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View Full Version : The relentless rise of the baht - now curbed

December 14th, 2006, 06:05
US Dollar 35.23 decline continues

Euro 46.56 ups and downs

UK┬г 69.31 virtually the same as the Euro

Interbank rates at 07.02hrs on 14th December 2006
courtesy Yahoo Finance

According to BBC World News the Bank of Thailand has done nothing effective to slow the baht\\\'s rise.

December 14th, 2006, 10:35
Whatever they do, I would prefer for them to wait until the New Year.

That is after I have returned home :clown:

December 14th, 2006, 12:16
Why? They want to devalue the baht so you will get more baht for your buck/pound/euro.

December 14th, 2006, 14:06
Isn’t the US dollar loosing its value?

If I can reed the charts correctly, the US currency is more than 10 % down while the difference to the EURO is just marginal – and every year the same just before the high season starts if I remember correctly. ..

The US currency is down against all currencies. No wonder with that enormous trade deficit and high spendings: The investments in Iraq are still costly and not paying off, except for Dick Cheney s Halliburton Inc. and several more investments closely related to the Bush clan.
Every hurray is having its price ….

Even the huge amount of cash drained out by the Taksin family could not damage the Thai currency reserves to badly but the expected tourists will refill the treasure box again. The money stream from Westerners is constantly reclining but the masses from China, Korea and especially Russia will do the trick for a while.

December 15th, 2006, 06:46
YES,its not good,now 100baht is nearly $3.50 australian.
Some of the stuff in Thailand is more expensive than in Australia.

You go to the markets and they are selling glue,etc and its more expensive than in australia.

100 baht ,most things are cheaper in australia for that price.
I looked in the supermarket and i saw mouthwash,toothpaste etc more expensive than in Australia,and we get paid higher wages.

Now who would buy glue in Thailand, erm, I dont even buy toothpaste or anything like that, I know youre making a point.

However, the dollar is in for a rough ride I think, over the next few months, whilst the UK pound will still yet again be quite powerful, even though it is only 69 at the moment.

Incidently, I noticed today Travelex in the UK were offering bht at 61.88, I couldnt believe the difference, Im sure you can get 67-68 in Th

December 15th, 2006, 06:46
YES,its not good,now 100baht is nearly $3.50 australian.
Some of the stuff in Thailand is more expensive than in Australia.

You go to the markets and they are selling glue,etc and its more expensive than in australia.

100 baht ,most things are cheaper in australia for that price.
I looked in the supermarket and i saw mouthwash,toothpaste etc more expensive than in Australia,and we get paid higher wages.

Now who would buy glue in Thailand, erm, I dont even buy toothpaste or anything like that, I know youre making a point.

However, the dollar is in for a rough ride I think, over the next few months, whilst the UK pound will still yet again be quite powerful, even though it is only 69 at the moment.

Incidently, I noticed today Travelex in the UK were offering bht at 61.88, I couldnt believe the difference to what you can get in Thailand, Im sure you can get 67-68 in Th

December 18th, 2006, 20:36
the bht is getting weaker against the UK pound and US dollar today, even though the UK pound is getting weaker against the US dollar if that makes sense. I think probably the Thais are dumping some of their currency - and probably said enough is enough, either that or the Yen is getting weaker

December 18th, 2006, 22:31

U S dollar today

http://finance.yahoo.com/currency/conve ... amt=1&t=5d (http://finance.yahoo.com/currency/convert?from=GBP&to=THB&amt=1&t=5d)

The UK ┬г went from 68.7 to over 70 today and then fell back a little.

I suspect that the Bank of Thailand have done something at last.

December 18th, 2006, 23:43
Conversion Table: GBP to THB (Interbank rate)

Time period: 12/01/06 to 12/18/06.
Daily averages: 12/01/2006 70.35750
12/02/2006 70.68460
12/03/2006 71.2120
12/04/2006 71.2140
12/05/2006 71.03220
12/06/2006 70.58640
12/07/2006 70.27030
12/08/2006 70.07710
12/09/2006 69.82150
12/10/2006 69.87090
12/11/2006 69.87960
12/12/2006 69.55120
12/13/2006 69.38440
12/14/2006 69.51370
12/15/2006 69.30860
12/16/2006 69.07670
12/17/2006 69.05760
12/18/2006 69.06810

Average (18 days): 69.99813
High: 71.21400
Low: 69.05760

December 19th, 2006, 00:24
I suspect that the Bank of Thailand have done something at last.

Wowpow you are an expert !
www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601080&sid=anbTHoBI_tt4&refer=asia (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601080&sid=anbTHoBI_tt4&refer=asia)

December 19th, 2006, 18:23
... yes, confirmed now, that the B of T did intervene, every other currency remained static with the exception of the bht, so it was obvious the B o T were doing something.

However, today I noticed that the dollar has lost some ground adding more bht to the pound and the dollar.

December 19th, 2006, 23:13
The relentless rise of the baht

Nothing lasts forever

December 21st, 2006, 06:58
over the next few months we could see the bht a little unstable, the BoT thought they had curbed the rise of the bht, now they might see a strong weakening of the bht.