View Full Version : Pattaya underage scam story

January 25th, 2006, 11:54
I heard the following from a reliable source in Pattaya:

Last Friday the fem 17 year old bait boy struck again. He met a European tourist on the street and the two went to a short time hotel for fun and games. The farang paid the boy 1000 baht and everyone were happy.

Saturday morning the two young goons who are friends of the boy came to the farang's upscale hotel in Pattaya. The two Thais demanded 100 000 baht or else they would call the boys in brown. The farang told them to go to hell.

The two goons then made a phone call and two boys in brown came and took the farang down to the station. Here the farang was told his bill was 100 000 baht, mainly as "compensation to the underage victim". Now the farang paid.

This confirms what I have heard earlier about this new scam.

A few years ago the same game was played but then the boys were 14ish and easy to spot as underage. Then the threat was that the boy was under the Thai age of consent (15). Now the bait boys are as close to 18 as possible and therefore harder to tell. Sometimes a boy who is 17 can look like he is 21, or a boy who is 21 can look like he is 17. You need to see ID to be sure. The threat they use now is the prostitution law and the age limit of 18 in that law.

Americans may have "18" on their mind but Europeans who are used to age limits of 16 or lower may not take the threats seriously at first, just as this guy who didn't believe it, and then things can get ugly.

Of course this entrapment has nothing to do with protecting the young against vice and everything to do with twisting money out of foreigners.

Be VERY careful out there. :director:

January 25th, 2006, 13:01
Be VERY careful out there


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