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View Full Version : Another German Pedophile Arrested in Udon Thani

February 13th, 2007, 01:15
Thai police arrested a German national over the weekend on charges of raping and abducting a minor, media reports said on Monday.

Police arrested the man, identified as 64-year-old Helmut Nils of Frankfurt, on Saturday shortly after the Udon Thani Court issued an arrest warrant for him on rape charges.

Police Colonel Manit Keowwong of Kudjap district, Udon Thani, 450 kilometres north-east of Bangkok, said Nils was arrested in a rented house with a 12 year-old Thai girl, said Thai Rath newspaper.

Police also found pornographic videos and a digital movie camera containing a clip of the girl doing a strip tease.

If found guilty of raping a minor, Nils faces a minimum jail sentenced of ten years in prison. Nils, a former computer technician, had been visiting Thailand on a regular basis for the past 15 years and was fluent in the language, police said.
Mr Nils is invited to spend at least 10 spendid years in Thailand. He doesn't need any visa run for a while. He will receice regular free meals and doensn't need to hassle for rising costs of accomodation. Enertainment is for free. Nothing to complain regarding traffic jams. He will get so many new friends who will love him dearly. What a lucky man. I do really wish him 5 more years of happyness.

February 13th, 2007, 06:42
... in Udon Thani?

February 13th, 2007, 09:28
Why is it we get these breathless posts of all the latest Pedo arrests?
Is it a warning?
Is it titillation?
Is it smug satisfaction?
Is it satisfying a deep seated need for vengeance?

I could match these posts one for one with similar stories from California alone.

Did you hear about the guy in India that did a "Hannibal Lecter" on 40 kids? There still digging up the bones and trying to get a final count.

Do we all feel more enlightened now?

(sorry, in a cranky mood today)

February 13th, 2007, 11:44
... in Udon Thani?

Yes, Udon Thani.

Someone suggested to me to assist this man. He knew that I am well connected with some influential people and could probably ease his position.

My answer was simple: They should lock him away securely and throw the key into the ocean.

Supervisor was very pleased to hear this.

February 13th, 2007, 12:56
Someone suggested to me to assist this man. He knew that I am well connected with some influential people and could probably ease his position.


February 13th, 2007, 12:57
I agree with ttom. Rape is rape and a 12 yr old girl is just to young . I would like to know the details of his arrest tho and how the authorites learned of his activites. Did the parents know and report him or did the girl turn him in?

February 13th, 2007, 13:02
Why is it we get these breathless posts of all the latest Pedo arrests?
Is it a warning?
Is it titillation?
Is it smug satisfaction?
Is it satisfying a deep seated need for vengeance?

I could match these posts one for one with similar stories from California alone.

Did you hear about the guy in India that did a "Hannibal Lecter" on 40 kids? There still digging up the bones and trying to get a final count.

Do we all feel more enlightened now?

(sorry, in a cranky mood today)

Yes, all that including letting those with similar interests know where to go.

I think it was some Canadian legal journal I once read where the government thought that making a big press events over arrests at certain locations where sex crimes occurred was a deterrent to those thinking about it. The study proved the opposite, it just told those with such inclination where to go.

February 13th, 2007, 15:48
I agree with ttom. Rape is rape and a 12 yr old girl is just to young . I would like to know the details of his arrest tho and how the authorites learned of his activites. Did the parents know and report him or did the girl turn him in?

The good thing about all this is, Mr Helmut Nils from Frankfurt is not a poor man (yet).

While being in prison, they will drain the very last satang out of him. They make him pay for everything. If his pockets are empty they will make him write letters to friends and relatives begging for more cash. They will eat his very resonably pensions while he is enjoying full board and accomodation here in Thailand. That's for sure.

Nobody is interested in a poor man's empty pockets.

The'll teach him a lesson of a lifetime and kick out as an broken man.

February 13th, 2007, 18:07
Lets not get carried away here ttom.

February 13th, 2007, 18:14
The arrest of a pedophile has got nothing to do with this gay Thailand forum. To suggest otherwise is insulting and dangerous.

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 13th, 2007, 18:48

February 13th, 2007, 19:59
The arrest of a pedophile has got nothing to do with this gay Thailand forum. To suggest otherwise is insulting and dangerous.

Thailand and the surrounding countries have a reputation of youngsters for sale. Right or wrong shit sticks to a blanket and is difficult to get of.

I would have thought that news of the arrest of a pedophile is good news for all. It proves that the authorities care and send messages out to the world in newspapers other media and boards like this. Don't come here for that purpose.

There are pedos everywhere they do not go around with a label on their foreheads If they choose to scan this board then they will see how unwelcome they are by the comments of our posters at the latest arrest. Ignoring this kind of news only helps the pedos. Report everything and if any of these sick fuckers open our board they will see how repulsed we are.

I point the finger at nobody but I sure that some of the sickos looking for underage kids in Sunne Plaza have read this board once or twice.

February 13th, 2007, 20:21
While I agree this is not a gaythailand issue as the pedo raped a young girl instead of a boy. However, the pedo scene runs amok in
Pattaya and especially in and around Sunee Plaza. The heart of the scene was finally razed and destroyed but I always felt that farangs
who went to Amigo/Diamond Pub were aiding and abetting the worst scum in town and the hideous mamasans were brutal slavemasters to
the boys who averaged 16 y.o. of age or younger..

On rare occassions, I had a drink with friends who loved the place but always felt dirty after leaving but even worse was the open bar next door
where the youngest boys in town often sat with the most notorious of the pedos. I never had a drink there.

I am not naive and am sure the scene has just moved elsewhere but those who think it is harmless to patronize pedo establishments are
actually aiding and abetting the scum of Sunee and should think twice about whether they should befriend those farangs who are into this kindergarten
scene. Zero tolerance is the way to go ...

February 13th, 2007, 20:47
the open bar next door where the youngest boys in townAnother example of your spectacular facility with hyperbole, Cat. The "youngest boys in town" would be ... well, there's probably one born every hour or so. You may complain about nit-picking but when people talk about "young boys" they usually mean their age in respect to themselves, not in absolute terms. To me a young boy is 5 or 6 years old. A 16yo is not a young boy - he's a teenager. However I equally have no time for those fools who refer to themselves in chat rooms as "boi" when they are 29 or 35 or some such adult age. It merely confirms the Christian Right's view of homosexuals - we are obsessed with boys (ie. homosexual = paedophile)

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 13th, 2007, 21:50
keep up a pretence ????

February 13th, 2007, 22:07
The arrest of a pedophile has got nothing to do with this gay Thailand forum. To suggest otherwise is insulting and dangerous.

I would have thought that news of the arrest of a pedophile is good news for all. It proves that the authorities care and send messages out to the world in newspapers other media and boards like this. Don't come here for that purpose.

Ignoring this kind of news only helps the pedos.
I point the finger at nobody but I sure that some of the sickos looking for underage kids in Sunne Plaza have read this board once or twice.

My point and the point of the study I mentioned from a prior post, is that just the opposite occurs. It tell the pedo's where to go. You also now have billed Sunee plaza as the place to go.

What you say, makes good sense, it logical but sex offenders are not thinking with their heads.

I think the study simply asked a few hundred people who were arrested in bathroom raids where they heard about this place and something like 80% had read newspaper reports of arrests. The education levels were quite high also. People don't associate these reports as a warning.

As for "the authorities care " are you kidding. You can't be that naive.

February 13th, 2007, 22:12
Don't you think every pedo in the world has already heard of Sunee Plaza?

February 13th, 2007, 22:14
While I agree this is not a gaythailand issue as the pedo raped a young girl instead of a boy.

The sex of a child is irrelevant. Sex with a boy child is not a homosexual act. It's a pedo act. Sex with a girl child is not a heterosexual act. It's a pedo act.

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 13th, 2007, 22:41
quite true

February 14th, 2007, 02:26
While I agree this is not a gaythailand issue as the pedo raped a young girl instead of a boy.

The sex of a child is irrelevant. Sex with a boy child is not a homosexual act. It's a pedo act. Sex with a girl child is not a heterosexual act. It's a pedo act.

That's perfectly true.

February 14th, 2007, 06:07
... is on his soapbox again. For every foreign paedophile there are a thousand kids who are abused by family members, usually uncles. To state that a sexual act with a child is not a sexual act is willful ignorance. It's like saying a rape is not a sexual act

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 14th, 2007, 08:03
it's all

February 14th, 2007, 09:17
Sex and power are inextricably mixed - hence the prevalence of homosexual sex in prison where hierarchies of the powerful and powerless are common (or are we now saying that prison sex isn't sex as well?). That's why we have sex, money, power, older guys, younger partners all mixed up and of course why it raises so many irrational responses

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 14th, 2007, 12:27
I'e often wondered

February 14th, 2007, 12:32
While I agree this is not a gaythailand issue as the pedo raped a young girl instead of a boy

Even if he raped a boy it is still not a gay thailand issue. These people do not rape children because they are straight or gay, they do it because they are pedophiles. A suitable post for a pedophile forum, not a gay one.

February 14th, 2007, 13:53
I'e often wondered whether a gay man locked up in a female prison for many years would become "straight" out of convenience ..???

I had a female friend in London many years ago who was in Hollaway for 9 months on remand over a misunderstanding

9 months in Holloway for a missunderstanding. The makes the justice system in Thailand look fair.

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 14th, 2007, 16:49
brought in

February 15th, 2007, 02:01
I agree with ttom. Rape is rape and a 12 yr old girl is just to young . I would like to know the details of his arrest tho and how the authorites learned of his activites. Did the parents know and report him or did the girl turn him in?

Hello LuvThai, maybe this might answer some of your questions:

Helmut Nils has been charged with the rape of a girl under 13 years of age.

Police were alerted by an anonymous tip reporting screams and that Helmut was abusing a young girl in his home.

When police raided the house in Udon Thani, they found that a 12 year old girl in the 5th grade had been living there with the 64 year old Helmut Nils.

A search of the house turned up many pornographic materials, including self-made videos involving the girl and himself.

During the police investigation it was learned that the girl had been entrusted by her mother to a neighbor's care early last year. Initially, the mother was sending monetary support to the woman but that stopped shortly. The woman who was entrusted with the girl's care was approached by Helmut last year and he offered to provide support to the woman in exchange for the girl performing housekeeping chores in his house on the weekends, which then progressed to a live-in status 5 months ago.

When questioned, the girl reported soon after she began staying at Helmut's house, he showed her pornographic videos and then he propositioned her. When she refused, he raped her and gave her 300 baht. Over the course of the last 5 months, he repeatedly raped her countless times. She stayed out of fear and didn't inform anyone because of his threats to her not to do so. She felt she had no one to turn to and no where else to go.

Upon questioning by police, Helmut revealed that he has been coming to Thailand for over 15 years and that he has been married and divorced on 4 different occasions to 15 year old girls. He explained that 15 is the minimum legal age to marry in Thailand, although he actually preferred girls that were between the ages of 11 and 15.

- translated from Thai Rath newspaper -


February 15th, 2007, 10:41
It is so easy to be un- policitically correct these days.
If I were a German, I would not appreciate the tone of the title of this thread which could imply many German pedos
have already been arrested in Udon Thani and yet another one got caught. His nationality is irrelevant and places like
Sunee Plaza are filled with pedos from all over Europe, N. America and Asia.

I do believe that pedos who rape little boys rather than little girls are gay in orientation and those who rape little girls are
heterosexual, granted they are fucked up sociopaths but still they have sexual orientations towards one sex or another unless
they are equal opportunity pedo rapists.

This topic upsets many on this forum but the vast majority JUST shake their heads and tsk tsk it when they can become proactive
and call the tourist police when they see flagrant pedo activities and certainly not condone the pedos bY beING friendly with them and
trying to understand them..
Afterall, he seems like such a nice man but you are fortunate not be a 10 y.o. under his control.
Shun the pedos and report them. Tell them how you feel about their activities and don't be afraid. After all these big men are
just cowards who cannot deal with adult relationships and should be locked away. Wonder if all this is pc or not? I am sure
boygeenyus doesn't care and unfortunately most of the rest of you out there just turn your heads away and do nothing. SHAME

February 15th, 2007, 12:28
Sadly, reported by a local newspaper the arrested German committed suicide in the prison yesterday...

http://www.thairath.co.th/offline.php?s ... tent=37009 (http://www.thairath.co.th/offline.php?section=hotnews&content=37009)

February 15th, 2007, 13:56
Sadly, reported by a local newspaper the arrested German committed suicide in the prison yesterday...

http://www.thairath.co.th/offline.php?s ... tent=37009 (http://www.thairath.co.th/offline.php?section=hotnews&content=37009)

Rough translation:

Helmut Nehls, 64. who is from Zeppernick in the eastern German state of Sachsen-Anhalt, was arrested on Feby 10 on charges of raping and abducting a minor.

His body was found Wednesday at a prison in the northeastern city of Udon Thani with his wrists slashed and a sock stuffed down his throat. He was believed to have died from suffocation, rather than loss of blood because the slashes to his wrists, inflicted with the jagged edge of a toilet bowl, were not deep, police said.

It was sure this was a suicide because no one could get in to his cell, and the key to his cell was with the supervisor, not the lower officers. Nehls had requested a solitary cell because he was suffering stress and was being bothered by the other prisoners.

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 15th, 2007, 15:59
:geek: :geek:

February 15th, 2007, 17:06
[It was sure this was a suicide because no one could get in to his cell, and the key to his cell was with the supervisor,]

Nothing is sure in life or death. No fingers pointed and nothing assumed but we all know the the higher up the ladder you go with officials the more corrupt it gets. Just because a supervisor holds the key that the end of it. give me a break.

If he was a pedo then good riddance. If he was innocent, well we will never know now.

February 15th, 2007, 18:16
[It was sure this was a suicide because no one could get in to his cell, and the key to his cell was with the supervisor,]

Nothing is sure in life or death. No fingers pointed and nothing assumed but we all know the the higher up the ladder you go with officials the more corrupt it gets. Just because a supervisor holds the key that the end of it. give me a break.

If he was a pedo then good riddance. If he was innocent, well we will never know now.

He was a pedo and knew what he might expect. The victim he had been cachted with in the act (including proof on his own digital camcorder) wasn't the first I've learned. The officers involved are reputable and knew exactly how to follow the rules.

The consequent court's verdict was just a formality.

February 15th, 2007, 19:10
Sad. Everyone deserves their day in court and I don't like to play judge and jury. I guess he chose this way instead of paying high attorney fees and maybe the families involved which may have wiped him out.

February 15th, 2007, 19:53
how come its alright for a moslem to get maried in indea /afganistan / and any other moslem country to a child 8/9/10 years of age and have full sex nothing is said we never hear g w bush shouting about this under age sex it seems to me its ok to fuck under age girls as long as you are a moslem if you are white and from the west you are a ped

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 15th, 2007, 20:12
:geek: )

February 16th, 2007, 03:18
"The consequent court's verdict was just a formality."

like I said...let's just by-pass the court process and go straight to punishment..and in this case it looks like we have. What a croc of shit.

There is no such thing as "just a formality"..never never ever !!!..except in corruption ridden dictatorships.

Remind me never to run into you in a dark alley !! :cyclopsani: :cyclopsani:

(if you are white and from the west you are a ped..not quite..if you are in Spain and have it off with a 13 year old you will still be legal but I guess your an evil pedo..It's all amystery to me as well !! :geek: )

1. Proof of the case was clear. No doubt about that. The minimum punishment was 10 year of accommodations at Thai taxpayer’s expenses.

2. If someone from a European country is getting catches with having sex with a minor, the person will be prosecuted at its home country, and regardless of legal rules at the particular country the indecent took place.

Kids are no toys. If they like to discover sex, they should experiment within there own age group.

February 16th, 2007, 12:15
how come its alright for a moslem to get maried in indea /afganistan / and any other moslem country to a child 8/9/10 years of age and have full sex nothing is said we never hear g w bush shouting about this under age sex it seems to me its ok to fuck under age girls as long as you are a moslem if you are white and from the west you are a pedYou didn't know the Prophet Mohammed was a paedophile?

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 16th, 2007, 17:31
that is why we have courts.

February 16th, 2007, 17:49
So nice that O'bama O'booze defends the downtrodden and even finds redeeming value in some of this forum's
most beleaguered denizens from the sewers of Sunee Plaza. I suppose even Idi Amin probably had a loyal friend as well...

February 16th, 2007, 21:14
His body was found Wednesday at a prison in the northeastern city of Udon Thani with his wrists slashed and a sock stuffed down his throat. He was believed to have died from suffocation,
It was sure this was a suicide.


Lunchtime O'Booze
February 16th, 2007, 21:55
not really

February 16th, 2007, 22:26
Homointern seem to know a lot about who's a pedo and who isn't and nothing about religion.

February 16th, 2007, 23:41
Sadly, reported by a local newspaper the arrested German committed suicide in the prison yesterday...

Sad, I agree...that he got off easy. He should have been made to endure a life sentence in the squalor of a Thai prison.

February 17th, 2007, 01:56
The following is from pp. 68-69 of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)" by Robert Spencer - featured in the New York Times bestseller lists. I bought my copy at the bookshop on the way to Dongtan beach and got through it there over a couple of days - it was so engrossing that I didn't even look at the beachboys!

"The Koran takes child marriage for granted in its directives about divorce. Discussing the waiting period required in order to determine if a woman is pregnant, it says: "If you are in doubt concerning those of your wives who have ceased menstruating, know that their waiting period shall be three months. The same shall apply to THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET MENSTRUATED" (Koran 65:4, emphasis added). In other words, Allah is here envisioning a scenario in which a pre-pubescent woman is not only married, but is being divorced by her husband.

"One reason why such a verse might have been "revealed" to Muhammad is that he himself had a child bride: The Prophet married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old. Child marriages were common in seventh century Arabia - and here again the Koran has taken a practice that should have been abandoned long ago and given it the sanction of divine revelation."

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 17th, 2007, 05:23
what do we do

February 17th, 2007, 05:41
what does old Mohammed really have to do with a German topping himself ?bedbugy1 asked the question - refer to his comment

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 17th, 2007, 05:45
no slur against Muslims please

February 17th, 2007, 06:13

February 17th, 2007, 06:30
yet another slur against Muslims. go and try it in Indonesia and see how far you get.How can the truth be a "slur", except in the minds of the Islamofascists and other believers in totalitarianism?

well at least what show you are living in a socially country, it that you have a court- and not what the stereotypical stink and there feelings like "i will hang him tomorrow.Except of course if you are boygeenyus

February 17th, 2007, 06:37
It is probably anachronistic to class Mohammed as a pedophile because he married a 6 year old girl and consummated that marriage when she was 9 years old. Child marriage has been practiced in many cultures for centuries and is still practiced in places like India where the majority of people are Hindu, sub-Saharan Africa, etc. Such practices were common when life expectancies were much less. Under traditional Jewish law, in ancient (and not so ancient) times, marriage was often celebrated at a rather young age. Technically speaking, a girl may be betrothed the moment she is born, and married at the age of three, although a boy may have to wait till the age of 13
It is possible, after completing the appropriate legal formalities, in several US States for people under the age of 16 to marry and is even possible under 14 in New Hampshire and New York, but somehow one doesn't hear about legal marriages also being pedophile marriages. Edgar Allan Poe married Virginia, his cousin, on September 22, 1835 when she was only 13 years old but no-one seems to regard him as a pedophile and his writings are not banned from libraries.
It is widely believed that the Virgin Mary was only 13 years old (12-15 in the Catholic Encyclopedia) at the time of her arranged marriage.

February 17th, 2007, 07:05
... is that people confuse the age of consent with paedophilia, so that one could be a paedophile in one country but not another merely because of the differences in the age of consent between the two. A less emotive definition would be pre-pubertal sex, but I'm afraid that still doesn't cover sex with a 9yo as being anything other than paedophilia, in the modern view of sexual relations. That requires a somewhat more relativistic view of morals than most people can tolerate (that's not to say it's wrong, merely threatening - uncertainty is something the masses cannot tolerate)

However the Lesbian Thought Police and their vigilante chums are everywhere (even on this Board - or perhaps especially on this Board) so don't expect rational discussion

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 17th, 2007, 10:44

February 17th, 2007, 10:58
Is there any proof this Mohammed chappie wed a wee gel ?In your spare time may I direct you to try out a great invention - it's called a Search engine. One of the most popular is Google and it has even begot its own verb - "to google". Give it a whirl - http://www.google.com

Unfortunately for the religions of the world and politicians who prefer to keep secrets, quite a lot of information is coming to light that suggests that the open society and its friends is a more likely outcome than the enemies of the open society holding sway. Information is power

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 17th, 2007, 11:29
doesn't mean it's true !!!! :geek: :geek: :geek: :geek:

February 17th, 2007, 11:40
doesn't mean it's trueSeriously? I never would have known that had you not told me. You mean I have to exercise the same scepticism as I would in dealing with any other medium?

February 17th, 2007, 13:17
how come its alright for a moslem to get maried in indea /afganistan / and any other moslem country to a child 8/9/10 years of age and have full sex nothing is said we never hear g w bush shouting about this under age sex it seems to me its ok to fuck under age girls as long as you are a moslem if you are white and from the west you are a pedYou didn't know the Prophet Mohammed was a paedophile?

The age of consent for heterosexual acts was set at 12 in 1275 and remained so for six centuries. A concern that young girls were being sold into brothels led Parliament to raise the age of consent to 13 in 1875 under the Offences Against the Person Act 1875. 10 years later, the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 further raised the age of consent to 16; and also criminalized male homosexual acts. It is common folklore that an amendment which would have criminalised lesbian acts was rejected by Queen Victoria who refused to believe that some women did such things. However, it is more likely that those presenting the amendment excluded it (as did the House of Lords 40 years later) on the assumption that it would "give women ideas".

During this time, England governed more than half of the wold.

Before 1275 there where no rules and prostitution of eight years old childs where not uncommon. You can take more details from old church chronicals if you like.

February 17th, 2007, 19:34
When the age of consent subject is raised I always think back to when homosexuality was against the law in England for all ages, then legalised for 21 year olds taking another 20 odd years to drop to 18 year olds and a few more years to equal the heterosexual age of consent of 16 years old. It's also worth remembering that a gay man could have been refered to as a pedo, or a pervert if he had been 21 and having sex with a 'minor' of let's say 19 or 20!
I also agree with (especially in Thailand) the comments that allegations by the Thai police, media or in fact the foreign media do not always ring true..............You only have to read what some of the British press have written previously about 'Boyz Town' in Pattaya and the availability of 'BOYS' for 'Men' without mentioning that most boys are well over the age of consent. One of the U.K. tabloid Sunday papers even wrongly accused the late good Father of the Pattaya Boy's home, who did so much for orphaned kids, of supplying underage boys to men!
I by no means condone what the German guy was alleged to have been up to, but whatever, he was still entitled to his day in court.

February 17th, 2007, 19:48
The age of consent for heterosexual acts was set at 12 in 1275 and remained so for six centuries. A concern that young girls were being sold into brothels led Parliament to raise the age of consent to 13 in 1875 under the Offences Against the Person Act 1875. 10 years later, the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885

Ttom, Seems you forgot a citation, don't tell me all that's in your head? What's the source? I could ask what's the point too, but I will be nice and not ask.

February 18th, 2007, 02:37
The age of consent for heterosexual acts was set at 12 in 1275 and remained so for six centuries. A concern that young girls were being sold into brothels led Parliament to raise the age of consent to 13 in 1875 under the Offences Against the Person Act 1875. 10 years later, the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885

Ttom, Seems you forgot a citation, don't tell me all that's in your head? What's the source? I could ask what's the point too, but I will be nice and not ask.

TrongpaiExpat, that's an easy one,: have a look at Wikipedia please. I am lucky to be able to access some very reliable prime sources, i.e. leading newspapers or magazines archives.

But there is nothing wrong if you’re using to a very good public library and search by yourself. It’s not that difficult if you are able to work scientifically or as journalist.