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View Full Version : Thanks Anna's...

February 8th, 2007, 15:16
Just heard that Anna's Cafe on Soi Saladaeng, just off Silom closed. It was a big beautiful Thai restaurant
with the hottest waiters in tight black shirts and great food. It was a perfect place to stop for a great
dinner on ones way to the Silom area and the boybars.

I believe there are other Anna's Cafes in BKK but this one will be missed...

February 8th, 2007, 17:17
This is sad news.
The waiters there really were cute in their black outfits and gold chains.
I remember taking mother there about 3 years ago and her flirting quite shamelessly with the owner/manager and the boys.
Several visits alone also resulted in lots of fun :drunken:

February 8th, 2007, 17:28
A prime location and a big beautiful restaurant. No doubt that the waiters were good looking.

The food in this place was SHIT. The service was also SHIT and that's why its closed. I hope if it stays a restaurant someone with a better business mind will make a go out of it. and learn that its not just looks that makes money. I glad its closed and hope it reopens a better place under better management as its very near to The Chin House where I always stay

February 8th, 2007, 17:41
I would not go as far as Allieb but IMHO I found the food fair to poor and over priced. It did seem to do good business on the weekends so someone liked the food. I also did not like the hard seats.

February 8th, 2007, 17:44
It was packed with THAI people every day of the week. Perhaps you didn't like the food because it was not dumbed down for foreigners. Thai's LOVED the food there.

And, if you want to know, allieb-know-it-all, it has closed down because they lost their lease, NOT because of the food or the service. They did a terrific business at that location.

February 8th, 2007, 20:26
I thought the food was crap and overpriced as well. Also snooty service. Good riddance.

The hiso Thais who went there weren't there for the food. They were there because it was a hiso hangout.

February 8th, 2007, 20:49
There have been rumours of a Condo development there. Hope some of those wonderful trees at the front remain

February 8th, 2007, 21:32
They were there because it was a hiso hangout.

Hiso? Anna's? My dear, you wouldn't know hiso if you tripped over it. There was nothing hiso or pretentious about the place. And I don't know how those Isan waiters could possibly have managed "snooty"...several of them were straight out of the bar.

February 8th, 2007, 21:42
I had my 60th birthday there last February with about 10 of use having dinner. The service was certainly better than average in Thailand, the food was nicely prepared and certainly okay IMHO (I am not a gourmet by any means). Everyone enjoyed themselves with drinks, etc. The Thais with us seems to enjoy the food. I was shocked when I got the bill and it was so little for the 10 of us. Sorry to see it go. The problem with growth is that the nice things with space, trees and ambience are replaced by large cold developments. That's progress I guess.

February 8th, 2007, 22:46
" ... Sorry to see it go. The problem with growth is that the nice things with space, trees and ambience are replaced by large cold developments. That's progress I guess ... "
Well there are 4 other locations if the one in Silom closes down (list with maps here): http://www.annascafes.com/

Cheers ...

February 8th, 2007, 23:30
I agree with BG, This branch of Anna's was very popular with office workers from Silom and Satthorn, it was the number one place for office parties more a place for fun and atmosphere than haute cuisine, I always found it too noisy.

February 8th, 2007, 23:53
A prime location and a big beautiful restaurant. No doubt that the waiters were good looking.

The food in this place was SHIT. The service was also SHIT and that's why its closed.

Anna's was never set up to attract farangs, it was a very popular restaurant which set out to cater for Thais and was packed out everyday with people that enjoyed real Thai dishes in a fun atmosphere and not the watered down variety that most farangs think is authentic Thai.

The owners of the property are looking to sell it for redevelopment which is why Anna's had to close, nothing to do with the food or quality of service as the numbers of customers were testament to.

February 9th, 2007, 03:49
... will have to find another canteen

February 9th, 2007, 04:22
To me, Anna's was always a fun place to visit.

Relaxed atmosphere, midmarket level and prices, attentive service from cute waiters without attitude, lots of smiles and laughter within the restaurant (and lots of birthdays too!), and a menu that always lead to my eating Thai food that I really enjoyed.

It was always busy (and too noisy), with a large base of Thai customers, which indicated that the food was decent.

The location made it a great place for a meal before a night out in the nearby bars.

I, for one, will miss it for sure.
Don't understand the strongly critical comments here. What do these posters want in a place?

February 9th, 2007, 07:15
I never went there but thought the food was ok and the waiters were quite special.

February 9th, 2007, 09:09
The blackshirted boys were the cutest, and Anna's was the first choice for a birthday party due to the picture one could get surrounded by them. But the fast service was a clue to the institutionalized (pre-cooked) nature of the very bland food. Hopefully the other locations are still as vibrant atmospheres to safely take the unitiated, that is those who might not react very well to strongly spiced food.

More is falling to condo development in that area? That's disappointing. Can't they find other neighborhoods to build in?

February 9th, 2007, 12:47
Don't understand the strongly critical comments here. What do these posters want in a place?

Everyone has different tastes and some posters just like to argue. Some found it too Thai others not Thai enough, what ever "Thai" means. Everyone though seems to agree the waiter are good looking, that's a surprise.

That's why it's "Have it Your Way" and not "Have it MY Way"

I am sure everyone has had some form of this conversation:

--here try this?
--I don like that
--have you ever tried it?
--then how do you know you don't like it?
--I just know
--just try it and you will like it, it's delicious
--just a bite?
--OK, OK, if that will shut you up, I will try it.

You then put a bite in your mouth and every taste bud in your mouth sends a message to your brain that you must be nuts, you gag and weigh the options of a spit out or a quick swallow. You opt for a quick swallow and send the vial stuff to your stomach and reach for anything to get the taste out of your mouth.

--now are you satisfied, I don't like it, see I told you!
--try another bite?