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January 13th, 2007, 01:05
Is it a Thai smile ? hummmmmmmmmmmmmm !

http://upload5.postimage.org/203095/14242830584392203a24a03.jpg (http://upload5.postimage.org/203095/photo_hosting.html)

January 13th, 2007, 01:12
├С├о├б├▒├▓├в├е├н├н├ о, ├в├▒├е ├к├о├г├д├атАУ├▓├о ├│├╖├и├л├и├▒├╝ ├в ├╕├к├о├л├е... ├Н├о ├▒├о├в├е├░├╕├е├н├н о ├▓├о├╖├н├о ├в ├╕├к├о├л├е ├н├е
├п├░├е├п├о├д├а├в├а├ ├и ├▓├а├к├и├╡ (http://www.blogz.ru/2006/11/21/novyjj_sposob_bystrogo_umnozhenija.html) ├и ├з├а├б├а├в├н├╗├╡ ├▒├п├о├▒├о├б├о├в ├│├м├н├о├ж├е├н├и├┐.

я люблю вас к :bigsmurf:

January 13th, 2007, 07:12
For those who can't read the second post, I'll translate: "What was the stupid first post about?"

January 13th, 2007, 09:27
baziel: Go China for business, talk Chinese, drink a lot, eat from 20.00 till 06.00 morning a menu gang 30 times and your a good business man.

baziel: because i am so fooooooooooooooooocking drunk i not even can see the difference

It's apparent baziel that you enjoy a drink, but please refrain from drinking before posting.
Even better ~ drink, don't post!

And thanks for the compliment, but if you continue to add my 'Lop Law Mak Mak' picture to your posts, people might think you have the 'hots' for me:-)

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 13th, 2007, 09:32
one should have a stiff drink before reading and replying :geek:

but you've got me intrigued Dick...is it ?

January 13th, 2007, 09:50
oh I disagree
one should have a stiff drink before reading and replying
Yes, I suppose you would LO'B.
I find many people disagreeable when they've had a stiff drink:-)

Lunchtime O'Booze
January 13th, 2007, 11:18
but is it a Thai smile ???