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January 5th, 2007, 11:37
Hi all,
Give me advice please. My problem is described below.
I'm young man. I have a strange kind of acne. Strange because I've tried many methods to clear my skin with no result.
I want find the way to make my skin clear and health.
Do you have such problems?
What kind of remedy do you use? And what about result?
Can you suggest me treatment which was efficient for your skin?
I'm really need your practice for it!

Thanks for your advices,

January 5th, 2007, 13:56
Try using a Belt Sander and back filling with Spackle

Worked wonders for Hedda!!

January 5th, 2007, 16:32
There's an ongoing argument about foods (Chocolate, fat & fried food, shellfish, carbonated beverages, sweets.) causing acne. General consensus seems to be they do not but you might try cutting out those things & see what happens.

Smoking is, generally, bad for the skin.

Wash your face at least twice a day with a plain, unscented, soap (Not detergent) like Castile or Basis.
Work up the lather on your hands* & massage, wash with a circular motion.
*You may use a thin wash cloth once a week but do not reuse it--Put it in the laundry.
Using hands; rinse well with warm running water.

Apply an astringent lotion** with a cotton pad or clean cloth. (Okay, clean section of a face towel or wash cloth.)
**If cost is a problem, mix two parts rubbing alcohol with one part each anti septic peroxide & witch hazel. Occasionally add a drop of white vinegar after applying the astringent.

At the first sign of a zit\zits starting: after washing, hold a piece of ice to the spot for as long as you can stand it & pat dry.

Apply an acne medication*** if you have one that works for you.
*** There are many, topical & oral both prescription & OTC: Benzol Peroxide (Best at killing P. acnes); Resorcinol, Salicylic Acid & sulphur (Break down the zits.) Salicylic acid also helps cut down the shedding of cells lining the follicles of the oil glands--So usually recommended to use all: separately or a product containing all:
Acnezine, Healthy Pores, Derma Cleanse, Clear Pores, Proactive.
Some work for some people & not for others.
(Some may be available only by prescription, depending on where you live.)
One more (Maybe the best.): hexachloriphine (sp?), may be banned where you live because it may cause babies to have brain cancer!

If all that fails, see a dermatologist. The are lazar treatments, heat-wand treatments and hormone treatments. A Thai friend had very bad (Large, angry, neon-pink lumps) acne. A doctor put him on hormones...which worked but he gave it up because he was lactating (I didn't believe it till I saw it!) and growing tits and did "not want to be a, lady boy" (His words). We got him some Retin-A and a skin (topical) antibiotic**** (Both available in Thailand without prescription.) and it cleared up beautifully.
**** there are several skin antibiotics. Dalacin T is one: contains Clindamycin Phosphate. A Thai pharmacist had him try the much-less-expensive Clinda-M which contains Clindamycin Hydrochloride--It worked as well.
The Retin-A Micro is better but, last time we checked, we couldn't find it in Thailand.

January 6th, 2007, 08:45
One of my friends claims that rubbing cum onto the offending areas seems to work wonders. My theory it's the massaging of the skin that helps, rather than the medicinal quality of the natural protein formula. A side benefit is that no animal is harmed during the testing of this treatment, so expect to see it at The Body Shop sometime soon

January 6th, 2007, 13:55
One of my friends claims that rubbing cum onto the offending areas seems to work wonders.

It would work same as (old remedy) apply egg white and let it dry: to draw the impurities from the pores.

Stories circulated the actress-dancer, Ann Miller, had a stable of young men who supplied her with it--which she applied to keep her breasts from sagging and prevent wrinkles.
If it works; you must have the youngest looking skin in Thailand!
Or maybe the youngest looking...insides.