View Full Version : Gestapo

December 3rd, 2006, 11:25
Tell me how the american gestapo treats the prisoners on cuba-island?How many showers they must take? Put your nose first in your own "superfree" country. All my life i will avoid because i dont want to give fingerprints and fill out tons of papers for the american stasi as a tourist. Unfriendly bar-owners are not generally a german problem. After 20 years thailand i know a lot more from your countries also and never would have the wish to send them to any shower but to kick them in their arse.

December 3rd, 2006, 12:43
Well spoken, atri1666. I belive that Germany has more freedom than the "land of the free". The Gestapo is alive and well in the USA.

December 3rd, 2006, 12:55
Many of the Germans in Pattaya are really Swiss, Austrian, or Dutch but the average native English speaker
might assume all are German nationals..
It would be hard to find a more pleasant or welcoming host than at Country Club beer bar (next to Come-In) and
Bern (sic) is one of my favorite bar owner to chat with..I have many great memories of wonderful boys/men I met there
and make it a frequent stopping place..
Another wonderful host is Eric who can be seen at his BBQ outside Clubber restaurant and also in Clubbing go go making sure the hanky panky is no over the line..
The host and owner of Po Pot is another great host and very friendly and welcoming..

These are just the first Germans or German speaking bar/restaurant owners who come to mind..
I have heard horrible things about the owner of Filou/Dolce Vita for several years and have never sat there.. I also
don't like the young feminine waiters..
It is not the Germans that are the problem, but Sunee does attract the dregs of the planet, misfits and losers, men on the
run from the law, child molestors and rapists, and some of the worst scum speak English as their native language.. :cat:

December 3rd, 2006, 13:33
I think this kind of stereotyping based on nationality is offensive.
If a particular owner is offensive, it is relevant to note his nationality for ID purposes only.
People are people. Some bad, some good, some indifferent from all nationalities.
Can't we all just get along?

Just last night I was verbally harassed by a Thai doorman for being American. Thats all he knew about me. We are all targets of unfair stereotypes, and the keyword is unfair.

December 3rd, 2006, 22:23
charming !.

I've actually found most Germans are German . :geek:

December 3rd, 2006, 23:17
... some people are writing about the US concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay, in occupied Cuba? As I recall one of the outcomes of the second world war was that a nation bore collective responsibility for the actions of its government?

December 3rd, 2006, 23:31
Concentration camp?
Where people are gassed?
I don't think so.

December 3rd, 2006, 23:48
Concentration camp? Where people are gassed?Gassing people is not a necessary characteristic of concentration camps. The British used them against the Boers and there was no gas involved

December 3rd, 2006, 23:51
... reel in the line :bounce:

December 4th, 2006, 01:40
Nobody has ever produced any evidence that the prison at Guantanamo Bay is anything more than a prison.
Do America and England and Australia and Canada have anything to learn from Europe.....[/i]

Apart from Amnesty International, the International Committee of the Red Cross and those innocent people who have now been released after years of false imprisonment, torture and cruel and degrading treatment.

And last time I looked England was in Europe.

December 4th, 2006, 06:42
... is adept at producing the sort of non-sequiturs parroted by jaafarabutarab. These are the same people who would have you believe, for the same illogical reasons, that Hoppalong Reagan "caused" the downfall of the Soviet Union or that Intelligent Design is a theory propagated by intelligent people. Here are some more examples of similar pieces of world-beating logic:
* Big cities have air pollution therefore big cities cause air pollution therefore big cities are bad
* Daylight saving gives me more experience of sunlight and sunlight causes my curtains to fade therefore daylight saving degrades my curtains

The American Left is no better; they assert that the election of Dubya proves that democracy does not work

December 4th, 2006, 11:42
I dont open this thread-somebody moved my answer to avoid filou-bar. Just another sign of freedom?

December 4th, 2006, 11:44
The government of the United States found this to be the only plausible response to enemies which did not fit the rules of the Geneva Convention -- that is, they did not wear a military uniform, but were shooting to kill nevertheless.

All of you smart Europeans may like to call this prison a "concentration camp."

Guantanamo was established for one reason only. The US Government, in particularly the Dept of Defence with the connivance of the Justice Dept, wanted somewhere which was outside the jurisdiction of the American legal system and where the rule of law did not apply. They wanted to be able to interrogate using degrading threatment and use physical and psychological torture on the inmates, secure in the knowledge that defence lawyers and civil rights groups would have no access or say in what was being done. Indeed defence lawyers have been denied access even to the evidence on which the detention of inmates in Guantanamo is based. The fact that one-sided military tribunals are to decide the fate of some of the inmates (including possible death sentences) without their being represented by other than an officially nominated military defence lawyer only compounds the atrocity that is Guantanamo. Jaafarabutarab and other supporters of the use of Guantanamo can protest all they like but they cannot change the facts. The American people should be ashamed at what has been, and is being done at Guantanamo in their name, instead of condoning it or turning a blind eye. The existance of the camp, how it is being run and how the inmates are being treated has done more to recruit Jihadis and terrorists than any recruiting sergeant for Osama bin Laden. America has yet to rue the day their Government ever established this concentration camp.

December 4th, 2006, 13:02
I dont open this thread-somebody moved my answer to avoid filou-bar. Just another sign of freedom?

Yes, quite correct, when a thread goes totally off subject it gets split.

Would you rather be deleted?

I was working up the pages and found your answer to that question.
I followed your wishes and deleted the duplicate.
Any more duplicates will be treated in the same manner without further notice.

December 4th, 2006, 14:02
Guantanamo was established for one reason only. The US Government, in particularly the Dept of Defence with the connivance of the Justice Dept, wanted somewhere which was outside the jurisdiction of the American legal system and where the rule of law did not apply. They wanted to be able to interrogate using degrading threatment and use physical and psychological torture on the inmates, secure in the knowledge that defence lawyers and civil rights groups would have no access or say in what was being done. Indeed defence lawyers have been denied access even to the evidence on which the detention of inmates in Guantanamo is based. The fact that one-sided military tribunals are to decide the fate of some of the inmates (including possible death sentences) without their being represented by other than an officially nominated military defence lawyer only compounds the atrocity that is Guantanamo. Jaafarabutarab and other supporters of the use of Guantanamo can protest all they like but they cannot change the facts. The American people should be ashamed at what has been, and is being done at Guantanamo in their name, instead of condoning it or turning a blind eye. The existance of the camp, how it is being run and how the inmates are being treated has done more to recruit Jihadis and terrorists than any recruiting sergeant for Osama bin Laden. America has yet to rue the day their Government ever established this concentration camp.

Spot on.

December 4th, 2006, 20:30
Who starts speaking about gestapo and showers in the other thread??? I not!!
Do me a favor and delete my profile!!! Can not find where i can do myself

December 4th, 2006, 21:47
I, for one, sleep a lot more soundly at night knowing that Guantanamo is full of people we don't need mingling freely with the rest of society. Maybe Ceddie would like to start a private nature reserve for orangutans and terrorists, since they're his favorite degraded creatures.

December 4th, 2006, 22:08
" ... Who starts speaking about gestapo and showers in the other thread??? I not!!
Do me a favor and delete my profile!!! Can not find where i can do myself ... "
Take a pill Atri, and go have a good lie down. I believe you on the verge of a coronary.

Think of the Board in another way (besides apoplexious) . . . i.e. as seredipitous.
And think of jinks the moderator as simply the Crown Prince of Serendipity (and the never-present ElephantSpike as his ~ and our ~ King). Just change your thinking a bit ~ this Board as Culture Shock ~ and then you can relax and enjoy the ride.

I got pissed the other day when jinks moved a thread of mine (which should NEVER have been moved) into another Forum. I screamed blue murder by PM: the result was jinks PM'ing me back telling me that if I was REALLY thinking of moving to Thailand I should take the trouble to learn a bit more patience and be more accepting of authority. Case closed!
I agree, and have learned my lesson.
(But the bastard DID return the thread to it's proper place :blackeye: jinks is off to Thailand in a few days and will have other things on his mind. That will leave the Board Moderatorless and all hell can break loose for awhile)

Cheers ...

December 4th, 2006, 22:41
jinks is off to Thailand in a few days and will have other things on his mind. That will leave the Board Moderatorless and all hell can break loose for awhile.

Cheers ...

Careful David, I might find a proxy site that works.

However if I can't I can have a REAL holiday away from... my usual quote....

All of this crap.

December 4th, 2006, 22:50

I will catch up with you next time around at end of '07 ... beginning of '08: to take possession of the 23 lime margaritas (no salt) you owe me. If I can find a place in Thailand which makes a decent one . . . NOT easy!! :cherry:

For those who like a good maragarita . . . the best I've found was at TokyoJoes Blues Bar in Bangkok ( http://www.tokyojoesbkk.com/ Sukhumvit Soi 24 ). The rest have been quite hopeless.

Cheers ...

PS ... you're not a "WGF" are you?

December 5th, 2006, 00:02
Smiles... no I'm not a whiner... I am however a wine-er cheers.


December 5th, 2006, 09:14
Happy holidays Jinx. Only three more days to anarchy, what a pity I will miss, instead I will be up to my eyebrows in buffalo and lion country.

I do feel sorry for Atri, I personally once knew of a very nice German, help him out and delete his profile, s'ame. I firmly believe in not stereotyping the Germans. Now delete his profile this instant, otherwise I vill be forced to invade Poland ja!
Why is it that everyone has to bring up the war and showers, it so unfair, there is so much more to them than that. Who gave us the VW beetle? Hmm just who? Not the English.

December 5th, 2006, 14:19
I, for one, sleep a lot more soundly at night knowing that Guantanamo is full of people we don't need mingling freely with the rest of society. .....

If these people were actually as dangerous as has been claimed, why have so many been released already and why have none actually been tried?

December 7th, 2006, 15:33
... has a story of someone who was arrested for some "terrorist" activity the FBI now admit was a complete fantasy and all those charges have been dropped, but he's now been sent to trial for a crime for which he wasn't arrested, one that's easy to assert and difficult to disprove. I guess they have to justify the cost-benefit somehow

December 8th, 2006, 16:25
I not! I not! Bless, frohe Weihnachten wunschen Atri. I think I in love. :love5: :love4: :love3: :love1: :love2: :love7: :love6: :laughing9:

December 9th, 2006, 17:07
Oops! I thought this thread was a request for a recipe for a Spanish soup and was going to say, "Just dump your bloody bloody-mary in a bowl, bitch!" but I won't say it.

December 9th, 2006, 20:14
I think all these jokes about Gestapo, 7-11 etc. are in very poor taste. Does anyone realize that the number of US soldiers who have died in Iraq will soon exceed the number who died on 9/11?

December 9th, 2006, 23:22
Does anyone realize that the number of US soldiers who have died in Iraq will soon exceed the number who died on 9/11?

And you know who to blame for that - good old Dubya!! And don't forget the thousands of innocent civilians who have also died in Iraq as a result of his pathetic 'war on terror' as well as the hundreds of coalition forces. Altogether he's managed to get more people killed than bin Laden ever did - now that's a record and legacy to be proud of!!! :dontknow: