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View Full Version : Big Dicks

November 23rd, 2006, 12:14
Now i'll bet everything I own that this thread title attracts everyones attention!

I am, however, just posing a question about Karaoke of all things. On the way back to South Pattaya Rd the other night, I went past a Karaoke bar called 'Big Dicks Karaoke' with a gaggle of manly boys outside. Don't hold me to this but I think it is on Soi Buakaow (never been down that soi before). Is this a gay karaoke bar and is it worth a trip? It''s definitely an intriguing name.

November 23rd, 2006, 14:39
Fatman41 is on a Karaoke high. I must say it sounds intriguing. Maybe they sing and swing? I like the tarts who sing in that shrilly pitched Chinese operatic caterwaul, then get all haute because no one is clapping enthusiastically enough. I always buy them a drink.

November 24th, 2006, 02:51
There's 6 or 7 Boy Karaokes on Soi Buakow...
Most of them are populated with str8 boys - hoping to be offed by the ladies working in the bars in Soi Buakow (once the ladies have gotten their tip from some farang!)

However i do know of some gay boys working in these bars - and a lot of gangs of gay boys who like to vist them to off "poochai" so the boys working there are def avail for man2man love - if you take a fancy to one...

Just don't expect him to bottom!

November 24th, 2006, 03:13
Another one for the to visit list - thanks fatman!