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January 27th, 2007, 13:14

January 27th, 2007, 16:44
Wow, almost expected my puter to self destruct when I clicked on that site.

January 27th, 2007, 18:37
Sorry, traveljim, but not funny.
We really don't need Arab bashing and while I am no apologist for the Arab/Moslem world,
I find nothing funny with your thread and would like to see it deleted.

It is fashionable these days to hate the Arabs and wish them ill, but I remember when such
attempts at humour were directed towards Jews, Blacks ,women etc. and they were all just
ugly prejudices and biases and never ever funny or appropriate.

However, if you want to direct your humour towards the US Republican Party and the Bush foreign policy,
I won't complain. I do have a sense of humour but hate racist/nationalistic/religious/sexual preference or gender based
humour .

January 27th, 2007, 18:38
That is absolutely brilliant. I can just picture some immigration agent staring at that with his jaw dropped and with absolutely not a clue what to do. Just hope they have a sense of humor!

January 27th, 2007, 18:54

My apology if I have offended you or anyone in any way for posting the "countdown".

The link for the "countdown" appeared on an internationally distributed Travel Insider Newsletter I receive each week.

http://www.thetravelinsider.info/2007/email0126.htm .

.....scroll down the Newsletter page for the comment and link to the "countdown"

"Thanks to Paul for suggesting what not to have displaying on your laptop if security asks you to turn it on to prove it works".

http://www.thecleverest.com/countdown.swf .

Quite frankly, I found the "countdown" amusing ...nothing more and nothing less ...and not racist.

I often see the actions of the security personnel as they go over me with their wands...(since I have an artificial hip and the buzzers and bells go off all the time as I process through security) and how security treats the little old ladies and old grandpa type gents in their wheelchairs who are made by security to be humiliated each and every time because somehow - someway - they are considered a risk to their fellow travelers whenever they try to pass security.

As for your Republican friends...well that is your right to think as you do ....and it appears they are already are being seen in a "countdown" - they are in a continuing "self destruct mode" right now as the 2008 elections come closer by the day.

Again, if anyone is offended...my apology. As for deleting it ...for now ...I feel not.


January 27th, 2007, 19:02
" ... Again, if anyone is offended...my apology. As for deleting it ...for now ...I feel not.
TravelerJim ... "
And please don't. Offending Catswampus is an accepted Board sport when days are slow.
Besides that, "Offering Offense" has yet to be declared a crime against humanity by the UN (or whomever). It will be sooner or later I imagine, so I'd like to get my laughs in before it does.

Rating: Black-to-grey humour / mildly funny / low shelf life / too subtle for airport security guards

PS ... ( For a good look at what happens when 'Offending Words" are used ~ no matter the context ~ please take a boo at: http://p092.ezboard.com/Acceptable-Raci ... D=60.topic (http://p092.ezboard.com/Acceptable-Racial-Slurs/fsawatdeeforumfrm61.showMessage?topicID=60.topic) ).

Cheers ...

PPS ... now, as for double posting a message: THAT'S offensive!!! :geek: :geek: {That's why I deleted it - jinks}

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 27th, 2007, 21:09
to having Republican friends ?? :idea:

January 27th, 2007, 21:20
if somebodies offended - fuck em

would rather say it offends someone of a particular religion/superstition,

January 27th, 2007, 21:26
As one who often offends good taste and doesn't believe in political correctness, I'd say just ignore The Cat. As I recall, he equally opposed publication of the Danish cartoons of that well-known paedophile, the Prophet Mohammed, when they were published

January 28th, 2007, 07:25
my point was to make us think about the way we hate and how we justify our hatred and fears.

of course, the colonel homintern is wacko as usual and totally delusional in his absurd posting
about catawampuscat's support of the Danish cartoon. Pure fantasy on his part and below even
his muckraking standards. you can't shame the shameless but he is a fool and an ass and totally
wrong in his assertions. A quick review of the past will prove who should be ignored as a total waste
of time and bytes. :cat:

You should be there when I tell off the assholes who think jokes about the disabled, the deaf,
races others than white, religions other than Christian, homos, women, the obese etc. are funny.

Now, if you want to belittle Republicans, the Germans or the British, I do find that humourous
but I am no angel and can be a bit smug at times. :cat:

January 28th, 2007, 08:03
I am no angel and can be a bit smug at times. :cat:At times? Only sometimes? :bounce:

If you read what I said carefully, it mentions your opposition to the publication of the Danish cartoons ie. you are an opponent of free speech. But then I suspect you are our old chum mauRICE and Hedda acolyte, so that doesn't surprise me

An anti-Catholic joke follows, and then an anti-Catholic puzzle. Please shut your eyes if such a thing offends you

Q: What's the difference between a Catholic priest and a zit?
A: A boy usually reaches the age of 14 before a zit comes on his face

Why do people assert that fish is brain food? I don't know too many intelligent Catholics

January 28th, 2007, 08:36

January 28th, 2007, 11:38
well certainly you have changed a lot of minds here... NOT

January 28th, 2007, 14:56
Waiting at the airport with Thai & Flip friends who were seeing me off (Not that way!). We found three seats near the checkpoint between terminals. Soon the fun began. A young, mini-skirted mother put the stroller & carry-on through the machine first--and was told she had to remove her knee-high boots... No, not allowed to hang on to the conveyor. No, can not lay baby on the conveyor! No, can't sit on the floor and block traffic\narrow passageway ... Hissy fit ... Tears ... Here comes Security ... Total meltdown!
Thence came the a buff young blond in loose low-slung jeans. He was asked to remove his belt--While juggling a ski-jacket & lap-top--And the jeans came a-tumblin' down. No underwear. Wad'da butt!... And me, 24 hours till Pattaya!
Once in a life time! We thought. Five minutes later; cute punk ... goofy-pants--Same-same: Plop! And an old lady was walking toward him! Flustered, didn't know which way to turn--So he did: turn--Voila!...The full Monty! Have underpants gone totally out of fashion? Or is this a way to create a diversion and stop ... whatever ... from being checked? We almost hated to leave. Almost.

January 28th, 2007, 21:59
I never posted anything pro or con about the Danish cartoons and for reasons only a kentucky fried chicken colonel
can understand , homi continues his delusional nonsense and pompous postering. Prove it or shut your trap jackass..
If you tell a big enough lie over and over, some fools will believe, but to have an asshole post a second time about
a subject I never addressed is just a waste of everyone's time and certainly my patience.. what a jackass.. :geek:

January 28th, 2007, 22:06


January 28th, 2007, 22:59
I never posted anything pro or con about the Danish cartoons and for reasons only a kentucky fried chicken colonel can understand , homi continues his delusional nonsense and pompous postering. Prove it or shut your trap jackass..
If you tell a big enough lie over and over, some fools will believe, but to have an asshole post a second time about a subject I never addressed is just a waste of everyone's time and certainly my patience.. what a jackass.And all in response to a comment that began "As I recall" and was intended to tease The Cat. It certainly seems to have done so :bounce:

January 29th, 2007, 08:11
This is a funny one also!

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a337/ ... mation.gif (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a337/blkcuteguy/airport_animation.gif)


January 29th, 2007, 09:43
is that a cheshire cat grin i am seeing?


kitty is not going to be grinning
when he reads what bucky posted

January 29th, 2007, 09:57
I am allowed to post it. I dated a terrorist once.

January 29th, 2007, 10:10
The 40 virgins stuff is absurd and ridiculous and bucky's post was humourous.. It is absurd and ridiculous that thousands
of R.C. priests violate little boys and use the religion to satisfy their sexual desires. Religion sucks a big one
and only serves to empower men over women and control the masses. I suppose for these pedo priests
the afterlife would find them as elementary school teachers with 40 ten year old boys or better yet in charge of the
shower room and lockers. Or maybe it is the chance to dress up in fancy red gowns and be the choir master..

January 29th, 2007, 11:30
" ...Religion sucks a big one and only serves to empower men over women and control the masses... "
Oh dear ... http://tinypic.com/29xzwu8.jpg

In the 'Dept of The Ponderous' dear Swampcat, only Hedda has it over you.

Cheers ...

January 29th, 2007, 16:56
I aspire to reach Hedda's level and am flattered by the comparison. It does seem to me that you have a
little issue with Hedda and somehow find a way to work him into many of your postings. I seem to be hitting
a similar nerve but wouldn't it be a bore if we all agreed on everything.. :cat:

January 29th, 2007, 18:29
... a Blog coming on

January 30th, 2007, 16:51
someone posted the old chestnut about getting in line behind an irate Asian at the currency exchange window at the bank:
The Asian asked, "Why I get $200 yesta'day and only 180 today?"
The teller shrugged and replied, "Fluctuations."
The Asian yelled, "Fluck you `mellicans, too!" and stomped off.
This immediately drew several complaints from the (caucasian) PC crowd.
Meanwhile, the Flips were pissing their pants laughing.
LMAO. :laughing5:

Derogatory to
The plane load of circus performers crash landed in the jungle. The crew & passengers all survived but were captured by cannibals. They stewed, and ate, all but the clowns; they knew from a past experience: clowns taste funny.

Sally Anne Howe? (Silly, an' how!)
Joe left the first meeting of the sex club; angry because everyone at the orgy had rejected him.
Next meeting he brought lattes for everyone--Laced with Exlax.
He left singing, 'Shitty-shitty-gang-bang gang-bang gang-bang, shitty-shitty-gang-bang gang-bang gang-bang.'

January 30th, 2007, 18:17
The 40 virgins stuff is absurd and ridiculousQuite. It's seventy virgins and I'm looking forward to them being virgin boys