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December 14th, 2006, 05:34

Thailand is \'best value for money\' spot

Thailand has been declared best destination for travellers in terms of value for money, according to the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). Global brand consultancy FutureBrand said Thailand emerged as winner in the value-for-money category in its second survey of more than 1,500 respondents worldwide.

People surveyed through electronic questionnaires and phone calls included international travellers aged 21-65, and travel experts. Last year, tourist arrivals in Thailand exceeded 11 million. Tourists on average stayed for eight days and spent 3,800 baht a day.

Most spent their money on products and souvenirs, followed by accommodation, food and beverage, entertainment, transport and tourist services.

There are other categories of Future-Brand\'s Country Brand Index Awards. India is the Best Country Brand for Authenticity and Peru is the Best Off-The-Beaten-Track and Exotic Country Brand.

New Zealand gets the best award for natural beauty, Bahamas for beaches, Italy for nightlife/dining, Canada for safety, and the United States for families, shopping and business.

FutureBrand said most travellers were searching for tips from websites and blogs on the internet rather than depending on information from tourism information centres. Travellers were increasingly interested in destinations offering uniqueness and exotic natural resources.

December 14th, 2006, 05:37
Short times...1,000 baht. Can't beat that with a stick.