View Full Version : Thai bubblebutts compared ... NOW ARRIVED!!!!

November 22nd, 2006, 23:55
Just arrived back in a very soggy Vancouver after a sweet little week-long excusion to the sun and beaches of Puerto Vallarta and environs.
When I finally arrive home next week I shall post a photo of one of the greatest bubblebutts I've ever had the pleasure of observing in any country, on any guy. I just hope it comes out on a large image as droolingly good as it looks on the ridiculous tiny little screen on my digital camera.

I'm not a great fan of Mexicano ass attributes ... overall Thai Guys beat then hands down (or hands on) in that area most of the time. Thai Guys start exercising posterior muscles very early on as they squat all the time (i.e. resting, chatting, eating, crapping, waiting for a bus, waiting for me, just plain waiting etc etc) almost as soon as they drop out of the womb ... it's a cultural position, worthy of enshrining in pop songs and on the national flag.
Mexicans don't take this position very much at all, thus creating a (male) nation of strictly mediocre asses.

So I shall post this photo very soon and you can comment. Meanwhile, take this time (if you want) to worship Thai Guys' butts. May they stay as they are for a very long time. Thank god for the squat position!


WELL!! You have no idea how disappointed I am. The ass shot came out horribly. I swear to god this is the only poor shot taken this holiday (and of course it had to be the Best Butt I've Ever Seen :bom: ).

For what it's worth, here it is. Sorry for the hoopla . . . I feel like I've committed coitus interruptus on the entire board membership. My apologies. It looks better in the tiny viewer on my digital! Perhaps my hands were trembling when I took it, but really, I thought I was beyond such shallowness . . . and besides, my good old Canon S1 has an excellent image stabilizer.

I think you can probably agree however, that it has potential.


Seeing as how the original title is regarding 'comparisons', I've copied (and enlarged) Sanook's photo below and pasted it in here. By way of comparison of course. A Thai butt par excellence ...


Cheers ...

November 23rd, 2006, 01:18
I assume this "Butt" you took a picture of is wearing a tight pair of jeans or swimsuit. If its a Naked butt shot, Your BF will have YOUR BUTT! (along with your testicles in a jar) LOL

November 23rd, 2006, 10:02
More Thai Butts at the Beach Bum Contest on my site now...

November 23rd, 2006, 14:50
some butts to look at here

November 23rd, 2006, 15:58
Smiles...I couldn't agree more.

Thai boys have the sweetest cheeks on the planet.

When I first discovered the meaning of the word "rimming" (understanding that I was a late bloomer) it really didn't seem like my cup of tea...then came the Thai boys.

I guess it's a combination of three factors that have steered my impulses to enjoying this activity so much now: 1) The fact that Thai boys have such nice asses, 2) Their high level of attention to personal hygene, and 3) the fact that most have hairless and smooth as silk valleys surrounding their anal aperatures.

Then again, it may just be that I'm fucking crazy...who knows. But I went from just wanting to touch - to wanting to kiss - to wanting to lick - to finally wanting to force my tongue inside that tight tunnel which is a feat that only a Hudini could accomplish. Sometimes I have to wonder about myself. I mean if I could stick my whole head up his ass I really believe I would try it...now that's just fucking sick...isn't it? I mean having the impulse to stick ones head up another persons ass...isn't that a bit strange?

Oh well, I just felt like sharing that.

November 23rd, 2006, 17:05
Well first I thought it was sick, then I experienced it and I thought it was a little strange. Then I tried a quick lick whilst I was exploring his groin and he went mad, I thought he was a little strange. Now I am scared of it cause I know I am strange!

Brad the Impala
November 23rd, 2006, 20:43
This reads like a cue for the colonel.........

November 23rd, 2006, 20:52

On with the show, Smiles ...

November 23rd, 2006, 21:44
I would like to eat it but I have been told that eating BBB (bar boy butt) causes fatal diseases.

November 24th, 2006, 03:09
heads up asses! sounds like a few posters i know on another board lol

November 24th, 2006, 07:49
" ... smooth as silk valleys surrounding their anal aperatures ... "
Whoaaa nelly! I may have to arrange an edition of the YukYuk Awards with geographical & photographic analogies like that . . . F8 usually works the best for me.

Not home yet but will be in a few days. Then I shall bump this thread again with my (hopeful) bubblebutt thriller-from-Vallarta.

Cheers ...

November 24th, 2006, 08:04
I may have to arrange an edition of the YukYuk Awards...
Long overdue as far as I'm concerned!

November 24th, 2006, 15:40
Mmmmmmm how about a falang 'Apple Butt?'http://upload4.postimage.org/1733824/apple.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1733824/photo_hosting.html)

November 25th, 2006, 11:39
... just have to be the best in the world, perfectly shaped, a lovely handful to squeeze, smooth, toned and tanned to perfection. Further, most of the straight Thai guys I have known who may, occassionally, find it hard to 'get hard' get very enthusiastic if you get your head down.

As for hairless, not all are and that just makes the exploration and discovery all that more intriguing :bounce:

November 25th, 2006, 18:59
We're waiting for that gorgeous butt shot.

November 26th, 2006, 00:47
We're waiting for that gorgeous butt shot.
Wait!! I'm on the road. Will be home on Monday to satisfy your urges. I just hope the shot is as good as your fantasies.

Cheers ...

November 26th, 2006, 10:08
Well, sir, after all this hype about the best buns this side of Niddy's cheeseburger, you had better deliver or you shall be dead meat. I have worn my finger to the bone clicking on this topic awaiting my prize apparition.

November 26th, 2006, 16:48
We're waiting for that gorgeous butt shot.

While you're waiting, I could give you a shot in the butt. :sex:

November 26th, 2006, 19:06
While you're waiting, I could give you a shot in the butt. :sex:

Would that be gin, rum or gin rummy?

November 27th, 2006, 12:49
While you're waiting, I could give you a shot in the butt. :sex:

Would that be gin, rum or gin rummy?

A hot rum punch!

November 27th, 2006, 13:34
Well, sir, after all this hype about the best buns this side of Niddy's cheeseburger, you had better deliver or you shall be dead meat. I have worn my finger to the bone clicking on this topic awaiting my prize apparition.

Well I wondered when that dreadful cheeseburger would pop op again. Thai boy buns are a delicious calorie free meal. You can eat as much as you want weight watchers. They come in all different sizes and you never gain weight however much you eat.

On the other hand the cheese burger is a greasy smelly meal which when eaten drips down your chin on to your clothing, makes you fat and causes heart attacks.

Which option at the end of a night out would you go for girls ?

November 27th, 2006, 14:40
Well I wondered when that dreadful cheeseburger would pop op again. Thai boy buns are a delicious calorie free meal. You can eat as much as you want weight watchers. They come in all different sizes and you never gain weight however much you eat.

On the other hand the cheese burger is a greasy smelly meal which when eaten drips down your chin on to your clothing, makes you fat and causes heart attacks.

Which option at the end of a night out would you go for girls ?

Obviously you haven't eaten a Niddy's burger. Most people would lick the cheese of their chiffon if they were so messy and boorish enough to eat it with their finger tips in the first place.

November 28th, 2006, 00:41
Obviously you haven't eaten a Niddy's burger. Most people would lick the cheese of their chiffon if they were so messy and boorish enough to eat it with their finger tips in the first place.

Cedric sweetheart.

The type of people dining at Niddys would certainly not be wearing chiffon, more like Nylon.

November 28th, 2006, 00:45
Yeah...black nylon socks with sandals.

November 28th, 2006, 00:54
Yeah...black nylon socks with sandals.

Absolutely. I couldn't have put it better myself

November 28th, 2006, 05:07
This latin website may hold you over until smiles posts his pics.

Click on models and check out Tiger Tyson! He is hotter in person!


November 29th, 2006, 04:03
Thanks for the link Buck. I shall peruse that puppy when I get a few free hours :bounce:

Cheers ...