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View Full Version : The Bush come-uppance

November 9th, 2006, 09:28
It was only a few weeks ago that I remarked that the democratic way (as opposed to the Thai way) of resolving political problems was via the ballot box, and added that both Bush and Blair would be punished at the polls by the electorate, although it would be their political henchmen who would bear the immediate pain. Serious thinkers such as my cousin Aunty (editor of Nuclear Physics for the Under Fives and other intellectually challenging tomes and whose Blog Mission Statement reads "I'm an educated well read man") immediately rushed in, tongues flaying, to point out that neither Bush nor Blair would be facing the polls again. Well, indeed. But if those people imagine that Dubya is today relaxing with a warm inner glow, they simply don't understand politics and politicians. Schadenfreude, thy name is ...

November 9th, 2006, 18:43
Not because I believe the majority of Americans can be fooled all the time but I really did believe the polls would be rigged. This is a great victory for the Democrats but there is still a hard road ahead.

But I reckon Nancy Pelosi is going to be one great House Leader.

November 9th, 2006, 22:18
that horrid Herr Von Rumsfeld

November 10th, 2006, 09:03
Not because I believe the majority of Americans can be fooled all the time but I really did believe the polls would be rigged. This is a great victory for the Democrats but there is still a hard road ahead.

But I reckon Nancy Pelosi is going to be one great House Leader.

Hmm all a bit late but hey it's America, they put a man in power then come to their senses tens of thousands of deaths and six years too late. Yo go Americans! Now all we are waiting for is one well timed and placed bomblet, 2 for the price of one, and Nancy Pelosi will be president.

November 10th, 2006, 13:25
... Cedric is more comfortable in a totalitarian country, where capital punishment and forced prison labour is the norm

November 10th, 2006, 13:28
Greetings from Chinaxx

November 10th, 2006, 13:34
Cedric doesn't care about people...just cutesy wutesy fuzzy wuzzy animals. (Ugly animals, like chickens, he couldn't give a damn about).

November 10th, 2006, 14:22
Oh for fucks sake, do you really want me to bore you to death about my pet Leghorn?

November 10th, 2006, 14:30
You bore us to death with everything else, so why not?

November 10th, 2006, 15:36
Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama-a winning team. First woman president and first black VP. How can they lose ?

November 10th, 2006, 15:48
I'd vote for 'em!

November 10th, 2006, 16:38
Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama-a winning team. First woman president and first black VP. How can they lose ?

The (Running scared?) smear campaign against Obama has started already.
There are seven (Dem) contenders...so far.
Kerry committed political suicide: told the truth--And compounded it by trying to pass it off as a joke instead of standing up for--And proving what he said is correct, PC be damned.

Jeb Bush, anyone? :profileright: :pukeleft: If he's elected (There goes the neighborhood, Smiles.) maybe I'll move to Canada!

November 11th, 2006, 08:06
Jeb Bush, Bwaha ha ha ha! (or something like this anyway) Ps is it illegal to wish the US president and his extended male family dead? I mean outside of America on the world wide webbing. Not that I harbour such thoughts, no, not for one moment of course, besides I may want to use the USA again as a stepping stone to more favorable climes. But there was that incidence of a 13yr old school-girl being dragged out of class by the cia or fbi or some such hopelessly incompetent overgrown slime balls, simply because she said something like this on a forum. Do you, must you incite, to be arrested?

November 14th, 2006, 07:36
It was only a few weeks ago that I remarked that the democratic way (as opposed to the Thai way) of resolving political problems was via the ballot box, and added that both Bush and Blair would be punished at the polls by the electorate, although it would be their political henchmen who would bear the immediate pain. Serious thinkers such as my cousin Aunty (editor of Nuclear Physics for the Under Fives and other intellectually challenging tomes and whose Blog Mission Statement reads "I'm an educated well read man") immediately rushed in, tongues flaying, to point out that neither Bush nor Blair would be facing the polls again. Well, indeed. But if those people imagine that Dubya is today relaxing with a warm inner glow, they simply don't understand politics and politicians. Schadenfreude, thy name is ...

The pejorative, liberal, disparaging of other's intentions, Colonel is at it again, grasping at textbook answers. Everything has a perfect answer and what they don't understand about reality they just put on {IGNORE}. The situations are quite different, both in governments and traditional attitudes toward elections. You can look at it as Bush lost an election, but the fact is that they were Democratic victories in local elections, in a country with much richer local democratic traditions than Thailand, and not a 4-year beauty contest. Nope, Bush and Blare are free from having consensus taken on them again.

November 14th, 2006, 08:12
Nope, Bush and Blare are free from having consensus taken on them again.I guess this means something to an ignoramus (such as the author), but the rest of us need an exegesis