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View Full Version : Where is Hedda

November 17th, 2006, 12:05
I read a lot of comments about Hedda, one of the reasons I dropped off the board for so long. is she gone permanently or is it just a vacation/

November 17th, 2006, 12:33
but I warn you-if you value your self respect I would avoid it like the plague.

My experience on the few Thai gay boards has been that fairly lively discussions can occur and that's to be expected but you will find Hedda's new home takes nastiness to a level I've never witnessed before.

There are a few posters who seem to dominate every thread : Village Idiot, Dick , Snowy , Hedda amongst others and sadly their moderator GayButton can be particularly nasty especially to any new member who joins. This is pretty weird when you discover the board's only been going for 3 months.

They also accuse about 10 posters of al being one peson-namely LMTU. Odd, as they may like all talking to themselves but I don't really think LMTU is in that garrulous.

However if you like to live dangerously and want a cheap thrill, it's quite intersting to read some of the amazing hypocrisy by the nastier members. There are 2 who seem to do nothing but rant on about Sunnee Plaza and which boy they like blah blah blah and when someone chimes in he will be verbally thrashed for daring to comment upon his own experiences.

Someone said it should be called Bedlam Stop rather than Baht Stop and that the lunatics have taken over the asylum--and the head nutter running the show is Hedda ! ( it's also probably why they have so few members and just a handful of dwindling posters)

I'd give it a short life span and the owner should save his money and donate to a Thai charity as it seems to be a place for 6 people to coverse which they could easly do by email-then they wouldn't have to take up broadband width with their horrible insults to others.

By contrast-Sawatdee is like an oasis of calm and gentlemanly conduct.

November 17th, 2006, 12:50
I visited that board briefly, it's not that bad and grouchy old gaybuttock apparently isn't a moderator, so he says.
It's quite good if you want a giggle.

November 17th, 2006, 13:09
Hedda is becoming increasingly paranoid and is convinced that other boards are "planting "newbie" members to subvert the board--subversion mainly being that you don't agree with him. I hope a Grand Dame like you Thanpuying Sanitree isn't a Sawatdee spy intent on derailing the rusty bus. It's actually better to know where the madmen all are !

Yes it's good for a giggle -in fact it's one huge joke

a small example of the giggles. These 2 posters are great pals ( or perhaps the same person as that's what seem to accuse everyon else of being )

Village Idiot : "I was heading over to Krazy the other nite and I met a boy who danced in Dream Boyz..He asked me
"bai nai?" (where are you going?) and when I told him Sunee , he replied "oh, you like little boys".."
his friend's reply :
Dick : "Why do some queens think that other people who are total strangers have any interest in their utterly boring social or sexual life ? GAGGGG !!!!

or here's a nice retort to one poster : "you seem to be the number 1 protector of peaodophiles in Sunnee Plaza "

I'm not so sure many others would find it such a giggle Ms Sanitree ( probably their lawyers wouldn't either)

November 17th, 2006, 13:45
do you reckon ?
not if you want to be a member. I joined today to make a post and was immediately accused of being another poster.
That poster as far as I could see, had been accused of being about 4 different posters.
Then I was banned as they say I was two other posters.
I think they must be completey and utterly insane. They could easily check my ISP number and see I live in Ireland and I'm not anyone else.
It's a very weird board.

And yes this is my first post on here but how does someone start posting on a board when they are afraid of being attacked ?

November 17th, 2006, 15:03
And yes this is my first post on here but how does someone start posting on a board when they are afraid of being attacked ?

Baby, if you really look like that aggravator I'd attack you any time! I'll even take you to dinner first--So long as I can have you...for dessert.
A warm and gracious welcome! A little sanity is just what this old place needs.

Now I must go drink my bathwater.

November 18th, 2006, 10:46
So, is there a link to this scandalous forum, or how shall I know for my self.


November 19th, 2006, 00:23
Wow, 15 minutes reading over there was enough for me, Good to be back over here where things are a bit on the balanced side of life.


November 19th, 2006, 03:57
I come over here for a bit of sanity myself.

November 19th, 2006, 04:38
With my tonge firmly in my cheek..........

Welcome back

And I've told the world http://www.baht-stop.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=563

Ok not the world 162 posters there minus our members so that means about 5 people :cyclopsani:

November 23rd, 2006, 13:42
and is of real concern ( not)

The H***a of the Buck Shot board claims he isn't the H***a of Sawatdee ! and is now claiming knowledge of libel while deriding others for daring to express an opinion on the subject:
"When you do bring your lawsuit, presumably in Disneyland, how will you ever decide what name to use ?"

Appropriately the defendant should be named as Mickey Mouse.

While the debate rages on at that "other board" beween 2 people who reacted like vicous vipers..calling anyone who dipped a toe in a variety of names from "sociopath" to "peadophile", I wonder how they would react if the same was said about them and posted somewhere.

It should serve as a warning--wander there and read if nastiness in print turns you on but be warned..try to participate and you will receive a Mike Tyson style thrashing with all rules thrown out the window and once down the boot will go in.

And take note--the original complaint from a member was about a post that called him a child abuser ( the man is most certainly not). Both moderators , the board owner, H***a and a couple of others think he shouldn't complain.

This will be most certainly be my last word on this subject--or any else for that matter..but I say this so it is on the record. I went into bat for a mate who was called the most vile (and criminal) thing a person can be called in Pattaya. For some reaon it unleashed a bashing in print which I've never experienced before.
And that is a mystery.

November 23rd, 2006, 14:46
Defending child abuse will do that, dear.

November 23rd, 2006, 14:58
still too gutless to confront me personally I see.

November 23rd, 2006, 15:27
Can't you take your petty squabbles into the playground. I am sure there will be far greater rewards there for you, if I believe what I am hearing.

November 23rd, 2006, 15:32
I'm sure Thaiwonon and his pals know the locations of all the neighborhood playgrounds by heart.

November 23rd, 2006, 17:18
Are you a tough wooly moof thaiwonon,?

No but you obviously think you are, dear. You are so obvious.

tell us about your chicken dance again, I love fairy tales much more interesting than the truth

Did love the comment by Peter Costello in your Parliment, "we all know what roosters do to chickens"

Thats what you were after but too shy to say. Dont worry dear we all have you figured out.

You are a great big wooly moof that takes it up the arse but pretends to be straight

I love it when you say that, piss myself laughing every time. What a comedian. What a liar.

November 23rd, 2006, 18:51
"Can't you take your petty squabbles into the playground."

that if you were accused by an annonymous (or so they think) poster of the most reviled crime in Thailand, then it wouldn't bother you ?.

Maybe you place little value on your own reputation , others who live in Thailand and conduct business there must be very careful.

Why then does it concern you what is happening in this thread ?.

November 23rd, 2006, 19:08
Ok children... The teacher must tell you ALL to stop this squabbling.

Thread closed. Usename hedda blocked.

I am trying to speak quietly while holding a big stick.

PLEASE desist.