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View Full Version : Big Macs for Sex

November 28th, 2006, 09:21
A Filipino rent boy in Pattaya on gayromeo.com says all he wants in return for a fuck are "two Big Mac meals and two nights' rent money".

http://www.gayromeo.com/tMjpDclVEvC1yjE ... et=1585606 (http://www.gayromeo.com/tMjpDclVEvC1yjEE0JBK2GelHMLwfw5J/auswertung/setcard/index.php?set=1585606)

He obviously doesn't know about the 'Nook.

November 28th, 2006, 09:33
Sounds good

But as usual if you read the fine print at the bottom of his ad.........

You will see it says:

100 dollars for one hour

500 dollars for all night

Maybe he meant bahts---not dollars

Funny post for sure

November 28th, 2006, 10:01
some of the gayromeo guys are hilarious.

One bangkok guy chatted me up over several days was all romantic etc etc and then announced just before i flew to Thailand he was a money boy - 2000 short time, 4000 all night - must get paid first.

I told him i would post his nudies in all the gay forums and personals sites to warn people he was a con artist.

His reply - "fuck you yankee pig - they not me pics anyway"!

Maybe America annexed the UK while i wasn`t looking lol

November 28th, 2006, 11:17
Yes, can you give us his email please? Or his ID at gayromeo?

November 28th, 2006, 11:19
I sent a message to the Filipino boy asking if he'd consider Niddy burgers instead of Big Macs. His response "fuck off and die, Yankee pig! You think I'm a common slut?"