View Full Version : Learning Chinese in 5 minutes...

February 8th, 2007, 10:05
I am so excited...
My Thai bf is studying at the university...his third year,
and his best subject is Mandarin Chinese...
He is getting "A's" in Chinese.

A friend of mine just e-mailed me "Learning Chinese in 5 minutes"
I am studying the lesson and...
I look forward to practicing my newly learned Chinese words
with my bf this weekend :-)

To my friend - who sent me the Chinese Lessons ..
Thanks! That's what friends are for!


Learn Chinese in 5 minutes

(You MUST read them aloud)

English - Chinese

That's not right - Sum Ting Wong

Are you harboring a fugitive? - Hu Yu Hai Ding

See me ASAP - Kum Hia Nao

Stupid Man - Dum Fuk

Small Horse - Tai Ni Po Ni

Did you go to the beach? - Wai Yu So Tan

I bumped into a coffee table - Ai Bang Mai Fu Kin Ni

I think you need a face lift - Chin Tu Fat

It's very dark in here - Wai So Dim

I thought you were on a diet - Wai Yu Mun Ching

This is a tow away zone - No Pah King

Our meeting is scheduled for next week - Wai Yu Kum Nao

Staying out of sight - Lei Ying Lo

He's cleaning his automobile - Wa Shing Ka

Your body odor is offensive - Yu Stin Ki Pu

Great - Fa Kin Su Pa

Education is GREAT!
Thanks again Buddy