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View Full Version : Krazy Bar Anniversary

December 6th, 2006, 00:31
I went along on Monday to the Krazy Bar's Anniversary Party with band in street and fun to be had in the new look room where boys dance on the chrome tables before you. Unfortunately the Boys in Brown got there first to find that all was in order here so they moved on, it did stiffle the atmosphere some. The boys in brown then went on to all the Go Go bars and had there own fun removing several boys in vans and two bars were closed by the end of the evening in a very quiet Sunee Plaza.

December 6th, 2006, 00:36
In other words, just an ordinary Sunee Plaza evening :clown:

December 6th, 2006, 01:11
Out of nine evenings I spent in Sunee Plaza last November, there were two which were spoilt by "police come" warnings. The police never came but the bars were suddenly very quiet.

December 6th, 2006, 01:36
Which bars closed??

December 6th, 2006, 13:28
I was there last weekend and it was clear that the bars were on a police visit alert. I guess they came later than expected.

One of the new farang bar owner was putting off opening until this event came to fruition.

Any first hand reports? Do they bother farangs, ask to see passports/visas or ask questions? Pee testing? Cameras?

December 6th, 2006, 15:14
Out of nine evenings I spent in Sunee Plaza last November, there were two which were spoilt by "police come" warnings. The police never came but the bars were suddenly very quiet.

What a pity that your evening was "spoilt" by law enforcement trying to clean up that pedo cesspit that you and others here seem to love so much.

December 6th, 2006, 17:27
Out of nine evenings I spent in Sunee Plaza last November, there were two which were spoilt by "police come" warnings. The police never came but the bars were suddenly very quiet.

What a pity that your evening was "spoilt" by law enforcement trying to clean up that pedo cesspit that you and others here seem to love so much.

Interesting your bitchy comments remind me of a politician who made similar comments
He was discovered in gay bar with several boys in a comprising situation.
You seem to make noise about others, so you can deflect attention from your own shortcomings.
You remind me of him, making enough noise, enough tut tut, to try and create an impression you are only here for the literary challenge.
Why do you haunt this forum, what are you trying to create an impression you are "DIFFERENT"
Are you really gay or just lonely in BKK and hang around on this board as you have no friends elsewhere
I dont think you have any friends here either.

December 6th, 2006, 18:51
bg can be a bit sharp, sometimes but I respect his postings, as he is always honest about how he feels and
sees things.. I often disagree with his postings and sometimes his style, but he is usually accurate if somewhat
opinionated, but who isn't opinionated.. this poster certainly is opinionated..

We can stick our heads in the sand, like the proverbial ostrich, or we can see that the pedo scene is alive and
ever growing.
There is a lot of money to be made from the pedo scene and unfortunately the big money (relatively) even corrupts
some Thai parents or siblings to offer up their own very young for the money.. The scum of Sunee Plaza oozes
thru the streets and sewers, corrupting the young and when the police finally do their job, it causes some to lament
on a spoiled evening.. Spoiled lives, destroyed childhoods, torn rectums and glue sniffing to ease the pain..
The police should be in Sunee Plaza each and every nite and the customers should be brought to the police station, photographed and reports to their embassies as customers of establishments that hire underage..
I am ready for the attacks from those who play in this kindergarten but only the blind could not see the children
being victimized, abused, raped and discarded like used toilet tissue when the pedos are finished..
I defend boygeenyus and welcome the police to come every day to check for underage boys and am only surprised at
how infrequently they do their jobs..

December 6th, 2006, 19:21
:drunken: While we are at it, letтАЩs help law enforcement clean up the underage drinking cesspit. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought a Thai boy or girl needs to be 20 years old to drink legally in a bar? LetтАЩs help law enforcement clean up the prostitution cesspit. Is not prostitution illegal in Thailand? Should the police be in Sunee and Boyztown and all the other bars and bring punter to the police station, photograph them, plaster their faces on the news and report them to their embassies?

December 6th, 2006, 21:06
Out of nine evenings I spent in Sunee Plaza last November, there were two which were spoilt by "police come" warnings. The police never came but the bars were suddenly very quiet.

What a pity that your evening was "spoilt" by law enforcement trying to clean up that pedo cesspit that you and others here seem to love so much.

Interesting your bitchy comments remind me of a politician who made similar comments
He was discovered in gay bar with several boys in a comprising situation.
You seem to make noise about others, so you can deflect attention from your own shortcomings.
You remind me of him, making enough noise, enough tut tut, to try and create an impression you are only here for the literary challenge.
Why do you haunt this forum, what are you trying to create an impression you are "DIFFERENT"
Are you really gay or just lonely in BKK and hang around on this board as you have no friends elsewhere
I dont think you have any friends here either.

Call me a troll or, even worse, a Republican...but I cannot imagine any other reason that my post would elicit such a vicious personal attack than that you are a pedo or, at the very least, a pedo apologist. After all, the police are only there trying to rid the area of this scourge. The responsible gay community should be cheering every time a Sunee bar is raided for selling underage flesh to child abusers.

December 6th, 2006, 23:24
The apologists rationalize and forget their moral upbringing.. Some even go home and go to church but they are damned
to spent eternity with the pedo priests and all will get their just rewards..
They think because these children are another race, somehow it is okay and somehow they condone what their instincts tell
them is wrong.. It is the scourge, the curse and will be the undoing of the gay scene one day..

they should be ashamed but they go into denial and curse the messenger, they lie and sneak and aid and abet the worst
scum in Sunee for their chance with a boy child..
It is ugly and simply wrong for men to lift up tiny children to impale them on their viagra enhanced members, to force
their tiny mouths open with their hairy members, to force their ancient tongues into the childrens mouths.. It is disgusting and
shameful and you condone the monsters when you frequent the pedo bars, befriend the sexual felons, look the other way
when you see tiny children with adult men..

The name calling will commence from the usual scumm,who will tell any lie, twist any truth, deny everything.. The police could end
the scourge if there wasn't so much money to be made in this evil business but honest souls can do something by not condoning
the evil, not frequenting the bars that specialize in young children, not befriend child molestors and rapists.. Up to you.....

December 7th, 2006, 02:30
please, for the record, place me in the camp that aggressively advocates unqualified universal immorality and irresponsibility in all age ranges, sizes and shapes. Thank you.

December 7th, 2006, 06:05
They think because these children are another race, somehow it is okay and somehow they condone what their instincts tell
them is wrong.. It is the scourge, the curse and will be the undoing of the gay scene one day..

I'm not sure race really has anything at all to do with it. If these sorts of venues were available where the people who frequent them lived they would go there just as likely.