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View Full Version : private message malfunction

December 19th, 2006, 12:57
Received a message from ES that I had a private message, logged in but nothing there

can a message be deleted by the sender, after sending.

Whatever it did not arrive.

Roll on Boxing day for the fourth test and a clean sweep

Lunchtime O'Booze
December 19th, 2006, 18:42
revel in your victory while you can. It will not last you silly marsupial.

My friend in Sydney has emailed me that there is a very large bilboard erected over the Oxford pub stating : Whinging Poms :1,800,000 so far.

scruffy old gloating possums the lot of you.

December 19th, 2006, 19:22
" ... Received a message from ES that I had a private message, logged in but nothing there
can a message be deleted by the sender, after sending. Whatever it did not arrive. Roll on Boxing day for the fourth test and a clean sweep ... "
Dear LonelyWombat,

The PM feature on this Board has a feature which did not exist on the old EZBoard version of Sawatdee (and it sure confused me at first): Once a person hits "SUBMIT" to a private message it goes and sits in an "OUTBOX" until the recipient opens it and reads it. The entire time the message is waiting there to be read, it is 'editable' (or even 'deleteable') by the sender. It only becomes a real message upon receipt, then becoming the property of the recipient.

So if you didn't read a PM for, say, 2 days, the author can go back into it and edit or delete it (if he has second thoughts). Once it has been opened, it automatically switches over into the "SENTBOX".

So I suppose it is possible for you to see a message that you have a PM waiting to be read by you. But, let's say you are busy and decide to leave it and read it later. In the intervening time the original authour could ~ for whatever reason ~ have second thoughts about what he said, and go and delete it.

That's the only way I can think of to explain what happened to you. Perhaps a PM to ElephanstSpike asking him to clear up the mystery?

Cheers ...

December 20th, 2006, 04:20
I'm not sure what's going on with the PMs. The email you get from me alerting you that you have a new message is an automatic email. I don't actually send those myself.

Please, though, I need details, begining with the username of the sender.

December 20th, 2006, 08:10
revel in your victory while you can. It will not last you silly marsupial.

scruffy old gloating possums the lot of you.

You seem to forget we have been reading all the comments in your UK gutter press,about your ashes win,the presentation of MBE,s to the winning England team and what they were going to do to us poor possums (wombats) this ashes tour. Even your press turned on poor Flintoff yesterday at his press conference

Anticipate a world record attendance for a test match at the MCG boxing day to watch us colonials, finish the job. I will be there of course.

December 20th, 2006, 17:06
I'm not sure what's going on with the PMs. The email you get from me alerting you that you have a new message is an automatic email. I don't actually send those myself.

Please, though, I need details, begining with the username of the sender.

I got one too.
Nothing there--No user name of sender--But I'd bet it was from spam The Phantom of the Whore's Opera.