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December 15th, 2006, 15:09
Hello High Season!
It's already the Third or fourth--Depending on where you are ... or, maybe the fifth; I've already lost count: been hitting the 'fifth' (That lovely blue gin.) too much--day of Christmas, (Or it hasn't started, if you're Polish.)
Sunnee Bar-raids! A sex-ring (of two) busted! The boys-in-brown are protecting you! (?) Nevertheless, "Trust In Thyself." Um...I think I'd better hire a bodyguard ... to take care of my body. Um.... That might not work out 'as intended.' In which case, I'd like butterflies (So...'fitting.') and birdies painted on my paper coffin...burns at both ends, it makes a lovely light--But, Oh, my friends and, Ah, my foes it...gives me one last chance to be a cinder in your eye!

Old News (`96)\Urban Legend(?) Something in your mouth you shouldn't have in your hand, Dept. (Or, The Hazards of Sa-moking.)
Pattaya hookers coating nipples\body parts with date-rape drug, Rohypnol, laced wax for purpose of robbing them. Forty-five tourists are 'supposed' to have died, over 12-months of 'heart seizures' suffered in Pattaya hotels as a result.

Useful information, nice pics--And a warning:
"The Seedy Parts of Thailand Are Places to Avoid Like Pattaya....We can no longer recommend Pattaya Beach": (Almost nightly robberies of tourists.)

Thailand for Dummies:

Dangers & Annoyances (Like) Touts, Scams, Tout-Scams, Getting Murdered & Terrorism:
http://adventures.worldnomads.com/desti ... ide/4.aspx (http://adventures.worldnomads.com/destination/211/travelguide/4.aspx)
http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2006/01/1 ... 60118.html (http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2006/01/18/thailand-briton060118.html)

An oxymoron...If Billy's the Ozzie:
Smart Traveler\Australian
http://www.smartraveller.gov.au/zw-cgi/ ... e/Thailand (http://www.smartraveller.gov.au/zw-cgi/view/Advice/Thailand)

The general consensus: It's a safe place--But we put ourselves 'out there'.


Is this (10 times edited.) a record? Can I get in the Guiness Book?

Lunchtime O'Booze
December 15th, 2006, 15:32
"Mr. Cheklerkulai Josephine, a U.S. tourist, aged 40 years, he became unconscious because of contact with anesthetic wax coated on her breasts ... Similar crimes were reported on Mr. Marti Juhanee Koshonen, 51 years old, a German male tourist,"..this is why I won't suck Mrs O'Booze's nipples anymore even when she dips them in rum.

December 15th, 2006, 16:01
this is why I won't suck Mrs O'Booze's nipples anymore even when she dips them in rum.

You've lost your taste for rum?...Or for nipples?

Try this
"She Bit the Bowl Right off the Ladle" Mother Edith's Bombay Martini Recipe:
1.] Fill a (Very) tall tumbler with ice. (Cubes: crushed takes up too much room.)
2.] Add Bombay within a finger of the top. (I'm sure someone will give you a finger ... if yours is too big.)
3.] Let it sit as long as you can hold out.
4.] Whisper: 'Vermouth.'
5.] Give it a stir.
6.] Add a twist...If you can still stand up--And remember how to do the twist.
7.] Enjoy! (Scarf it down.)
Repeat, from step 1.], till you can't do step 6.] anymore.[/i]

December 16th, 2006, 00:34
Edith wrote :

Is this (10 times edited.) a record? Can I get in the Guiness

Sure you can get in the Guiness. If you get pregnant after 10 times edited and have two witnesses to the record you are breaking ! :clown:

December 16th, 2006, 01:05
I don't know about the folks at Guiness (Love thier beer, though! :occasion5: ) I do think it qualifies for a Yuk-Yuk nomination, though! :compress:

December 16th, 2006, 08:11
nice scare, but certainly the rohypnol would still be absorbed throught the skin of the wearer unless it was to be licked off quickly, regardless of the wax

December 16th, 2006, 16:39
nice scare, but certainly the rohypnol would still be absorbed through the skin of the wearer unless it was to be licked off quickly, regardless of the wax

I wondered about that too. Maybe they apply the wax and put the drug on top it?... To prevent it being absorbed. Confucius might say: "Beware of sly num who work in wax museum! May have artificial appendage extension."

The Case of the Poison Pussy--One for Miss Marple.
There was a recent case of a man who murdered a woman by putting a drug on the seat of the chair she used while typing, nude, on the internet.

PS: Getting pregnant is out, baziel! Showing off, I tied my 'tube'--Fit To Be Tied--and can't get the damn knot undone! If I do, I'll remember not to tie a Sheet Shank next time, if there's a next time. Meanwhile, the num love it! (Maybe next time I'll do a Zeppelin Bend--If I can find a willing, and...adequate...partner. Always wondered what it would be like to be a Siamese Twin!)

December 16th, 2006, 17:13
I got suckered into the breast suck thing back in 1997, yes it was a guy and hot .It was my first trip and I was staying at the ROYAL D, what a dive, could not take a friend back so I finnished up in the guys twin share room. Drunk as a lord but happy to be there (First night in pattaya).Then his twin share came home and agreed to sit on the balcony till job was done after inspecting the meat. Bugger! All ended bad with threats and a couple of Indians one floor down refusing me exit. They were made friendly and I walked out to a side street with no idea where I was.Walked a few blocks and found a southaw, jumped in his front seat and paid 1000 b to take me back to Royal D. Second night was FANTASTIC.

Brad the Impala
December 16th, 2006, 17:59
What is it this curious posting habit of Australians? They can't all be readalike trolls, can they?