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View Full Version : High Season?????

December 16th, 2006, 21:24
Have heard this is a weak high season, is this so? I know sunee looks full because it is such a small area but what about the beach and boystown? It will be interesting to see how the visa changes and the high baht will affect the holidays.

December 16th, 2006, 23:50
There hasn't been a high season in the past 20 years that people weren't calling "quiet". Why should this one be any different?

December 17th, 2006, 22:09
Well the airlines prices are still high so somebody must be going!
They usually knock 30-40% off if too many empty seats.

December 18th, 2006, 16:35
Is there really less to 'high-season'?... Or is it that there are more: bars, hookers, hotels, restaurants, shops, etc., viing for, and sharing the tourist dollar--And if the ones who do the most whinging about high-season being 'down' are the ones who haven't learned how-to? How to pull in new business, how to keep old customers coming back, how to stand out from the competition, how to sustain all year round and not just wait for high season: like the (Western) retail establishment that claim they operate in-the-red for ten-or-eleven months & make it all up on Christmas--And (Many) announce bankruptcy at the close of their next accounting period.

December 18th, 2006, 17:05
I've noticed that the phuket tourist numbers are way up this year so maybe the ones (post tsunami gays) that have spent the last couple high seasons in pattaya have returned to the island for the holidays. Seems every year there are new issues impacting tourism in thailand. You would think the higherups would notice the decrease in funds comming into the country and try to redirect its efforts to correct the problems, but this is thailand.

December 18th, 2006, 19:30
maybe the ones (post tsunami gays) that have spent the last couple high seasons in pattaya have returned to the island for the holidays.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but gay tourists don't even register a blip on the Phuket tourism radar. The numbers are driven by Asian (Chinese, mostly) and European family visitors.

December 18th, 2006, 23:54
I guess i should have said post tsunami tourist instead of just limiting it to gay tourist. Anyway I am sure it has had an impact on pattaya tourist numbers.

December 25th, 2006, 16:19
Well - The Bondi is packing them in - i have 2 Thai friends who work there and they complained by phone to me that there are too many customer - too busy!

December 25th, 2006, 19:45
" ... Well - The Bondi is packing them in - i have 2 Thai friends who work there and they complained by phone to me that there are too many customer - too busy!... "
We have a very successful chain of donut shops here in Canada named Tim Horton's.

Besides good donuts (true, when fresh), they are renowned for their amateurish and terribly slow service. Overheard one night from one employee to another (according to what may well be an urban myth): " . . . this'd be a great place to work if it wasn't for all these fuckin' customers . . . "

Cheers ...

December 25th, 2006, 21:07
" ... Well - The Bondi is packing them in - i have 2 Thai friends who work there and they complained by phone to me that there are too many customer - too busy!... "
We have a very successful chain of donut shops here in Canada named Tim Horton's.

Besides good donuts (true, when fresh), they are renowned for their amateurish and terribly slow service. Overheard one night from one employee to another (according to what may well be an urban myth): " . . . this'd be a great place to work if it wasn't for all these fuckin' customers . . . "

Cheers ...

Not sure what the hell that means........BUT

The Bondi is fabulous - good service & great fun.

December 25th, 2006, 22:31
The real hot time is Near Years Eve. Presently families are been flogged in as every year. Phuket and Hua Hin, several Pattaya hotels are busy now.
Prices are up until end of April. “Peak” time ends as soon as the rice paddies need to be done again.
Costs of travel vary also in combination of school holidays (at home countries). You can hardly get a seat on a flight from Europe to Asia by now; even business and first class are usually fully booked.

It is the same game every year.

December 26th, 2006, 15:35
" ... Well - The Bondi is packing them in - i have 2 Thai friends who work there and they complained by phone to me that there are too many customer - too busy!... "

Overheard one night from one employee to another (according to what may well be an urban myth): " . . . this'd be a great place to work if it wasn't for all these fuckin' customers . . . "

It's part of a comedy routine about a whore house.

Daizy: "How's tricks?"
Mazie: "They come and go. But I ain't feelin' well, Daze; loan me ten quid till I can get back on me back."