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View Full Version : Message Board movements: Gay Thailand flushes GayThailand

February 6th, 2007, 23:28
http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/index ... topic=1403 (http://www.gaythailand.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1403)

The owner (Khun GayThailand) has developed new interests and has quit his baby. Good luck to him . . . and welcome to Khun GayButton's new Board :bounce: :bounce:

Cheers ...

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 7th, 2007, 04:03
I see.

In emails to members he's been denying that it's his board, just saying he's an "investor". This of course has absolutely nothing to do with the flood of complaints he's had about GB's dictatorial methods and perceived favoritism to certain members and to suggest otherwise would be churlish. :idea:

It may well end up like the Hopper-largely unread.

Brad the Impala
February 7th, 2007, 05:21
It may well end up like the Hopper-largely unread.

No, it will end up like the previous Gaybutton forum-largely unread.

Seriously though, I do hope that Gaythailand(no lack of modesty in his self titling) continues to post those gems about his social life. I think my favourite was "Last week I hosted an intimate dinner party for two hundred"!

February 7th, 2007, 11:21
smiles has a way with words and who gives a shit about the self aggrandinizing management message on his own forum to his own members. using the word "flushes" is just tacky. you really need to get laid quick!

Why bring it over here, unless you just couldn't resist any gaybutton bashing opportunity.. really smiles, you have to get over
your obsession with hedda, gaybutton etal. and move on. Jumping from forum to forum, to go after your obsessions is really
not classy and is beneath you... Time to flush it all away and get a life..

February 7th, 2007, 12:30
smiles has a way with words and who gives a shit about the self aggrandinizing management message on his own forum to his own members. using the word "flushes" is just tacky. you really need to get laid quick!

Why bring it over here, unless you just couldn't resist any gaybutton bashing opportunity.. really smiles, you have to get over
your obsession with hedda, gaybutton etal. and move on.

Jumping from forum to forum, to go after your obsessions is really not classy and is beneath you...
Time to flush it all away and get a life..

Yes smiles be warned you are starting to act like a villageidiot in pursuit of an earwig

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 7th, 2007, 13:34
Gay Thailand is an extremely charming gent and I could well imagine him hosting an intimate dinner for hundreds although any other member would receive a severe warning from GB for having the temerity to start a thread about their personal affairs..(make that some members). One email from the moderator from hell, forwarded to me from a shocked ( former) member says.."who the hell wants to hear about your private life ?..I for one am sick to death of it and this board is for information only and not to be used by members posting stories about their private life in Pattaya !!"

February 7th, 2007, 17:01
One email from the moderator from hell, forwarded to me from a shocked ( former) member says.."who the hell wants to hear about your private life ?..I for one am sick to death of it and this board is for information only and not to be used by members posting stories about their private life in Pattaya!!"

Jeez Lou-ise!
Might as well get a nice travel book: Fodor's Thailand on 3,000 Baht-a-day (Or 1,000 without boys.).
As we all have access to the same search engines, on-line news\news papers (Delete button & 'Ignore'.) WTH is left if members don't post personal experiences in Pattaya\Thailand? That would seem the main focus (He wants to focus? Both of us!) and point of interest of a message board about Thailand outside a few laughs.

(Like the following :wave: )

February 7th, 2007, 17:13
Until you learn (how many times have we told you???) that "you + are = you're" (not "your"), YOU will remain the village idiot. My God, how dumb are you?

February 7th, 2007, 18:08
then you would not leave the poor guy alone so much so you was the instigator of the gang of 5 on fart-stop he had to leave, becuase having to constantly defend himself.

The only reason you (Oh, sorry, I mean Earwig !!) had to leave Bahtstop was because you were (sorry again, he was) thrown off the board (the second and subsequent times for rejoining using different handles when already barred). You (He) didn't leave of your (his) own free will !

February 7th, 2007, 18:36
How about: Their, there and they're.

take this quiz (http://a4esl.org/q/h/mc-ttt.html)

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 7th, 2007, 18:36
I think we've all mopped floors in better clubs than that one :cheers:

February 7th, 2007, 19:07
I think we've all mopped floors in better clubs than that one

Grapes taste a bit sour? Didn't you join Earwig/LMTU when the axe fell and you were both banished :la:

February 7th, 2007, 21:31
Catawampustcat Your the "village idiot" not us, you were bodily thrown from Gaythailand for your constant obsession with "ear wig" and your insults, then you would not leave the poor guy alone so much so you was the instigator of the gang of 5 on fart-stop he had to leave, becuase having to constantly defend himself.

Now your pretending your so good your always now licking gaybuttons ass to try to get back in his good books, dont worry elephants have very long memories and you can be found there many nights, don't ever under estimate people its all been done for a reason and now we know all the answers of the jigsaw it is now complete.

Not very impressive!

February 7th, 2007, 23:35
If you've seen gaybutton's ass, I don't think you would really have made that accusation. Why on earth would I want endear myself to gaybutton. So glad the jigsaw puzzle is complete but now,what will you do for the rest of the winter besides freezing your nuts off.

I don't recall the exact details of the drama you caused at Baht-stop but to blame someone else really makes you look like a joke and I doubt anyone takes a word you write seriously. It is time to take responsibility for your own behavior and not blame others.

I think the gang of 5 had something to do with Mao's widow in China but it is nice to know I have a gang and hope the
other 4 guys are getting laid every day too.

To say I was bodily thrown from gaythailand.com forum is just more proof that you continue to live a deluded existence. I
disagreed with the management policies and stopped posting, in protest, to what I thought was bad management and playing
favorites. Too bad your protector has left the building and gaybutton knows how to be a moderator..

In order not to start up this silly feud, this is the last time I will respond to personal attacks from iceballs. there is justice in
the world and it has never been more fun in Pattaya/Jomtien than now... :cat:

February 8th, 2007, 00:21
If you've seen gaybutton's ass,

Do you mean RichLB? He's Gaybutton's ass alright and they're always together at the beach, taking up all the space.

February 8th, 2007, 00:24
I think the gang of 5 had something to do with Mao's widow in China...

Surely you mean the Gang of Four. It's about time you get your head out of your pussy, Pussy.


February 8th, 2007, 02:03
Why bring it over here, unless you just couldn't resist any gaybutton bashing opportunity.. really smiles, you have to get over
your obsession with hedda, gaybutton etal. and move on. Jumping from forum to forum, to go after your obsessions is really
not classy and is beneath you... Time to flush it all away and get a life..

Speaking of Gaybutton bashing and obsession with the lard arse redhead, let me remind you of this little post you made in the recent Food Recommendations in Pattaya thread condemning Gaybutton's less than honest review of the now defunct but long dead Niddy's Nook:

http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 10560.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/about10560.html)

too bad you missed the dining experience of Pattaya..
Too bad you missed the dining experience of Pattaya at Niddys Nook. No other restaurant/eatery in this
town evoked so much press and publicity on the gaythailand web forums. You missed an opportunity to
enjoy the best hamburger this side of the Pacific, it was thick and juicy , no wait, I am plagiarizing another
poster who really hated the food but felt the need to accentuate the positive and then have short term memory
loss about the negative.
Why oh why do people keep bringing up this same old tired topic, the place is closed, let in rest in peace..
Hypocrisy is in the mind of the beholder..
PS. you really didn't miss a thing but do we really need more farangs at Or-Ah-Han Thai restaurant (best in town for Thai food
at low prices with excellent quality)

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 8th, 2007, 07:43
" Didn't you join Earwig/LMTU when the axe fell and you were both banished"..I've never joined ( apart form Sawatdee) or been banished from any of these boards but to actually think if one had that it would matter in the scheme of things is ludicrous..talk about having tickets on themselves !! :idea:

The most amusing thing is to watch a bunch of silly queens attacking each other about names--as if they are all using the real ones !!.

I have been a long time reader of many boards, gay and straight , and to watch the bitchiness is most illuminating. The 2 mentioned though have excelled themselves in the comments posted by a handful of members and the administration which has been extremely one-sided and I would think is still there for anyone to read.

It's pretty clear to me why GT is putting on his "leaving" act--the heat has got too much and he is trying to distance himself.

( there are still plenty of farangs around who paid their $US300 "joining" fee to participate in a scheme which failed to materialize, run by one board administrator --what goes around comes around)

February 8th, 2007, 07:59
You mean I'm missing out on a bunch of people making complete fools of themselves? Unfortunately I'm having schadenfreude overload about the airports saga, and I don't think my pacemaker could stand the additional excitement without a re-bore

February 8th, 2007, 13:34
Looks like the self destruction of earwig/lmtu is in high gear. Threatening to have explosives go off in
Memories Beer Bar in Sunee should violate every rule of decency and the ice must have frozen whats
left in his brain because he is begging to be banned yet again.

I am sure this nut will edit his last posting when his meds kick in but I ask the moderators if threatening
and mentioning a specific farang run bar violates the rules of this forum.

I am sure Jack and Ralph and Oud will not find this funnywhen their customers drink elsewhere in fear of being
attacked or hurt. While we all feel sorry for this frozen deluded sadsack, it is time to put him out of his misery
and see if he can get away with this type of behavior over at GT or Baht-stop (oh wait, banned there too) or maybe
over at TingTong.

February 8th, 2007, 13:45
Well I hate to tell you your fun is about to end, with a big Bang very soon, with the Memories gang of two and your (__0__) Buddy..Fireworks work wonders.[/quote]

Brad the Impala
February 8th, 2007, 14:19
Pussy, I don't think that anyone would take seriously a threat from a dyslexic delusional gang of one. And Pussy, your "last posts" on subjects come to resemble Frank Sinatra farewell tours in a parallel universe.

February 8th, 2007, 14:25
... it was The Cat who was complaining about Smiles bringing his obsessions about Another Place into this Forum. Pot? Kettle? Black?

Lunchtime O'Booze
February 8th, 2007, 16:15
... run bar violates the rules "..I think Niddy's Nook will agree...but I doubt Monty at Enchanted Slut will ! :bounce:

February 8th, 2007, 18:10
Well I hate to tell you your fun is about to end, with a big Bang very soon, with the Memories gang of two and your (__0__) Buddy..Fireworks work wonders.

Is this a specific threat? Or knowledge that someone else intends to commit a crime?

February 8th, 2007, 18:12
Well I hate to tell you your fun is about to end, with a big Bang very soon, with the Memories gang of two and your (__0__) Buddy..Fireworks work wonders.
Is this a specific threat? Or knowledge that someone else intends to commit a crime?It sounds like buggery to me. That was the symbol for Edith bending over, wasn't it? (__0__)

February 9th, 2007, 10:22
someone is surely obsessed. maybe iceballs and his alter ego should give it a rest... :drunken: