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View Full Version : New Seating, New Times & New Year!

American Teacher-old
December 24th, 2005, 21:14
Niddy's Nook is proud to announce the purchase of brand new outdoor seating: cushy couches and chairs. In a continuing effort to provide a more comfortable and more relaxing environment, the Nook's new plush veranda seating affords an ideal opportunity for getting to know the neoteric and numerous 'Nook Waiters' in a more intimate setting! Speaking of which, more and more waiter boys are being hired each night for your enjoyment and entertainment! Stop by -- we have the friendliest boys on the soi!

In addition, Niddy's Nook is also operating under new hours. Please note that from now on, the Nook will open at 1:00 PM and close at 1:00 AM.

On New Year's Eve -- Saturday, December 31st, Niddy's Nook will be hosting its first annual "Ring It In Right" New Year's Revelry Party! A free, gourmet snack buffet will be provided at 8:00 PM and our usual extensive offerings will be available for order on the Nook Menu. Have you tried Niddy's Special Mai Tai yet? Stay with us until midnight, and RING IN YOUR NEW YEAR RIGHT!

For further information or for priority seating reservations kindly email niddysnook@gmail.com.

Attached please find a link to our our New Year's flyer...
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b95/C ... sparty.jpg (http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b95/CTPManatee/newyearsparty.jpg)

Chris & Niddy :D

December 24th, 2005, 21:24
I passed by yesterday and saw those big comfortable looking chairs ..Looks very inviting and I will test them out soon...

American Teacher-old
December 31st, 2005, 09:50
Excellent! We would love to see you, Cat. Thanks for the shout out.

Happy New Year to everyone, may this next year bring you all the happiness you wish for.

Chris, Niddy & Sebastian(':lol:')

January 1st, 2006, 13:21

January 1st, 2006, 14:40
Can't believe anyone would wait an hour and a half for food so I think letmeboreyou doesn't like someone..As his reviews of other places are so wildly exaggerated I am sure his nasty review of Niddy's is also a gross exaggeration and out of spite for reasons unknown.. Maybe Niddy refuses his promotional services or his public relation work.. I wonder is the big wheel Letmeboreyou was eating with was badbilly,msyndey or his new friend pattayatroll... I can't imagine why someone who promotes other restaurants non stop would turn around and stab Niddys in the back...

January 1st, 2006, 15:37
Well no it was not me Im not in Pattaya at the moment,but Catwampus you should cast your mind back to one of my original posts before you open your old slut mouth and mention me.I had actually tried Niddys on 2 occassions and thought the hamburgers were very good,after several others critisized Niddys and come to think of it Im sure it was one of your posts too.Regardless I had the owner reply by verbally abusing me on here and sending me a threatening email accusing me of being sarcastic and lying.You havnt been there,so dont motor mouth off about others and dont mention my name to do with this business again.I find your posts bloody boring so dont go around having a go at other posters.
Your what you call a hypocrite because I know damn well you were one of the posters a few weeks ago who originally posted about Niddys having no customers when you walked past so dont bullshit on here,you have no intention of going there ,absolutely none,your just a talker and a BS artist.
If you wanna have a go at others expect some feedback to your posts.
Secondly to LMTU ,nobodys that important that they better service than anyone else.A successful businessman and i can name a few in Pattaya especially the ex manager of the Ambience who runs his own restaurant now,is that they treat everyone the same good service and thats how there successful.You will find the most successful businessman in Pattaya have good people skills and know how to get along with people.I ate twice at Niddys and the food was good for me,however i dislike the owners comments about me previously and i wont be going back,thats his loss not mine.Anyone who seen his post knows what im talking about.

January 1st, 2006, 20:50
Well you are right LMTU,and as long as you dont get personal ,I think commenting on a business and giving the owner feedbac whether that be positive or negative is good.Obviously every business you know out there has some negative feedback.But feedback can help .
I guess im not a fussy type of customer and I remember eating at the EL DORADO in Sunee my last visit and i ordered lunch,it took a bit longer and the owner peersonally came out and apologised and i noticed he was playing cards,so we both played cards together.Businesses like the EL DORADO are run by smart businessman.
I suppose when a business,wherever that may be,personally abuse their customers or their staff dont care etc,not only one customer is lost but a whole heap .Im talking about businesses in general here and not any particular busines.I mean if you think about it,running a business is hard work.I guess not everyone is people skill minded and knows how to respond to negatives in a positive way.You will find however usually good staff at businesses that have good management because the staff are motivated.I like to see happy staff.I certainly understand how you feel about the service you got LMTU and I suppose your VIP did too,who probaly knows more about running businesses in Pattaya,but sometimes there can be businesses who dont cater for a specific crowd.I tend to think some businesses are just for work visa applications etc.
I am certainly not commenting on any specific business but in business in general. I suppose what makes good service to one person can differ to another? No business can be liked by everyone.

January 1st, 2006, 21:37
Whats good to order at the Lux or?

January 1st, 2006, 21:38
The worst thing you can do, American Teacher, is promoting your business on this board.

Brad the Impala
January 1st, 2006, 21:42
Im sorry I have never met any of the owners of this particular establishment, but if you see my previous posts about it, you will see I have bent over back wards to be helpful honest and positive, when I went before to eat there, but I think there comes a time when you must be helpful to the poor owner, who must be pulling his hair out to find the answer to this customer situation.

"If I was you Id cut your losses now, after all this time I'm sure your staff must have been shocked to have a customer let alone 4."

This is being helpful?! Perhaps the relevance to be attached to the comments, comes in the fact that you don't know the owner. Your general euphoric comments always seem to apply in circumstances where you do know the owner of the venue. It's wonderful what some people will do for a free drink.

How is that Gay Thailand site going, the one that you told us was going to be the eighth wonder of the world? Have you paid up the money you owe on that bet yet?

American Teacher-old
January 1st, 2006, 23:19
Thanks for all the comments. I appreciate the feedback and will take all the suggestions seriously.

Chriis & Niddy

January 1st, 2006, 23:55
I'm of the old school: Criticize in private, praise in public. I see no good coming from blasting Niddy's in public here. I'm sure the owners would have been just as interested in correcting the problem described in a private email as they do on this public board.

Also, I'm happy and maybe even a little surprised to see Mr. Sydney writing positive and mostly non-belligerant posts. I even gave his karma a + today.

And I'll give Let Me Annoy You a - when my hour is up.

January 2nd, 2006, 04:57
How is that Gay Thailand site going, the one that you told us was going to be the eighth wonder of the world?

Well, Brad. We are doing just fine thank you! Almost 700 registered members. I am so glad we are always on your mind. :)

American Teacher: Your response was classy and smart!

LetMeTellU: "frozen beef burgers". Ouch. You do crack me up at times. However, all this talk about Niddy's hamburgers have made me want to try one for myself. If it were open at 5:45am I would take a walk over and give it a try now. But, I'll have to wait till tomorrow.

My favorite restaurant in Pattaya is Salt and Pepper next to the Flamingo Hotel. Their hamburgers are good. The ones at Pop's place around the corner and closer to Niddy's also has good hamburgers. I also enjoy the ones at Memories but I often opt for the Pulled Pork Sandwich. Lastly, I ordered one from Fatties and the Door2Door and it was excellent.

How about this LetMeTellU: If you take a walk with me one day, we go to each of the above and do a taste test? I'll take along 2 expert Hamburger connoisseurs and we will see which place offers the best. Are you game?

January 2nd, 2006, 05:29
700 Members?

A slight exaggeration here I think

Here are the Site Stats from the home page of Gay Thailand

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and Stats from Sawatdee at tbe same time

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January 2nd, 2006, 05:37
700 Members?

A slight exaggeration here I think

Here are the Site Stats from the home page of Gay Thailand

Site Statistics

Total Members:581
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Hits Today:3541

Thank you for visiting Uncle. The home page actually shows those with profiles. To see the number of registered members, go to the message board and that lists the total number of registered members. :)

January 2nd, 2006, 06:05
Perhaps as a point you could AMEND the wording on the front page to read


Less misleading - Don't you think?

January 2nd, 2006, 06:09
I went there once. I registered. I read through the site. I registered disappointment. I've never been back. Clearly I'm part of the 700 registered users statistic, but I wonder how many are like me

January 2nd, 2006, 06:32
Perhaps as a point you could AMEND the wording on the front page to read


Less misleading - Don't you think?

Intent is not to be misleading. But, I do like your wording better. :)

January 2nd, 2006, 06:35
I went there once. I registered. I read through the site. I registered disappointment. I've never been back. Claerly I'm part of the 700 registered users statistic, but I wonder how many are like me

We have truly missed you so much! :wink:

I see your Karma is down on here. I am going to applaud you to raise it a bit. I hope that helps wiith your disappointments. :)

January 2nd, 2006, 07:18
Personally speaking I registered there too - but only so that nobody else would steal the name Farang Boss.

Also since hedda posts there it is a good reason to stay away

There are enuff black spots in the world without going into his warped and depraved mind

I am comfortable here - just like home - only here you can throw out the garbage with the click of an ignore button

January 2nd, 2006, 07:29
I see your Karma is down on here. I am going to applaud you to raise it a bit. I hope that helps wiith your disappointments. :)
I hate being interfered with. My mother warned me about people like you :oops:

January 2nd, 2006, 09:12
to post his criticisms. It would be just mean not to let a business owner in Pattaya know why his customers were disappearing.

It's already had a positive affect with American Teacher stating he will look into his claims. This can only be good for his business and he could come out a winner because of it.

I'm sure LMTU will give Niddy's Nook a second chance if he's a resident in Pattaya. American Teacher should be glad someone is prepared to tell him the truth..he's got everything to win and lose and I think everyone would rather see him come out on top.

January 2nd, 2006, 14:23

January 2nd, 2006, 15:35
I am disapointed in this owner of NIDDYS for the comments he made about me on this board which were unprofessional.As a former supporter of his business I was most shocked by his threats.

However its time for me to move on and its a new year and i wish him all the best in his business.Whilst i wont be going back to his business I think providing constructive feedback to any business is important.

It doesnt mean you are actually putting the business down.Its a bit like some organisations which have staff appraisals every 12 months saying where you can improve your skills etc.Nobody can perfect .Whilst i was going to say everybody deserves another chance,i would be lying if i said that so i wont in this case.However sometimes you need to be broadminded and understand difficulties that sometimes occur.Obvoiusly if they kept occuring well its a different story and i guess you move on to somewhere else rather than keep complaining because that venue doesnt suit you or wishes.Im not a fussy customer like some on here are and i am a big tipper to staff even if sometimes the service is not good but if i see someone genuinelly working hard i usually tip,only in Thailand as in Australia we dont tip generally.For eg,I was in MK Restaurant with my ex BF for one of his business lunches and we waited a long time for a certain dish,however the waiter was polite and i noticed worked hard so i tipped him 500b,he was shocked but i noticed he was doing the job of about 3 people so he desrved it,the service from management was no good but the waiter still worked hard. As i said i wont be going back to NIDDYS ,there is nothing wrong with saying that,its my right to spend money where i choose.I never did get an apology from the owner and i dont expect one,i just choose to move on with no hard feelings wishing them best of luck ,i always like to see people successful.

January 2nd, 2006, 19:11
The thing that disturbed me more was this guy thinking I was some old guy.

a terrible thought :?

I get threatened most days of the week

do you think it may be something you said ? :cry:

January 2nd, 2006, 19:38
It can be very upsetting to have bad service and bad food when entertaining or when you suggest a place with friends.

My thinking has always been to contact the management and let them know what happened which gives them the chance to make amends and to correct their organization to prevent any recurrence. it is really doing them a favour.

If then no satisfactory response is forthcoming I might consider publishing a critical report to the large number of their potential customers on this forum. These are the customers which they have spent quite a bit of time and effort trying to attract - and so contacting by PM is easy.

January 3rd, 2006, 06:21
I'm of the old school: Criticize in private, praise in public. ... I'm sure the owners would have been just as interested in correcting the problem described in a private email as they do on this public board.
I'm not sure where you get this sanguine view from, Jim. I know of one bar owner whose view is that most of his customers are tourists, they'll get over it, there aren't (and won't be) too many bars like his so he needn't fear for competition, and so he makes sometimes makes soothing noises (if anyone bothers to complain) but does nothing. Sometimes he just barks. I'm quite sure he's not alone in that attitude. There's a separate thread on twin beds at The Tarntawan, about which everyone seems to have a gripe; I'd be surprised if that situation is remedied. There's a bar in Silom Soi 4 to which none of my ex-pat friends in Bangkok will go any longer, despite comments being made directly (and privately) to the (relatively) new ownership

January 3rd, 2006, 13:23
I dont know the bar your talking about homniturn but im sure its not good for business for this bar owner to be sarcastic and make soothing noises to people that complain.He s trying to belittle the people.Why bother going to bars like this to have an arrogant prick do that to you.
I suppose he picks his mark who he does it to,im sure one day he may get a response from someone who may knock some commonsense into him,literally.My advice to you and take it as Aussie advice is next time you have something to complain about and he starts making soothing noises,immediately bring your "old fella" out and say to ," here mate ,suck on this",holding out your "old fella" with 2 hands around it.

January 3rd, 2006, 14:37
I know of one bar owner whose view is that most of his customers are tourists, they'll get over it, there aren't (and won't be) too many bars like his so he needn't fear for competition, and so he sometimes makes soothing noises (if anyone bothers to complain) but does nothing. Sometimes he just barks. I'm quite sure he's not alone in that attitude.

No, he's not alone, unfortunately.
There's a similar bar\bar manager, in Pattaya. I stopped going there seven years ago, and so have, at least; four friends. During that time; by quick, conservative estimate I've spent 250,000 THB on drinks plus, at least; another 125,000 in tips and Offs--In other bars. My friends, much harder drinkers and bigger bawds, bless them, than I, have surely spent much more.
Well, the owner may say, 'business is fine without you.'
Reply: 'Um, now about those empty seats....' (That could be occupied.)
Many tourists DO return to Thailand--And stay for stretches of two or three months at a time, sometimes; twice or more a year--And go out every day and every night; unlike many expats who go to the beach and home: television, boy cooks, Johnny Black on the shelf, boy on the work-bench. (Hey, not knocking it; so would I!)

If 'he' (The business owner.) wants to cop an attitude, fine; it's money out of his pocket, not mine. I go where I feel wanted--And return to those places trip-after-trip, many times per trip--And even may give some word-of-mouth. Sometimes service is slow (Hint: Ask what's fast if you're in a hurry.) but the--good--waiters come around and let us know we aren't forgotten; joke or chat a while: remember a conversation we had months ago (!), maybe offer something to nibble. (No, not that!) (Damn it!)

Old saying(s):
'Know your customer.'
'A happy customer might return. An unhappy customer won't come back--And will be sure to tell everyone he knows.'