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View Full Version : An apology to Balcony Bar

January 28th, 2006, 07:53
"Friday night raids on Soi 4
This has become one of the weekly traditions of Bangkok. The test is to see if you can pick up a policeman."

I am told that a director of this fine gay bar has taken great exception to this post that I made. It was intended to make light of a 'raid' report but my sense of humour is often warped. I apologize unreservedly for causing offence.

I have always been a great admirer of this bar. It's a great place to people watch, has good service and reasonable prices. The food is pretty good especially the curried crab.


January 28th, 2006, 14:16
This is an extremely extremely serious offence. There are several bars on Soi 4. It's rather unfair to make an apology only to the Balcony. Every bar on Soi 4 deserves one too !. :angel4:

January 28th, 2006, 14:22

Actually, I was one off the guys that was trying to pick up the police officer. Since it did not work for me, perhaps you owe me an apology as well? :) JK

January 28th, 2006, 16:46
Dear Wowpow
Your apology is really unnecessary but thank you anyway.
We spoke when I was in Pattaya last weekend and I told you that I understood that yours was a flippant remark which is why I replied on the message board in a similar way (along the lines of I've told you a million times not to exaggerate). My concern was that some of the people who read and contribute to the board might not be as Jai Dee as you and as such could 'deliberately' make more of the comment than is necessary.
Thanks again тАУ your remarks prove that you are a true Gentleman. Do drop by for a drink and a chat next time you are in Bangkok.

January 28th, 2006, 19:51
There's a problem with British humour, in that we like to deliver in such a way that it is only just discernible that we are joking. Regretably, there are people using the world wide web who are not British. I'm not sure whether Tim Berner's Lee ever intended that, but since he was at CERN in Switzerland (a country as famous as Wales for its sense of humour) at the time he may have realised that there would be non-British use. He is said to be quite a bright lad.

In case this post causes offence I'd like to apologise in advance to

1. any British persons offended (except Prince Charles, who won't be anyway);
2. Persons specifically mentioned or inferred;
3. the Swiss, the Welsh and all other persons of the world including those of difficult to define nationality or nationalities not usually the object of other people's joke e.g. ... sorry can't think of any, Gambians perhaps
4. the creators of Futurama :cyclopsani:

No gerbils, ferrets, kangaroos, squirrels or other rodents were harmed in the making of this post.

January 28th, 2006, 19:57
I thought eveyone knew that Al Gore invented the internet. :bom:

January 28th, 2006, 20:05
Yes you should apologise ,apologise to all of us your reading that boring post ,I didnt think it was funny WOW POOW and have put you on ignore.
Most take it on the chin however and dont bother posting on this board so Balcony was good to let you know not to bother saying sorry.Talking of "having a go "at businesses,
I hear from a valuable source that NIDDYS NOOK in day night is proving popular again,pparently its being run more by the Thai owner who is has a great personality according to my Thai friend who went there the other day.The owner of NIDDYS has occassionaly takin a hammering of some of us on this board and mostly with good reason because we told him our opinions,at first he spat the dummy then he realised he is now a business partner and must listen to peoples opinions ,unlike me in my job where i dont care what peoples opinions are,businesspeople do,and it seems this American bloke has taken this on board after a lot of us gave him a hammering including Catwampus who was one of the first and hadnt even be there. :banghead:

January 28th, 2006, 20:17
It was a mis-reported that Al Gore invented the internet which has become variously folk lore or a reason to attack him-but without Al Gore it may never have happened.
He financed the man who did invent it.

Such good manners being expressed by The Balcony should not go unrewarded and they deserve our patronage.

January 28th, 2006, 20:40
тАЬDuring my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the InternetтАЬ.

Transcript: Vice President Gore on CNN's 'Late Edition' March 9, 1999


January 28th, 2006, 21:09
you have the correct quote : " I took the initiative in creating the Internet тАЬ...which others transposed into "invented the internet"..

and of course being the man who financed and supported the man who was researching , and eventually inventing the internet..Al Gore is entitled to the proud boast that he "created"..for in this tough world..inventing don't happen unless there's finance. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bom: :bom: :bom: :bounce: :bounce:

January 28th, 2006, 22:26
I merely asserted the Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web which makes the internet, previously known as the ARPAnet, usable.

This reference (http://www.circleid.com/posts/print/unraveling_the_myths_of_the_internets_origins_part _i/) might be worth reading. To assert that funding councils and their equivalents invent things is at least, odd. (This is where we came in - British understatement!)

Frankly it is ludicrous to claim the internet as any individual's invention. It's a construct emerged from a plethora of incremental enhancements. However, it is indisputable that Tim Berners Lee published a standard for information exchange that became the basis of the World Wide Web.

(PS The Enigma Variations were written by Edward Elgar ;) ).