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December 27th, 2006, 16:06
James Brown
Gerald Ford

I'll miss James.

December 28th, 2006, 04:53
James Brown
Gerald Ford

I'll miss James.

Yes, the Godfather of Soul will be missed by many (I wonder who, besides Al Sharpton and Donald Trump, inherits the hair).

As for Jerry Ford, a very decent guy who served at a very difficult time(while the US was still reeling from Watergate and the Vietnam War) and who had a long history of bi-partisanship without a hint of scandal. Both sides of the aisle thought him a very honest guy. The only objection anyone had against him was his gift to Tricky Dick (which, if you'll pardon the pun, was a hard one for many to swallow) although the pardon was probably in the country's best interest.

December 28th, 2006, 08:08
Too young to really know either of these people. I know a few James Brown songs but nothing about his life. I know even less about Ford. What's the best biography on Ford?
