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November 17th, 2006, 16:18
I had to laugh at this story - anonymized and edited

I have to sharge the giggles that I have had from this letter from a friend

"Having an eventful time...

On the 3rd night of no nooky from X, 'tired', 'headache', 'sex not important' etc, I told him to pack his bags and go back to his loom. Treated myself to a jumbo size cock from soi twighlight instead and took back to my room. He was just making a rear entry when X was back knocking at the door. Wouldn't go away. Talk about coitus interruptus! He had persuaded the night security to let him in. X had been searching the soi's for me thinking I might have gone to Dicks or soi 4 after I had told him to go, then came back to the hotel to talk about 'it', which is really what I wanted him to do. So I had to open the door and tell him I had company. Shit shit shit. (Bar Boy hid under the bed while this conversation took place, much to my amusement.) But now I felt guilty, couldn't get it back up, and bar boy was likewise well off his stroke. So I paid him off with a negotiated 500B for (understandably) not performing, then met up with X next day. X wanted me to apologize. I reiterated all that I had told him about the duties of 'boyfriends' and that they weren't just for looking at, and he agreed to 'try' to turn over a new leaf. Then said he didn't want stay in that room because another had been inside, and then announced he didn't want go Pattaya as planned. Hew asked if I was still going, so I said I was... but had enough of the tail wagging the dog. Finito, Over, Bye Bye.

Meanwhile met a gorgeous pair of strong arms/legs with lovely face from QQQ. Will send pic when I get back. He is doing his best to worm his way into my arms... and I'm letting him, but I know this is only going to be a short term thing... as he works in a restaurant in the evenings until 3am when he finishes at QQQ. But I get him two evenings a week... it's nice being hugged to sleep in those strong arms that wrap you up nicely, and his very adequate dick is quite good at massaging my inner ring until I cum too, thank you very much. He joined me in Pattaya on the second day and came back to Bangkok with me... I liked the way he took possession and just told me he was coming to Pattaya to be with me... so I let him. 23 this month, but so masculine and mature... the other boys look to him as a natural leader. He's nice to take to dinner for company... good English, and a bit of warmth afterwards. But I'm not looking for another remote sweetheart... I'll wait until retirement I think.

But don't worry... for the other 5 nights a week I'm having a good time with the real professional hunks in future boys... yummy yummy. So much I've been missing. X is now history. What a silly boy he is to have blown it. Or what a silly boy I have been for denying myself the variety during the last 5yrs.

The worst thing about all this is that I left my bag of favourite silicon lubes and other 'stuff' behind at home. So having to experiment with other alternative water based lubes here."

edited to anonymize

Another happy customer in Thailand.