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View Full Version : Like Father Like Son

Brad the Impala
January 26th, 2006, 13:49
KARON: Police arrested a ladyboy thief as he was busily involved in fellatio on a young Swede who turned out to be the teenage son of a man he had robbed just a few days before.

On the afternoon of January 11, Chalong Police arrested Udomsak Kaewboonma, 20, in a hotel room in Karon. The ladyboy, a resident of Rassada, was arrested in connection with a tourist theft complaint.

The victim in that case, a 53-year-old European, told police he had been hailed by Udomsak, sexily attired as a female, at Karon Beach at about 4 am on January 9.

The youthful impersonator offered to have sex with the man, identified as тАЬTommyтАЭ, for 500 baht. When Tommy agreed, they repaired to the strand. Although the south end of Karon beach is notoriously plagued by noisy homosexual prostitutes soliciting johns, Chalong Police have never seriously tried to halt the trade, which is illegal in Thailand.

Apparently, as Tommy was momentarily distracted by UdomsakтАЩs oral exercises on the beach, the latterтАЩs fingers were slithering about in his pockets. The ladyboy craftily stole TommyтАЩs wallet containing 5,200 baht in cash, USD$100, 500 Danish Kroner and a gold necklace. Also in the wallet were important personal identification and other documents, the victim told police.

тАЬHe then тАШshowed his loveтАЩ for the man and when the pair finished their business, disappeared,тАЭ a report of the incident read.

But Tommy soon discovered the theft and went at once to the police, who noted his story in their log тАЬfor further investigationтАЭ.

They were spurred into action, however, when Tommy called them again two days later: тАЬThe katoey who robbed me is in room 4110 of the FriendтАЩs House Hotel having sex with my son!тАЭ he reportedly told officers. тАЬPlease hurry over and arrest him!тАЭ

Police responded to the call and arrived in time to find Udomsak тАЬwith the young manтАЩs member in his mouthтАЭ. Officers immediately placed the surprised suspect in custody.

A gold necklace and UdomsakтАЩs new Yamaha Mio motor-scooter were seized as evidence. Udomsak (the name means тАЬabounding honorтАЭ) confessed to the theft charge after being confronted by Tommy. тАЬBut I had no idea that this teenager I was making love to was his son!тАЭ he added.

Udomsak said he had used the victimтАЩs cash to pay legal fees arising from an arrest on similar charges last December 17. Curiously, Udomsak was not charged with prostitution тАУ although he admitted demanding money for sex and was caught during the latest incident in flagrante delicto.

http://phuketgazette.net/queernews/index.asp?id=4782 (http://http://phuketgazette.net/queernews/index.asp?id=4782)

January 26th, 2006, 14:44
Udomsak Kaewboonma
Udomsak (the name means тАЬabounding honorтАЭ) caught in in flagrante delicto.

Udomsak Kaewboonma
Udomsak (the name means тАЬabounding honorтАЭ)

the, boonmah, part means Buddah comes.
Is that a 'reverent' way of touting his profeciency at his trade?

In flagrante delicto...with a seventeen-year-old Swede.... :la: In flagrante delicioso! :love4:

January 26th, 2006, 17:14
oral exercises with a seventeen-year-old Swede..they do all look alike those Swedes :geek:

January 26th, 2006, 17:39
I later heard that Udomsak tipped the young Swede boy 5,200 baht in cash, USD$100, 500 Danish Kroner and a gold necklace.

The boys father (Tommy) spotted the necklace around his sons neck the following evening when the entire family (including Mom) were enjoying dinner at a fine Restaurant. Apparently Tommy (Dad) leaped from his chair and starting slapping the shit out of his son calling him a thief. In defense of himself, his son screamed out..."Dad, this is the necklace you gave the young boy you were fucking on the beach yesterday when Mom was shopping at Bic C."

January 26th, 2006, 17:45
Why wouldn't Udinsak be charged with having sex with a minor?

January 26th, 2006, 17:47
....they do all look alike, those Swedes...

So does rice...can't tell one grain from another.
I'll take a bowl of rice with a serving of Swedes.
And a side of noodles Alfredo...Al dente.

January 26th, 2006, 18:30
The katoey who robbed me is in room 4110 of the FriendтАЩs House Hotel having sex with my son!тАЭ

those Quakers get everywhere, New England, West Africa ... now Phuket!

January 26th, 2006, 19:30
and worth every pen I should think.

Why was Dad bursting in on his son anyway ?..surely he'd know that entering a 17 yr olds room is verbotten ! ( in any country) as one never knows what one will find !!

What were his first words.." my God son you don't know where that mouth has been !" :colors:

January 27th, 2006, 00:20
It's probably my failing eyesight, but where did you read that the boy was 17 years old?

January 27th, 2006, 00:53
The original story only Identified the son as being "teenaged", so that could be 18 or 19, and the Katoey was only 20 herself.

January 27th, 2006, 06:49
Why wouldn't Udinsak be charged with having sex with a minor?
Because he's Thai - these laws only apply in practice to foreigners so as to curry favour with Western do-gooders

January 27th, 2006, 07:37
What is the reaction of the father on finding his teenage son being given a blow job by a katoey? Ring the Police? Puleeze!

I think the Dad put the boy up to it so the he could catch the katoey

"The ladyboy craftily stole TommyтАЩs wallet containing 5,200 baht in cash, USD$100, 500 Danish Kroner and a gold necklace." This was bait! Why did the Swede have Danish Kroner in his wallet in Thailand? and why a gold necklace? All very odd.