first hand report from a usually reliable source) and don't expect beauty to do anything besides being an idol to be adored by those who don't care about having sex, getting blown or fucking. Do expect to tip very well for
the priviledge and keep on coming back for more...

Muscle worshippers who love bars like Tawan will enjoy Crystal but the vast majority of gay farangs will be bored out of
their gourds by the endless posing into the mirrors and Crystal's best chance is with the ladies and the breeder crowd out to see
a freak show and keep their ladies amused...

February 17th, 2007, 19:24
It appears that on opening night VIP passes were to be given out at midnight, possibly second night too

These passes were to be for a 12 month period and includes free bees

The queueing was not to lustfully gaze on junior sumo[s] but to qualify for future free drinks

February 17th, 2007, 20:19
http://upload6.postimage.org/296459/IMG_9587.jpg (http://upload6.postimage.org/296459/photo_hosting.html)

Over the hill and well on his way to becoming a Sumo wrestler!

February 17th, 2007, 20:22
These passes were to be for a 12 month period and includes free bees

Are you sure this is not some kind of sting operation? :bounce:

February 18th, 2007, 06:17
Certain posters get their knickers in a twist concerning the underage - but what about the OVERAGE???

Although I cant stand muslemary's in go gos, in some go gos, and BBB in particular, and some in Jupiter there is always a couple of over the hill dancers. The last time I visited Tawan, en route to Nature Boy, 2 of the posers had varicose veins in their legs and obvious wrinkles on their faces- at least then thats something which they would have in common with some of the old dears lurking on this board.

I do not mind street trade that are 35 or thereabouts, if they have that certain something (not loving themselves to death being the most obvious) and are good in the sack. But I would always tend to go for younger. However those go go oldies over 30ish at that age need to get off the stage.

For cute musclemen observation for free, who are young and cute, visit Buddha Hill or the gym monkeybars next door where the police station is.

February 25th, 2009, 07:19
I got all excited...Crystal Boys is BACK and with Muscle!!!

Then I realized, this is an old post revived by a SPAM poster.


February 25th, 2009, 09:39
I agree. As one of the apparently few that enjoyed Crystal Bar I was excited for a second. :angryfire:

February 25th, 2009, 13:15
wow do we really have to deal with pussy spam? :pukeright: