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View Full Version : Liposuction/tummy tuck

January 16th, 2007, 09:01
Can anyone recommend a good and reliable hospital that perform liposuction or tummy tuck and also if any idea roughly how much the charges will be like. Is there any difference between the two procedures? By the way, in Bangkok.

January 16th, 2007, 09:46

Both these have good reputations. The guy at the Bumrungrad is particularly respected and worken in London and California. The bum is a big International Hospital and the Yanhee is one that specialises in cosmetic surgery and is a half to a third cheaper.

A tummy tuck is when they slice you across and cust out the fat and some skin and sew you together. it leaves a scar but is best for big bellies. Lipo is when they make a smallish hole and vacuum out the fat.

No idea on prices except a lot less than at home and a lot more than a diet.

January 16th, 2007, 11:55
better check on the recovery time for these procedures too

January 16th, 2007, 17:14
After the doctors suck out the fat cells with the fat from your belly, any new fat will go elsewhere on your body..
There are people with relatively flat stomachs and hideous fat necks and fat backs.. If you have the fat sucked out
from the neck and back, I imagine your arms or legs would be next or maybe the buttocks... it ain't a pretty site :cat:

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 17th, 2007, 14:29
and I can tell you it's like being hit by a sledge hammer. The pain is really something for about a month and you wear a corset to hold it all in.

But the fat doesn't come back although you may put it on the surrounding areas--but having a flat stomach does inspire you to take it off again.

There is one problem with stomach lipo-it depends whether the fat is "inner" fat which can't be sucked out-or "outer" fat ie: just under the skin which is easily pumped out...no scars and the best thing I've ever had. (at Bumrungrad)

January 17th, 2007, 17:31
aouter" fat ie: just under the skin which is easily pumped out...no scars and the best thing I've ever had. (at Bumrungrad)

and the cost was?

and the wieght removes was ? kilos


Lunchtime O'Booze
January 28th, 2007, 08:52
but you may want to re-consider :

Woman dies after liposuction
VICTORIA's Coroner will investigate the death of a woman this week, three days after she had cosmetic surgery to remove fat.

Lauren James, 26, who was treated at a Caulfield North surgery centre, died on Monday after complaining of bleeding and pain over the weekend.

Her family vowed yesterday to join any call for tougher regulation of the vanity surgery industry if the coroner found her death was linked to the liposuction.


mind you note the newspaper talk..it doesn't actually say she died from lipsuction.i..t's like saying a farang who is run-over by a car after visiting Boyztown:

"Man Dies After Watching Go Go Boys !" :geek:

January 28th, 2007, 09:08
The maximum "weight loss" from one round of lipo is 3-4 kilos. A lot of blood comes out along with the fat, and it can be very dangerous to take out more.

January 28th, 2007, 11:39
Better to invest in having your jaws wired up for a while. Being fat or overweight is the result of overeating. I know that there will be some who say that it's a genetic thing but thats very rare.

I didn't see any fat people rescued from prison camps at the end of wars.

Liposuction is dangerous and can kill you. If you want to loose your tummy then stop eating so much.

January 28th, 2007, 12:34
Is there any safe weight loss medication available?

January 28th, 2007, 12:58
Acomplia, now available in Europe, is proving very effective (not a stimulant) for people maintaining losses of 10 to 20 pounds over time. It supresses food cravings, like the opposite of marijuana. Some users do become depressed and can't tolerate, but most can tolerate. This one is going to be big and will be available in Thailand in a year or so.
