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View Full Version : Sunee Plaza bar update.....

January 25th, 2006, 22:51
Forest Bar, a corner bar beer was closed tonite and word is there is a new owner and renovations coming.. Ozone , above Forest was open
for business (funny business too).. Speaking of bar beers in Sunee, the new expanded Minou, also a corner bar has lots of waiters in red shirts and very friendly as well.. The Corner Bar, yet another corner bar beer has about a dozen waiters according to the owner but they must have a lot of offs , as I didn't see many.. I have always enjoyed Come In bar beer across the soi as there are almost always lots of friendly waiters..

The big corner (yes, another corner) bar facing Corner Bar is reputed to be for sale..I don't know the name but they have green plastic chairs in a big semi circle around the outside of the bar and a snooker table with lots of freelancers and locals.. I am sure Sunny of Sunee will have a report on the happenings soon in PattayaGay and hopefully this update will not be like the most amazing news reporter's Sunee update..

January 26th, 2006, 00:10
My favourite over several trips has been Harry Beer Bar. Opens early, drinks are competetive, and the boys are never pushy. Hear that it is up for sale. Nice place to watch the world go by, almost as if you are not there, sort of invisible. Lovely restaurant opposite. Curiously for an essentially Thai outlet they do a Spaghetti B. which is magnificent for about 100 baht. And the owner of HBB also has a little shop where drinks can be countered by a wide range of crisp type nibbles. It is possible to order food from the restaurant opposite. HBB is opposite and just offset from XXX - the lads from there are a pleasure to watch as they come and go.

January 26th, 2006, 08:36
:cheers: Word I have heard.....

OOPS...UPDATED......Boxer has enlightened me in reply below...there is NO change in restaurant location....

(......is that Tony and Ken - owners of White Knight Buffet Restaurant located next to both Top Man and La Cage have bought Forest House.

Seems that the lease on the current location is up and the rent the property owner wants for a new lease has doubled.....

If true, the newly relocated White Knight Restaurant would be a great location...in my opinion.)....

I wish Tony and Ken much success in their business and....

Thank You for providing the fine Buffet Restaurant in Sunee Plaza to enjoy :-)


January 26th, 2006, 11:04
Sorry Jim story is wrong. White Night stays where it is all property is Sunee Plaza Estate no rent hike.

January 26th, 2006, 11:13
I think this is why K BOYS and Euroboys are for sale.The rents are just tooooooooooooooooooooooo much to make a profit.
Greedy landlords.The only way to make a proftable bar is to buy the building.How much is K BOYS rent a month,would have to be around 30000 baht per month plus at least,plus then you have electricity,water rates,authorities to pay,tax on your company,wages to pay ,so you would have to try to take at least 10000 b per night,which is impossible in low season or probaly even in high season.Spme people on here tell me how poor the Thais are,well some of them are a lot richer than us if they can own commercial buildings.

January 26th, 2006, 11:48
Thanks Boxer ..I am glad to hear the good news...
I guess then the ownership of Forest House is to involve the owners of White Knight in some way....
No change of restaurant location.

January 26th, 2006, 12:03
bar closing times?

harry bar used to stay open a bit later, nice place, reasonable prices but warm outside.

January 26th, 2006, 12:10
White Knight buffet in my opinion is the best bloody place for food and desserts in Pattaya.Mate i use to eat there every night.Once i nearly had a fight with another big fat bloke fatter than me who was looking at the desserts out the corner of his eye.I seen him from my table.Both of us had had about 4 bowls of lemon cake and cream and there was one piece of lemon cake left,and i saw him eating his lemon cake and sneeering out the corner of his eye at that bloody last piece as he scoffed his cake and cream down.I sat there rushing my lemon cake and cream down trying to beat him to that last piece and i thought stuff this i will get it now so up i got which was a bloody effort after being in white knight for over 3 hours eating and i got that last lemon cake and put it on the table in front of me ready to eat once i finished eating my other lemon cake and cream.
I could feel all eyes on me ,as i dashed for that last lemon cake and it felt so bloody good to see "shifty eyes" look of disapointment as i took the lemon cake.No this white knight rocks.THe staff are excellent and yes i have had 2 that i have had to spank and whip.I still get phone calls from one.I think i could live at this place.

January 26th, 2006, 15:07
I think i could live at this place.

Keep scarfin' that cake down and you'll die there!... With a smile on your face; content in the knowledge that, as a bonfire, you'll burn for days--And be a cinder in everyone's eye! :fucyc:

January 26th, 2006, 15:10

January 26th, 2006, 22:25
I can only imagine letmeboreyou response was directed to sweet ole catawampus and I have been outed..How he knew I was beamed into outer space and visit the planet is amazing..My people are only detectable by the smoke that emits from our ears when we sit alone in misery..Again, it is amazing how letmeboreyou knows all this as only other aliens from my home world would know.. He really is amazing and when our leader comes , we will invite him to join us for a few weeks, all expenses paid, free room and board, and by the way Elvis said to say hi to his old friend LMBY....

January 28th, 2006, 23:18
Heard tonite that K-boys will reopen next month with a Thai owner..

I must have been snippy LMBY when I said I would ignore you and even thou I get irritable sometimes I would miss you if you left.. I think it is time for catawampuscat to get a flea and tick treatment, a manicure or would it be a pedicure, a fresh supply of catnip and take a catnap.. Even I noticed I am getting a bit too snippy lately and will take a chill pill...Nobodys purrfect..

January 29th, 2006, 11:28
The police have been in the Sunee the last 2 nights and will be there again tonight (Sunday). As we know this greatly diminishes the ranks of the go-go boys.

January 29th, 2006, 11:34
and [the police] will be there again tonight (Sunday). And, you know this because....?

January 29th, 2006, 14:16
The police have been in the Sunee the last 2 nights and will be there again tonight (Sunday)

They are right on schedule. It is the last weekend of the month and payday. And it is Chinese New Year. :bounce:

January 29th, 2006, 19:22
"They are also soliciting the help of Builders, masseurs, taxi drivers,shop keepers, food vendors, and many more trades, especially ones that can come to your home, for Intelligence this is a new department and a good use for the many volunteers, as they are being trained by the British and Australian and Belgium Special Police Services to gather Information so 2 Thai Police volunteer friends of mine informs me, one is an air/con maintenance man, the other a gay masseur boy/man on jontium Beach, and takes note of what they see, when they visits peoples homes, but only anything out of the ordinary. "....you can add the American FBI to this list. I have an American friend who is in deep do-do because of his alleged activities in LOS. I obviously have no personal knowledge of police activities but the bars do have their informants (guess they have to get something for all that money). The boys are contacted in advance and told not to show up that night. When undercover police are spotted the word gets out quickly.

January 30th, 2006, 02:12
The KGB is there too. Of course none of them compare notes, they have to have insiders instead. Also... please keep this to yourselves... but some of the girls there.... are... boys.