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View Full Version : Russian boys cute and hung on Jomtien Beach

January 13th, 2007, 06:05
Just had a long email from a friend raving about the speedo clad russians on the beach.

Bored with just sitting around in the deck chairs, he wandered along the beach as far as he could go, past the park. There he came across the russian families and what he describes as "some of the best packages displayed in tight speedos"he has ever seen.

My understanding was that the russians came in big numbers for about 10 days at xmas, and their charter jets were clogging the tarmac at U Tapao for that period.

If they are still around that could be interesting.

I remember during the nineties, russian rent boys working out of a restaurant in second road, always have been disappointed I only heard about it, after it closed

January 13th, 2007, 06:11
Pattaya Park seems to be full of Russian tourists. The beach nearby is the busiest that I have ever seen. There may be lads around but I did not see any. More in evidence were gorgeous young Russian women, ash blond hair, tall and slender and pale skinned, model like with much older Russian men - Coals to Newcastle sprang to mind.

January 13th, 2007, 07:57
]More in evidence were gorgeous young Russian women, ash blond hair, tall and slender and pale skinned, model like You old pervert, wowpow. Next thing we'll have you writing soft-core hetero porn - "Her nubile young body, her pendulous breasts like ripe pears ...". If we're lucky it will turn up to be about a sex change operation, but I'm waiting for the sequel, possibly called "The unkindest cut of all"

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 13th, 2007, 11:23
from his nearby perch in Jomtien.

paulg's friend may be exagerating but when you spot one of quality they stick out like a sore thumb.

I admit to following some around Pattaya on shopping trips just to hear them talk..Russian is soo sexy..why we ever wanted blow them up God only knows. :cyclops:

January 13th, 2007, 19:47
You know some posts really do need pictures! :idea:

January 13th, 2007, 23:55
love asian guys an all, but a nice mix is really nice too.
bet they would be really popular in a disco or gogo setting

real blondes, etc.