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January 28th, 2006, 08:18

The first firecrackers that I heard were at 06.15 this morning.



January 28th, 2006, 09:52
IDA Takes o┬нn the Chinese Cat and Dog Fur Trade

New Campaign Materials Highlight the Brutal Skinning of Live Animals

UNACCEPTABLE: Up to 8,000 caged dogs and cats are stacked into a single truck for cross-country transport without food or water. At an animal market in Southern China, investigators documented 20 cats smashed inside o┬нne wire cage and dead cats draped over cages. I've seen the video footage with my own eyes: Live dogs and cats flattened inside cages the size of filing drawers are tossed from truck beds o┬нn to hard pavement. Animals scream as their paws are crushed. Workers pull them out with long metal tongs and fling them over a 7 ft. fence. Some of these cats and dogs still wear collars and ID tags, indicating they are stolen companion animals.

UNCONSCIONABLE: Chinese fur markets violently bludgeon, hang, electrocute and strangle fur-bearing animals, including millions of cats and dogs. Cats are choked in their cages alongside live cats. Dogs are hung from wire nooses and slashed across the groin. At fur farms in Hebei Province, investigators videotaped workers carving off skin and fur from alert dogs, foxes and other animals. Some fully skinned animals continued to blink and breathe spasmodically as their hearts beat for another five to 10 minutes

www.animalistas.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=597 (http://www.animalistas.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=597)


January 29th, 2006, 03:28
Ditto.....happy Chinese New Year!

P.S. I think that was the point of the initial posting, Fungicide. Perhaps your
posting could have gone elsewhere (Global Forum or the pound)?

January 29th, 2006, 05:36
Kung Hei Fat Choi!

Since I was born on the First Day of the Year of the Rat :occasion4: I tell my Chinese friends that I'm very lucky. They tell me it only applies to Chinese, but my Chinese partner bought me a nice present today so I think I'm right about the luck.

My western birthday is a a little later next month, so I wonder what present I'll get then!

We're having roast lamb tomorrow. I'm told lamb tastes a bit like dog so I hope our guests appreciate it, and the Cotes du Rhone.

555 (prawns,prawns, prawns?) :bounce:

Four of them are Registering their partnerships next Friday but I'm not sure if it's anything to do with the first moon.