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View Full Version : 40'something Fat Ferang Houseboy available

December 12th, 2006, 18:52
Having now returned to the chilly shores of this septic isle (UK) and on the lookout for gainful employment, I find myself missing the sweat trickling down my back as I made my way from South Pattaya Road to Boyztown. I am faced with pale white mopey faces day in day out instead of the white toothed broad, cheery smiles of brown faces I have been used to for so long. I miss the bottle of Whiskey and mixers priced at approx. 15 pound sterling in the Panorama bar that would last me and my friends a few nights and am faced with paying 15 pounds for a few rounds of beer back home.

So, if there is any kind sole out there who is looking for a fat ferang houseboy in the land of smiles who is willing to carry you home drunk from the bar each night, clean up your mess, cook you a lovely Thai or English meal every now and again and only requires a room and enough dosh to keep me topped up on whiskey and pad thai, please feel free to contact me and I will be forever your doting and trusted friend. Oh, and if you are on your last legs with a huge portfolio of stocks and shares to pass on, all the better! ;)

December 12th, 2006, 21:12
Now that's what I'd call Stupid Spam. The very essense of spammerdom is to achieve inviting and ~ most important ~ clickable links.

The dummy above can't even get that right :cherry:

Cheers ....

December 13th, 2006, 07:17
Dont worry Smiles,I have sent a 3 page complaint letter to Spike about it.

jonnbnmv ?

location Germany !

Imagine wx40afp and jonnbnmv sit together in a pup in Ireland ! Do they talk German ? Memory's about a lost war ya ?

Give them smiles and name them dummy ya ! :bigsmurf:

December 13th, 2006, 08:56
Smiles- It's not a person. It is an automated program. It doesn't make any sense to respond at all. I have simply resigned myself to the fact that I need to delete about 5 of these bots a day until I come-up with a better solution.

December 13th, 2006, 09:29
Hey Spike,

quite a few people running phpBB are having bot problems right now. Check this out as a potential solution:



p.s. you might also want to get ready to deploy phpBB3 when it comes out. There's supposed to be some improvements coming regarding this issue.