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View Full Version : BKK news and a few new places

November 20th, 2006, 22:03
New bar opens on soi twilight called X Size. It's next to Fresh Boy, small entrance on the second floor. Opens on 24 November. Funny all the adds I see for this bar are in Thai script, even one at the door. I don't know if this bar is going to cater to Thais or if whoever is doing the adds has no sense of marketing. I would not hold out any hopes that this bar is going to be much different from the rest on that street.

Babylon had another foam party last week but did not attract as many as the halloween party. Also they had their 17th anniversary. I guess that 17 years counting the old place, how time fly's. Since they filled up last foam party, they now are taking reservations for a locker on event nights.

The Door Dance club at Ratchadapisek is getting popular and the shows are not bad with the exception of the miss 100 Kilograms contest.

A group called Bangkok Rainbow held what they called a Love Trip to "Kanjanaburi to promote good sex" I don't have a clue and since the adds say young men between 18 and 30, that leaves me out. Age discrimination in Thailand, something new?

New gay hotel called X suites is opening on Rama 4 next to K-why not far from Surawong. 1,100B per night and/or 450 for short time. One room has a jacuzzi but no prices on that room yet.

Both Richards and the Telephone are having a Thanksgiving buffet. I don't like Turkey and all the trimmings even if they are good, never have. You can get turkeys in Thailand? Out of a can?

There are a few new Saunas in Bangkok, that makes 13 total now. Seems like only yesterday Babylon was the only game in town. Get a free directory if your interested at any gay venue.

That's all the news I know, there's more out there I'm sure but that's the best I can do.

November 20th, 2006, 23:06
Bangkok? Where is that? Is it far from Jomthien?

PS: only 13 saunas? I can count a lot more than that...

November 20th, 2006, 23:39
Bangkok? Where is that? Is it far from Jomthien?

PS: only 13 saunas? I can count a lot more than that...

Over at both Baht stop and Gay Thailand you can post a question about where to find something and not even mension Pattaya, it's just assumed your talking about Pattaya/Jomtiem. In town=Pattaya; out of town=Jomtiem.

Acutally, I can only name 5, but I see 13 listed on a map in the back of Variet. The newest is Edok over in Thonburi.

November 21st, 2006, 08:10
Edok has been around for quite a while already.

November 21st, 2006, 11:15
PS: only 13 saunas? I can count a lot more than that

Edok has been around for quite a while already.

if you are so clever why dont you share with us your knowledge, or is it just another empty vessel

November 21st, 2006, 11:34
Let's see...off the top of my head"

Babylon (of course), Chakran, Sauna Mania, Edok, The Beach, Gaysorn, Paradox, Farose I, Farose II, Cruising I, Cruising II, Orion, Banthai, Adonis, GG, Good View, Muffil, The Door, Nevada, Male Box, 39, The Zone, Pumarin...

That's 23 of them, without even stopping to think too hard. I'm sure there are more.

Is that OK? Or am I still an "empty vessel"? (Cunt).

November 21st, 2006, 11:44
Dear TrongpaiExpat, you mentioned "New gay hotel called X suites is opening on Rama 4 next to K-why not far from Surawong. 1,100B per night and/or 450 for short time. One room has a jacuzzi but no prices on that room yet". Do you know if this is replacing BBB Inn, which is on Rama IV Road in the same location and charges the same/similar prices or is this in addition to BBB Inn? Is it open do you know?

Boygeenyus, am I right in assuming " am I still an "empty vessel"? (Cunt)" to be a rhetorical question!

November 21st, 2006, 11:50
Do you know if this is replacing BBB Inn, which is on Rama IV Road in the same location and charges the same/similar prices or is this in addition to BBB Inn? Is it open do you know?It is almost next to BBB Inn and is exactly the same layout because the Thai who built BBB Inn and then sold it has built the new place - and why spend money on architects or brainpower on thinking? They are aiming to undercut BBB Inn's prices by around 50 - 100 baht

November 21st, 2006, 13:03
Thanks Homintem for the info. I found the web page for xsuites http://www.xgroupbangkok.com/xlove.html and the rooms look a lot nicer than BBB Inn, even if they are the same layout. Has anyone stayed there in the time it has been open? I always like to try somewhere new when in Bangkok.

November 21st, 2006, 13:06
If they look nice now, you can be sure they won't be after a few weeks' short-time use.

November 21st, 2006, 13:31
If they look nice now, you can be sure they won't be after a few weeks' short-time use.

Why, are you planning to use them ?

November 21st, 2006, 13:52
Is there a reason you're insulting me?

November 21st, 2006, 14:36
Is there a reason you're insulting me?

Yes,you are always insulting posters, taking the piss and being negative. An example is your recent post calling lonelywombat a cunt. You have used this word before to insult other posters. I know lonelywombat called you an empty vessel but you were being negative. He was trying to get some useful information and instead of just giving it you were being a smart arse. You appear to be quite an intelligent man, It would be wonderful if you put your intelligence to a better use and not to being a bitchy queen. I always read your posts, and I don't believe in the ignore button.

I sincerely hope that one day posters will be able to say well done boygeenyus or thanks for the info. boygeenyus. A little kindness brings big rewards.

November 21st, 2006, 14:54
My initial post here was questioning the poster who said that Bangkok had "13 saunas total". Does my questioning the dissemination of ignorant, spurious information make me "negative"?

And anyway, how is it any of your business what I called lonelywombat? Let HIM insult me (again) if he wants to. You're doing nothing but propagate the incessant rudeness on this site. Rudeness and misinformation are this site's biggest problems. I try to do my best in regard to the latter, only to be hit by the rudenss of people who think it is "negative" to do so.

Can't win around here, can you?

November 21st, 2006, 14:58
A little kindness brings big rewards.

Words to live by allieb.

In the movie Harvey, I recall this line: As played by Jimmy Stewart

" Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me. "

November 21st, 2006, 15:19
[quote="boygeenyus"]My initial post here was questioning the poster who said that Bangkok had "13 saunas total". Does my questioning the dissemination of ignorant, spurious information make me "negative"?

By all means question incorrect information. If you can correct the information then do so. Oh no you post the following.

Bangkok? Where is that? Is it far from Jomthien? ( bitchy)
PS: only 13 saunas? I can count a lot more than that... (then count them and give us an update)

I'm not getting into a back and forth with you I rest my case.

November 21st, 2006, 17:31
Let's see...off the top of my head"

Babylon (of course), Chakran, Sauna Mania, Edok, The Beach, Gaysorn, Paradox, Farose I, Farose II, Cruising I, Cruising II, Orion, Banthai, Adonis, GG, Good View, Muffil, The Door, Nevada, Male Box, 39, The Zone, Pumarin...

That's 23 of them, without even stopping to think too hard. I'm sure there are more.

Is that OK? Or am I still an "empty vessel"? (Cunt).

Doesnt that say a lot about the poster


Why should you have to respond that way. We all know you as a smart arse, all I asked was for you to list the places you said you knew. Why the telegraph pole on your shoulder. If you want to be the fount of all wisdom here, why can't you be polite

November 21st, 2006, 17:41
Dont worry about him , he is running away from something.

Look at the way he is abusing other people and being so righteous.

He has got something to hide and it shows. He is in denial.

November 21st, 2006, 22:03
There seems to be quite a few farangs I encounter on the street that are either rude and/or strange. Often I get shoved out of the way by some farang that thinks I am walking too slow or I am in his way. Last week I was walking on soi Nahmdupree and this farang was stopping motocy taxis and saying ko san road, 20 Baht, as each driver refused he yelled ass hole. That's a long trip for only 20B. He must have stopped about 10 asking for this fare and each no was met with either a ass hole or fuck you. All the Thai drivers just drove off, some other's on the street started laughing at him and he did not like that and they got a volley of obscenities thrown at them.

A farang acting like this in Thailand is just laughed off as a ting tong farang. Let this same guy try this in any US city and see how long it takes for someone to punch his lights out.

It's the same here. Those who carefully guard their identity can be rude and suffer no consequences. Just don't tell anyone your screen name and don't meet any other posters.

I don't know the psychology of what makes people rude and abusive, I assume there are several different reasons including low self esteem. It's funny, most of the ass holes you meet don't know that they are ass holes, self awareness is very lacking.

There was only one person that I knew that was aware he was an ass hole. He was a lawyer and told me people pay me well to be an ass hole and I am good at it. He was very a very smart person but a total ass hole.
Many agressive lawyers are putting on an act, but this guy was allways an ass hole and knew it. He told me once being rude just comes natural.

November 22nd, 2006, 02:04

Your story reminded me of what happened when I left Thailand in October. I was in Bkk airport and saw long lines of passengers for the for the Qatar Airways flight to Doha. The last two lines has only a few people at the desk. A farang was blocking the way to the last two desks with his trolley. I said to him politely, "excuse me" at which he pulled a face like I had assaulted him. "I would like to get to those desks" I said. After he maneuvered his trolley he looked me in the face and said " OK now, go,vanish, asshole. I looked him in the face and said "Fuck you too" at which he replied "and your sister".

At Doha airport I was lining up at the gate for the Jeddah flight, and yes who was next to me, him. I glared at him and ignored him. At Jeddah upon arrival I had special meet and greet treatment as I work for an important person. Upon seeing this he tried to make up for his behavior by smiling. at me. "Too late mate" I said and turned to my special meet and greet man and said "make sure he has a bad time at customs" Revenge is best served up cold.

November 22nd, 2006, 02:56
I don't know the psychology of what makes people rude and abusive, I assume there are several different reasons including low self esteem. ... is that I find it extraordinarily difficult to suffer fools gladly :bounce:

November 22nd, 2006, 06:53
And anyway, how is it any of your business what I called lonelywombat? Let HIM insult me (again) if he wants to. You're doing nothing but propagate the incessant rudeness on this site. Rudeness and misinformation are this site's biggest problems. I try to do my best in regard to the latter, only to be hit by the rudenss of people who think it is "negative" to do so.

Can't win around here, can you?

You hit by rudeness? Surely a case of the pot calling the kettle black

November 22nd, 2006, 08:45
Rudeness and misinformation are this site's biggest problems. I try to do my best in regard to the latter, only to be hit by the rudenss of people who think it is "negative" to do so.Given that The Lad is a mine of mis- (or possibly dis-)information himself, since he's never heard a Thai government line he isn't parroting 200% within 5 minutes, his remarks are ... shall we say ... disingenuous

When other people quote The Lad I can see what he writes, but I have him on {Ignore} for the very reason that he generally does posters (and Thailand) more harm than good by what he writes, and my doctors have told me to watch my blood pressure

November 22nd, 2006, 16:12
Well, the one thing I love about Thailand is the LACK of rudeness from Thais. It always seems to be farangs who are rude or nasty! Here in Sydney, just walking down the main street is a collision course = and if you run into someone it is FUCK YOU!!!! or a filthy look or other abuse. In thailand the pedestrians move seemlessly on those more crowded streets such as Pratunam, and if you do run into someone then it is a amall apology and a amile on both sides.