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February 12th, 2007, 14:09
Tj, you are breaking my heart. I already feel like a lowlife (and some here might even agree with that) and sincerely
hope you reconsider your taking a break and continue posting away. My suggestion was meant to urge you to post
more personal topics or observations rather than intertwine the various forums.

You vantage point in Jomtien at the View Talay, your knowledge of anything to do with airlines, your compassion
and genuineness would be sorely missed, and I couldn't sleep at nite, if I was the cause..
Now, there are some other posters whose time outs are much appreciated and I don't want to wake any sleeping dogs, so
time to end this..

February 12th, 2007, 15:54
on my forum everyone is welcome to link to other forums....Cat you might be surprised how much cross board liason there is between owners.

I love the different forum styles and post on almost all of them - as do many on mine. I think its healthy enough. Some boards cannot post pics/links/certain things because they are thai based & might get trouble with authorities, so other boards have no such fears.

TJ - its people like you and gaypattayan who led me to many places in thailand from your informative posts well before i even thought of having a forum & wowpows lovely pics are a delight. Keep posting away!

February 12th, 2007, 16:20
I don't think Traveler Jim has crossed any lines and think anyone should post anything they feel is interesting. If Cat or anyone doesn't care to read the postings the ignore button is there. To continuely attack each other we weaken our community and more importantly the information lines that keep us up on what is going on in thailand and other places. Can't we all just get along? I would like to thank TJ for all his efforts and hopes he keeps up what he is doing.

February 12th, 2007, 16:47
Stick around Jim, don't let yourself get bullied by the board's minor lowbrows. Sometimes your cut&pastes can be a little ~ how to say this ~ 'exuberant', but post what you want anyway and ignore the dull claws of board felines playing Posting Police.

Cheers ...

February 12th, 2007, 19:56
Traveler Jim, please do consider your cross postings as a service to info hungry guys like myself. Cat may not like it and he certainly has the freedom to gloss over them, but I am sure most do sincerely appreciate the time and effort that go into your postings. Good on you for the updates on GP.

February 12th, 2007, 20:02
Ditto. I enjoy TJ's posts and like the cross posting too. If someone doesn't like TJ's post just don't view that thread. Easy.

February 12th, 2007, 20:38
Listening to the Cat is much the same as taking stock tips from Billy and selling all your blue chips and put it all in Amalgamated Trolls, International, Inc. The stock code is BBBAT.

February 12th, 2007, 21:04
If hyperactive cut-and-pasters like TJ and wowpow make sure that all the boards are cross-pollinated with each others' messages, what's the point of having more than one board? I choose to belong to THIS community (you can thank me later)...if I wanted to read posts from the other boards I would go to those boards directly.

February 12th, 2007, 21:09
Don't let yourself get bullied by the board's minor lowbrowsWell said, Smiles

February 12th, 2007, 21:20
and like the cross posting too.

From reading some of the handles used and bitchy comments posted here it seems to me that cross dressing is very popular as well !!

G'Day Ladies ! :geek:

February 12th, 2007, 22:29
...but post what you want anyway and ignore the dull claws of board felines playing Posting Police.

Cheers ...

Don't be deceived, Smiles m'dear. Catty may be dressed as a feline but she's truly a bitch at heart.

February 13th, 2007, 06:04
Don't worry, TJ, you know you don't get hassled by the normal human beings. Post away to your heart's content. It might be useful at times to just post a brief narrative with a link for a cut-and-paste job but, other than that, I trust you know you're amongst friends (except, of course, for the 3-4 wackos).

February 13th, 2007, 06:56
I don't go to some of those other boards and if I do I don't wade through all their posts so for the most part.... Thanks for sifting through the trash and showing us the gems :)

February 13th, 2007, 10:10
I think TravelerJim may be starting to feel like Sally Field at Oscar Night. :wav:

Cheers ...

February 13th, 2007, 11:33
Why not a compromise

Post your topic to say this forum. If you want the members of the other 2 forums who are not members of SF
to also read, then in your post there under the same subject heading give a link to your original post.

February 14th, 2007, 01:00
Post your topic to say this forum. If you want the members of the other 2 forums who are not members of SF to also read, then in your post there under the same subject heading give a link to your original post.

I'd go that one further, for what it's worth:

If someone wants to see a topic here that they read on another board, just start a thread here. No need to copy and paste from another site.

I agree there's something odd about having posts copied and put places they weren't intended to be posted. Just start the topic directly on the board you want to see it on.