View Full Version : Farang Chat.... About Face...

January 29th, 2006, 00:44
So many write about the Thai guys or boys as some call them, gaining face by having something of evident resale value, worn, carried or held by them for all to seeтАж.

This earns them тАЬFaceтАЭ and what is face? What is face in the world of long distance boyfriends, Barboys, prostitutes and short-time charlies?

When we say face, I think of days of HonorтАж Days of life and times that gave birth to the Wai. Days of respectтАж YesтАж ExactlyтАж Face to meтАж In my mind is another word for RESPECTтАж But what is it realy? What does face mean to a guy in a town like Pattaya? A life of Glowing Neon, sexy touts offering the flesh of boys of all types, offered by the numberтАж What does face mean to a guy who has no job, other than that of going from vacationing boyfriend to vacationing boyfriend, enjoying the busy times and fearing the slow times?

When a boy in pattaya seeтАЩs another boy in pattaya with a gold chain around his neck and a Farang on his arm, what is he thinking? We call it faceтАж Maybe it is face, but I wonder what their thoughts truly areтАж.. (I think their thoughts must beтАж тАЬHe is lucky to get a holidayтАЩer who gives him so much and he will get a tip alsoтАж. I hope I can get him or a guy like him and if I get him I bet he will give me more).

And what of the guy who gained this thing called тАЬFACEтАЭ? What are his thoughts as he walks past the guys still on offerтАж Wearing his gold and holding onto the rooster that laid the golden necklace? I image he is thinking тАЬLook at me! I got a good one this time!тАЭ

Or am I not getting it? Is there something to this тАЬFACEтАЭ thing that I have no understanding of ?

January 29th, 2006, 02:40
Interesting Musings, Buck.

It is my understanding that in "lower class" Thai a job as a prostitute is socially acceptable IF there is demonstrable MATERIAL success, cash, gold, money to send relatives. A failed prostitute, doing that kind of work and also nothing to show for it, this is seriously mai dee.

So this may be related to the face part.

January 29th, 2006, 02:43
No, bucknaway you have complete not got it - not even close. I suggest you go and buy a book like Culture Shock, Thailand and spend the weekend reading. I like to curl up with a good book myself, sometimes - when I'm unable to curl up with a bad boy

You could start with this, however - http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=face