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View Full Version : Review of go-go bars Sunee Plaza

December 18th, 2006, 19:30
Name of Bar: Y2K
Location: Sunee Plaza
Size: Wider than most single bay
Interior appearance: Pleasant---simply decorated
Lighting: Interior dim---Stage good
Seating: Comfortable and spacious
Music: Good---not excessively loud
Number of dancers: 12
Age of dancers: 18 plus
General appearance: a couple of lady-boys and one husky
Costume: briefs
Animation: Most dancers were active and friendly
Toilet cleanliness: Good
Show: None
Staff: Pleasant, not overbearing

Name: Top Man
Location: Sunee
Size: Large
Interior appearance; Very Good
Lighting: Good
Seating: Vinyl bench type---spacious and comfortable
Music; Not too loud for conversation with fellow farangs
Number of dancers: 20
Age of dancers; 18 up
Appearance of dancers; a couple of lady-boys and a couple of heavys,
overall not an appealing group
Costume: briefs
Animation: Minimal effort
Toilet: Clean
Show; Cabaret show --I did not review
Staff: Pleasant and friendly --good English

Name: K-Boys
Location: Sunee
Size: Large
Interior appearance; Somewhat run down---looks "used"
Lighting: Adequate--dimmed during erotic display
Seating: Vinyl bench type--spacious--multi level
Music: Tends to be loud
Number of dancers: 20-25
Age of dancers: Usually many are questionable
Appearance of dancers; Several lady-boys--a couple heavys
Costume: Cotton bikini briefs
Animation: Usually very active--much horseplay and joking
Toilet; Water? on floor and bad odor
Show: Occasional erotic display when dancers stand on
pedestals similar to Greek statuary
Staff: Usually responsive. Can be pushy

Name; Playboy 2
Location: Near Sunee
Size: Single bay
Interior appearance: Very little decoration
Lighting: Dimly lighted
Seating: Couch seating--adequate and comfortable
Music: Not too loud
Number of dancers: 6
Age of dancers: 18 up
Appearance of dancers: 1 husky--no lady-boys--not special
Costume: White UW--with fly
Animation: Stand and modeling
Toilet; Acceptable
Show: No formal show--Chuckwow for tips
Staff: Friendly can be pushy

Name: O-Zone
Location: Sunee
Size: Small bar
Interior appearance: Nicely decorated---2nd floor bar
Lighting; Dimly lighted---stage OK
Seating: Some cushioned couches at rear --mostly bar
stools and high tables
Music: Good, not too loud
Number of dancers: 8-12
Age of dancers: 18 up
Appearance of dancers: No lady-boys---good overall
Costume: White briefs
Animation: Some good--some Stand and Model
Toilet: Good
Show: None
Staff: Responsive---not at all pushy

Name: Sundance
Location: Sunee
Size: Single bay--
Interior appearance: Basic--simple--plain
Lighting: Good
Seating: Bench type--multi level--not spacious
Music: Usually loud
Number of dancers; approximately 18
Age of dancers: A few are questionable
Appearance of dancers: A few lady-boys
Sometimes 1-2 heavy boys
Costume: White briefs when dancing
Animation: Most dance with music and talk and interact with
farang. Some exposure
Toilet: Sometimes water on floor
Show; None
Staff: Not pushy but resoponsive

Name; Jimm Jimmy James
Location: Sunee
Size: Single bay
Interior appearanace: Good, bright , mirrored
Lighting: Very good
Seating: Statium type multi level, somewhat crowded
Music: A little loud
Number of dancers: 12-18
Age of dancers: Generally 18 up--maybe 1-2 questionable
Appearance of dancers: Some lady-boys---no heavys
Costume: White briefs
Animation: Mix of good to stand and model
Toilet: Good
Show: None
Staff: Responsive not pushy

December 19th, 2006, 00:00
Bars change fast in Pattaya and you need to update Ozone.. The couches were removed weeks ago and there is a show
at 11:30Pm or midnite which was well attended tonite.. This poster left before the show but after an amazing time with
one of the dancers.. Lots of customers were arriving and the bar was filling up for the show.. supposed to be sexy show
but I haven't seen it yet..
I agree with almost all of your observations but of course, thing change quickly and the same bar can be a bore or a blast from nite to nite.. :cat:

December 19th, 2006, 01:13
I had never been to this bar before and decided to drop in last Saturday. I did a 180-turn as soon as I entered when I saw Silom, Doug and a very fat and loud Ozzie with a boy on each lap (lonelywombat?) right in the front row ogling at the boys on stage. Not my scene.

December 19th, 2006, 09:05
a very fat and loud Ozzie

Three guesses.

December 20th, 2006, 06:49
I had never been to this bar before and decided to drop in last Saturday. I did a 180-turn as soon as I entered when I saw Silom, Doug and a very fat and loud Ozzie with a boy on each lap (lonelywombat?) right in the front row ogling at the boys on stage. Not my scene.

Just to put the record straight, I am not fat, but a respectable 82kg could lose maybe 3 kg to satisfy my doctor, and have not been in LOS for 12 months

But then getting a few facts wrong has never stopped Yimsaui posting in the past, and we all remember his attacks on Silom

December 20th, 2006, 13:06
Since you are a new poster and obviously taking some time and effort to post your go go bar updates,
I hope you are not turned off by silly geese trying to derail your thread and use it to attack others.. I applaud
lonelywombat for not taking the bait and lashing back at the silly goose.. btw, 82K. quite impressive assuming you
are middleaged..

December 20th, 2006, 13:12
Good grief, agreeing with Kitty!

Thanks for the reviews Bodine. Postings like your's take effort and a desire to share and it's appreciated, make no mistake about that. You'll receive a cacophony of one-liner agreement and the opposite, but rarely find folks who are willing to match your comprehensive listings and opinions.

Cheers ...

December 21st, 2006, 07:13
I applaud lonelywombat for not taking the bait and lashing back at the silly goose.. btw, 82K. quite impressive assuming you are middleaged..

I like to think I am middle aged but have reached my full 3 score plus 10, my height is shrinking from 6 foot.

They tell me shrinkage is a common problem to look forward to. Life is so exciting!

December 26th, 2006, 18:05

Actually, there are a few very effeminate boys in this bar, and could easily be construed as "lady-boys."

Just for the record.

TR The Rose :albino:

December 27th, 2006, 16:03
Is Y2K in the same location: about across from Ben Mansion Hotel?

I liked it for, as you said, friendliness. One night there were only about five dancing so I invited them all for a drink, which confused (Perplexed?) the mamasan and seemed to tick off two falang why sat way back by the door (So as to avoid the boys? Or be in a better location for groping?)
And there were a couple very old dancers--one about 29 & the other all of 32--I will never forget!
The big sexy older man had so many tatoos he was like eati...er...reading a comic book!... Upside-down!
And the adoreable other was aptly nicknamed, Mah! Flat tone! (Horse.) But, for (even) better reason, I called him, Hoover but, funny thing: I'd say Hoover--And he'd roll over!
Well, as they say, "Never look a gift horse in the mouth!"