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View Full Version : Joint announcement from Hedda and The Colonel

January 24th, 2006, 20:01
Someone has hacked Hedda's Blog, changed the password, locked out the real Hedda and is now making mayhem with po-faced posts about law and order. Shades of George Bush. There's even a thread attacking The Colonel who as we all know is Hedda's Best Friend. Worst of all, this charlatan has turned the "moderate comments" button back on so Hedda can't even post a comment alerting her faithful readers. However, Hedda has been in contact with me, and I have agreed that Hedda can use my Blog on Sawatdee Forum to continue her postings. The first two entries are posts originally made by Hedda and Gaybutton and censored by the "false Hedda" in the past two days. Hedda rejoins Sawatdee courtesy of The Colonel. What a day! Break out the spumante!

January 24th, 2006, 20:40
Worst of all, this charlatan has turned the "moderate comments" button back on

You should talk. You need to enable replies on your blog, too. It is on the "blog cp" page. You need to set these two choices::

Blog Accessibility:
This will control the minimum requirements to view your Blog.

Reply Privileges:
This will control the minimum requirements to make replies to your entries.
Only you will ever be allowed to post entries in your Blog.

Each one has a drop down menu to choose either "guests", "registered users", "friends only", or "OnlyWeblog Owner (you)"

January 25th, 2006, 06:34
Hedda has been kind enough to provide more diary entries

January 25th, 2006, 11:08
Homintern's Blog (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/weblog.php?w=21) is mildly amusing ~ there were a few choice phrases wherein I pissed my pants ~ but I'm not sure I understand why the proletariat has been barred from making commentary. Surely this would add to the colour.

Have you invited H*dd* to participate?

As satire: B-
As irony: C+ ( :ky: )
As fodder for GayButton's attorney(s): A++

See ya in court ... http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/images/smiles/evil5.gif

Cheers ...

January 25th, 2006, 12:01
I typed : Hedda's blog : into Google and this is what I got :

Guardian Unlimited | Arts critics | Hedda Gabler, Almeida, LondonIn the past we've had melodramatic Heddas, neurasthenic Heddas, socially superior Heddas. But in Richard Eyre's fine new production, Eve Best gives us a ...
www.guardian.co.uk/arts/ (http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/) critic/review/0,1169,1439784,00.html - 36k -

note Homitern : socially superior Heddas

January 25th, 2006, 13:17
I get this:

Hedda's blog (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=hedda%27s+blog&btnG=Google+Search)

for search results in Google.


It is really just in <:binky:> Blogger.com </:binky:>. Don't tell anyone. It'll spoil the fun!


January 25th, 2006, 14:33
Colonel, I humbly take back everything bad I ever said about you. You are the king. You are my hero, the wind beneath my wings. And I love you.

Watch for your karma ratings to start soaring.

January 25th, 2006, 15:34
I followed elephantspike directions and this is what I found :


with the accompanying photo titled : Hedda !


Looks like a friendly enough chap.

Is this the Hedda in question ?

does he bite ?

does he have fleas ?

January 25th, 2006, 15:45
The Dog is a giving, compassionate personality. He offers kind words, support and advice to friends and family. He is a listener, always available to lend an ear or a shoulder to a friend in need. Often Dogs know more about their friends than their friends know about them or even themselves! Dogs are incredibly attentive. Sometimes though, Dogs should pay more attention to their own needs. In private, many Dog people worry a lot.

Years of the Dog

Eleventh in the cycle, Dog Years follow the Rooster years and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on a specific date, so it is essential to check the calendar to find the exact date on which each Dog Year actually begins.



Dogs can be a bit overwhelming, due in part to their attentive natures. They can march in and take control of a situation, even when it doesnтАЩt involve them directly. This can lead people to think Dogs are nosy or gossipy, but in reality, he just means well. Money and status donтАЩt matter to the Dog. He is more concerned with the welfare of his family and friends and will do whatever it takes to help them out of a tight squeeze or a rough spot. Once Dogs determine a subject of interest, they usually master that before taking off for a new adventure. They like to finish what they start. They are honest and trustworthy people, ethically strong and morally kept. They make loyal friends and companions.


People born in the Year of the Dog share certain characteristics. He Dog Sign is an abbreviated way of characterizing that individualтАЩs personality. Following are features associated with the Sign of the Dog.

Eleventh in order, Chinese nameтАФGOU, sign of fidelity
HourтАФ7pm-8:59pm MonthтАФOctober
Western CounterpartтАФLibra



January 25th, 2006, 18:20
Hedda rejoins Sawatdee courtesy of The Colonel.

As I recall...um...weren't there were insinuations, during the great hydra wars of 2005, that La Hedda & the Colonel were hydras?
Were they truly, as is being whispered about town, buzzed up by aliens? :ufo:
And forced to breed aboard a space ship! :boxing:
Could homi be the fruition...Fruit Loop?...'designer baby'...resulting of that most unholy of unions?... (Or were they really just blind drunk and doin' it dog fashion in the parking lot of Yen Sabai?)
And now bringing Ma Hedda's goofy gospel to Sawatdee?
And what happened to the fat...er...dear old Cun...Colonel?
Do Heddas eat their hubbies immediately after doin' the nasty?

As Charlie Brown would say, 'I can't stand it!" :puke:

Juice from the Pollywood (That's the Great Pattaya Film Industry. Currently seeking a new home since Boys Studio is, alas, no longer. All Boys, take note.) Grapevine: Disney will be doing a cartoon version of Hedda Gabler with Fran Dresher (?)...what's-er-face...doing the voice...er...screech-over. Retitled; Hedda Gobbler; the advance buzz has it pegged as a 'turkey.' Dame Sani was asked to step out of her step-ins...er...retirement and do the lighting and sceenery but talks came to a halt when she insisted on doing everything in pink and port wine :toothy1: which, as you see, doesn't go with La Hedda's verdant complexion.

January 25th, 2006, 18:59
... (from Hedda's chums) I have turned Comments on for the latest entry (from the budgie)

January 26th, 2006, 12:36
Trying to read the comments on the Bog this evening and receive this in return. First GayButton blows a gasket, now H*dd* is apparently immersing himself in day labour. Never seen this message before ... perhaps a (nuther) conspiracy?

Whatever ... funny buggers like this seem to have just escalated since the phony threat from The Blackmailer (that bastard!).


The beat goes on ...
