View Full Version : Anybody Know 55555+

December 18th, 2006, 07:27
I've been chatting with a Thai boy on the internet and in his last message he inserted "55555+." Does anybody know what this means.

This is not the first time I've seen this numerical phrase used in messages from Thais.

I mean is it some strange code for describing us farangs...possibly related to our AGE? If it is, I'll send him a message back saying..."1818181818+."

December 18th, 2006, 07:36
It is the Thai way to laugh online. Just like giving someone 5 baht is funny because you can hardly buy anything with 5 baht it is considered funny money... So 55555 = Funny.

December 18th, 2006, 07:40
Thanks for the fast response Buck.

Sadly, I was hoping it had some sexual connotation.

December 18th, 2006, 07:47
The Thai word for "five" is pronounced "ha" so usually 555 = ha ha ha. What the + would be, I don't know.

December 18th, 2006, 08:32
The '+' would mean he laughed long and hard and extra heartily. I hope it wasn't after you mentioned the size of your member.

Find whatever sexual connotation you want in there, Dodger. 555

December 18th, 2006, 11:48
ha, ha, ha... = 5, 5, 5..
sorry bucky, but it is ha ha ha which is the same as 5 5 5 ....

December 18th, 2006, 17:45
No problem. I was explained to me the other way online by a few Thai guys.. I am sure there is more than one way to skin a cat... Or to make funny on the Internet :)

December 19th, 2006, 01:27
The '+' would mean he laughed long and hard and extra heartily.

Yes, because Dodger's latest BS (boy special) thinks Dodger is going to be an even bigger sucker than his last sugar grampa. Given Dodger's calamitous and comedic BS history, the '+' shouldn't come as a surprise.

December 19th, 2006, 04:03
Dodger wrote :

in his last message he inserted "55555+ ." Does anybody know what this means.

55555 + ! Its the first part from the boy's bank account . The + stands for the numbers higher than 5 !

And you are lucky Dodger, i had a boy and " his counting", did stop at 10. :clown:

December 19th, 2006, 10:18
Dodger wrote :

in his last message he inserted "55555+ ." Does anybody know what this means.

55555 + ! Its the first part from the boy's bank account . The + stands for the numbers higher than 5 !

And you are lucky Dodger, i had a boy and " his counting", did stop at 10. :clown:

With my nokia 6131 I sent 5555+ the + brought up a smilee option.
Maybe that is the answer. 555 is hahaha - hehehe

December 19th, 2006, 10:21
Yes, Jinks...we established that several posts ago.

December 19th, 2006, 12:56