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November 7th, 2006, 02:03
So i did it again to prove to myself im still shit scared of them!


This bugger was strong as an ox - hard to hold him!

November 7th, 2006, 02:03

Look at the sweat lol - not scared at all *cough*

November 7th, 2006, 02:04
Ladies & gentlemen - I give you Pearl & Edith!


November 7th, 2006, 02:08
When I saw the first pic, I wondered what the hell Donald Rumsfeld was doing in Thailand with a snake :clown:

November 7th, 2006, 02:10
When I saw the first pic, I wondered what the hell Donald Rumsfeld was doing in Thailand with a snake :clown:

LOL....better than the usual name i get - hannibal lector!

November 7th, 2006, 11:07
... from your picture that it is Pearl on the left of your pic? I am not aware that Edith drinks (too excess) so the drunken looking one gazing up at you lovingly has to be Pearl. Oh, can you let me know, is there the hint of lavendar water, gin & tonic on her breath and the slightest old lady pissy knickers smell about her? :cheers:

November 7th, 2006, 14:24
How many of those funny looking shrimp did it take to make the Nookie Burger?

Yes, fatman, Pearl's the (Fat) one on the left.
As usual; her Granny-drawers are...Off.
As usual; she offed them herself.

November 7th, 2006, 16:34
Now please,... er men, don't pose with wild animals on holliday in Thailand, its degrading for them, and just not politically correct, even if it's fashionable to be politically incorrect, doing it with animals is still incorrect. Got that. They gain nothing from the experience except unnecessary discipline and harsh treatment and I am sure your ego's will survive.

At the expense of offending Oogle, and I dont really want to do that, still I must appeal, Moderator I think this sort of thing should be quietly removed and not encouraged. :cat: :cat: :cat:

November 7th, 2006, 16:46
A snake can feel "degraded"? Really, Cedric, they are only stupid animals.

November 7th, 2006, 16:58
A snake can feel "degraded"? Really, Cedric, they are only stupid animals.

Much like yourself for sure. Or do you believe in "our maker"?

November 7th, 2006, 17:55
Do I believe in God? Not for a second.

But I also don't believe in anthropomorphizing animals, giving them feelings and thoughts which they could not possibly have.

November 7th, 2006, 22:12
The photo of you with the snake was much less off-putting because you're wearing a t-shirt than is the avatar where you apparently have not yet found the t-shirt.

And, yes, you do look like The Other Donald.

You poor fellow.

November 8th, 2006, 09:27
Do I believe in God? Not for a second.

But I also don't believe in anthropomorphizing animals, giving them feelings and thoughts which they could not possibly have.

Good on you, then why are you not objecting, we are not the only animals with feelings and thoughts and emotions. The snake is a reptile and is probably not that fussed, unless it is too be turned into a handbag, but you may safely anthropomorphise away with the orang-utan's, all primates in fact, and elephants and dolphins and even dogs, who share much of the human animals, that is us, cognitive and behavioural patterns. Besides appealing to peoples emotions is often easier? And certainly, even snakes feel stress.

http://www.yerkes.emory.edu/index/yerke ... the-mirror (http://www.yerkes.emory.edu/index/yerkes-app/story.67/title.first-evidence-to-show-elephants-like-humans-apes-and-dolphins-recognize-themselves-in-the-mirror)

November 8th, 2006, 09:34
So you think that organgutans' sense of self esteem is damaged because they have to take photos with tourists! Bwahahaha! You are a piece of work, dear.

November 8th, 2006, 09:44
" ... doing it with animals is still incorrect. Got that. They gain nothing from the experience except unnecessary discipline and harsh treatment ... "
:blackeye: :blackeye: Whoaaa Nelly ... now we're gettin' down!! Where's BadBoyBilly/wx40afp/HappyGay/etc etc when ya need him? Bareback?? No problem ....

Cheers ....

November 8th, 2006, 09:57
Greenyturd perhaps you should know what you are speaking about before you bwahahaha with such ignorant and free abandon. Orang-utan's have a life, unlike you, and no they dont enjoy being held by all and sundry for holiday snap shots. In fact these are young orang-utan's and will feel insecure and stressed like any human child being constantly passed about to total strangers!

Besides humanising apes, something your mother seemed unable to do, their own mothers if they still have any and weren't shot for their infants, will be horribly and unnecessarily stressed.

So fuckarse get yourself a mirror and start facing up to the fact that you are not the only animal in the zoo!

November 8th, 2006, 10:14
Well I never! Such language! Is that the way they speak under the stairs?

So the stupid monkey has "stress"...who cares? I guess being constantly worryied about being eaten by a predator in the wild is somehow less "stressful" than posing for photos with equally stupid tourists?

Really, dear, you need to find something more important to worry about.

November 8th, 2006, 10:29
Baby animals are often used in zoos and parks, having been needlessly separated from their mothers. When a baby animal gets too big or dangerous, it is often killed and another takes its place, or it's teeth are removed and it is drugged or it is neglected untill it dies.

There is the high risk potential of disease transmission between human and animal and there have been many cases where humans and animals have contracted a disease from human/animal contact. In 2000, a baby died from contracting salmonella believed to be passed from a snake held in a zoo. In June 2000, an E. coli outbreak in the USA has been traced to a petting zoo using apes and other animals.

Big cats are often used as props although they are playful and cuddly when young, they become potentially lethal. Owners remove their claws, which is not only extremely cruel but can also make them more aggressive. In 2005 a 4-year-old had an arm torn off by a Bengal tiger in in a zoo.

Many of the thousands of animals used around the world as photographerтАЩs props have their claws and teeth ripped out and are kept drugged so that the handler can control them more easily. Many more are illegaly removed from the wild, the parents shot and killed the infants suffering huge trauma and possibilities of death before they even see a side street zoo. It could go on and on..........lets hope little Chan jnr wasn't eaten or mauled, the tiger might get sicker.

http://upload4.postimage.org/1593453/tigerboyJPG.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1593453/photo_hosting.html)

November 8th, 2006, 10:38
I suppose you have some proof that any -- a single one, even -- of those things are true in regard to the animals that Oogleman posed with?

Safe and sound behind bars in a zoo sounds a lot safer place for these dumb animals to be than other end of some predator's fangs, or a poacher's gun, in the wild.

Anyway, I care more about people than animals -- unlike you, apparently.

November 8th, 2006, 10:56
Well then the ape wins hands down.


Orangutan is a endangered animal only live in Kalimantan and Sumatera (Indonesia). The population in the wild is predicted only 30.000. Moreover, the population of Sumatran Orangutan is predicted to left in 3000-5000 individuals. Orangutan is protected by Indonesian law and international convention of CITES-Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. This means that the commercial trade of orangutan is forbidden.

The habitat of orangutan is becoming fragmented by the illegal logging and fire. Despite the habitat destruction, the Kalimantan orangutan is threatening to hunting for trade. In 2003 ProFauna Indonesia noted that at least 1000 individual of orangutan are caught from Kalimantan to trade. Most of the orangutan is babies and juvenile, and in order to catch baby orangutan, the hunters have to kill the mothers!

International Trade of Orangutan

Orangutan originating from Indonesia is not only traded domestically but they are also smuggled abroad. In 2003 ProFauna Indonesia succeeded to uncover the mafia of international orangutan trade in Jakarta. The big boss of the orangutan trader is unfortunately only subjected to 5 months imprisonment. Nevertheless, according to Indonesian law, someone trading in protected animals shall be imprisonment up to 5 years and a fine up to a maximum 100 millions rupiahs.

The Indonesian orangutan is smuggled to many countries such as Taiwan, Thailand, and Europe until countries in Middle East. In the foreign country, the orangutan is becoming the machine of money producer especially in circus or animal show.

One of the most plights and suffering location for orangutan is Safari World in Thailand. The number is not least but at least there are 115 individuals! The orangutans are trained to boxing for entertainment. However, when ProFauna Indonesia together with Forestry Department of Republic Indonesia and the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation investigated the Safari World in 30 July 2004, only 69 orangutans were found.
Where the others go?
The Safari World states that 41 individuals of orangutan have died of pneumonia and the carcasses were burnt. This statement was in the contrary with their claim that they are success to breed orangutan. Lately the explanation of the Safari World proved to be falsified. The Thailand police finally found 36-orangutan hide in Safari World in 13 August 2004. 7 orangutans later found in the afterward.

In 19 August 2004 ProFauna members demonstrated at Thailand Embassy in Indonesia. At that time, the ambassador of Thailand Atehara Seriputra had a dialogue with two ProFauna representatives namely Hardi Baktiantoro (International affairs coordinator) and Dona Melani. During the dialogue, the ambassador promised to send back the orangutan after having complete DNA test to ensure the orangutan origin.
A month after ProFauna demonstration, the result of the DNA test has no been informed. However, the truth is that the orangutans are still caged in Safari World. Some of them has revealed a mental depression or become lunatic due to severe suffering.

Smuggled orangutans in Thailand---still there after more than one year
Released by: Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation
Web Site: http://www.savetheorangutan.org.uk
NGOтАЩs worldwide have been rallying behind more than 100 orangutans illegally transported to Thailand

Email: bosf_uk@hotmail.com
Keywords: orangutan, orang-utan, Thailand, Indonesia, smuggling, smuggled, wildlife, endangered species, CITES
Update Date: 11/27/2004 4:25:28 AM
Hits: 446
Thai delegates arrive in Jakarta, Indonesia tomorrow (27 November) as guests of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS), an international charity determined to see the repatriation of the orangutans to their place of origin: Kalimantan, Indonesia. The delegates include General Swake Pinsinchai, Commander of Thai Forestry Police and chief investigator in the Safari World case. The delegates will also meet with the King of Yogyakarta and the Indonesian Minister of Forestry.
To date, no reply has been made on the part of the Thai authorities in response to numerous letters and emails sent by BOS, other NGOтАЩs and even the Indonesian government regarding this issue. In addition, thousands of concerned members of the public worldwide have signed petitions and sent postcards and letters to protest the continued incarceration of the orangutans. Indeed, no action was taken after the Safari World, the zoo which was raided, confessed that at least 47 of the orangutans were illegally obtained. General Swake twice ordered the removal of the orangutans by the Thai Department of National Parks, most recently on 4 October 2004, but so far this order has not been heeded. Since the order, 14 orangutans have died. The Director General of the Department of National Parks wrote to General Swake on 31 August, 2004, stating that he did not think the Safari World matter was a crime. The Department of National Parks also is known to have an additional 8 orangutans at their breeding centres. They refuse to comment of the origin of these orangutans.
In the meantime, Bangkok has been host to the CITES (Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species) conference and the IUCN- The World Conservation Union conference in recent weeks. Despite international attention surrounding these events and in defiance of the rules governing CITES, the Thai authorities still felt it was not imperative to resolve the situation.
The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, the worldтАЩs largest primate conservation organization, has paid for DNA tests to verify that the orangutans were not a part of a successful breeding program, as was asserted by the owner of the zoo. They have also offered to pay for the repatriation and the continued care of the orangutans at one of their orangutan rehabilitation centers in Central Kalimantan, from which they will be returned to the wild.

Been there done that, take a moment to consider what you are about to do, it might make the world a better place.

November 8th, 2006, 11:03
I won't even take a moment to read your tree-and-monkey-hugging claptrap, much less change my views because of it.

But it has definitely made my day knowing that I've identified another for Cedric's growing list of sensitive subjects.

I hope Homi will take due note.

November 8th, 2006, 11:27
Undercover investigation, smuggled for illegal trading in Thailand. Specifically, Monkey World was contacted by HM Customs and Excise to re-home a confiscated primate that one Raymond Humphries had smuggled from Bangkok to Britain. The gibbon (Hylobates gabriellae) had most likely originated in Vietnam and was smuggled into Bangkok and then onto Britain. Mr HumphriesтАЩ wildlife was confiscated, he was found guilty of illegal trading in protected species, and received a six-year jail sentence. At the same time a Thai national, Peera Jungthirapanich, was also found guilty and sentenced. Monkey World began an investigation into the illegal wildlife trade in Thailand.

The team of primate and wildlife experts from Monkey World and Pingtung Rescue Centre, Taiwan traveled to Bangkok, Chaing Mai, and Mae Sot to look in markets, wildlife parks, rescue centers, and roadside menageries.
At Chatuchak Sunday Market, Bangkok the team found many birds, reptiles, fish, and small mammals for sale. Many of the species should have been protected under CITES.
The market situation was so terrible and overwhelming that the team decided that they would need to return to conduct more in-depth investigations.
In Chaing Mai they went to the тАЬMonkey Training SchoolтАЭ where they found several dozen macaques, mostly pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), and two lar gibbons (Hylobates lar). The conditions for these animals were terrible. They were tied to posts and hardly able to move. Both of the species listed above are native to Thailand.

In Mae Sot, the team went to Highland Farm Gibbon Sanctuary. Here a couple were re-homing gibbons that had been taken from the wild that their illegal owners had grown tired of. Highland Farm is a good and honest institution that was not trading illegally. However, the number of gibbons they received, many of which were not native to Thailand, indicated that there is a large trade in illegal gibbons in Thailand.
While in the North-west, the team visited Wat Don Moun. Once again the monks at Wat Don Moun are good people that are not trading in wildlife, yet many people leave their illegal wild animals with them. At the temple the team found gibbons, macaques, binturong, wild boar, deer, porcupines, and birds of prey. The animals were kept in terrible conditions but the monks cared for them and gave the animals food and water. The number of animals at the temple once again indicated that the trade in wildlife in Thailand is out of control.

The Monkey World and Pingtung teams returned to Thailand to investigate further reports from wildlife parks in and around Bangkok.
The team went to Safari World and found more than a dozen (12+) orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) and several chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) that were dressed up and made to perform a Thai boxing match. All these orangutans were juveniles and there were no adult orangutans found in the park.

If there are no adult orangutans at Safari World, where did all the young orangutans come from? Safari World staff were asked this question. The replied that there were no adult orangutans at the park. All the orangutans in the Safari World show were clearly smuggled from the wild.
After the boxing show the orangutans were taken to a public area where customers were allowed to have their photos taken with the orangutans. For the photos the orangutans were forced to тАЬkissтАЭ each person. From this type of contact with the public it is likely that the animals will catch tuberculosis from the people and then they will pass it on to other visitor that kiss them. This disease risk is very dangerous for both people and orangutans.

The team continued to look around the park where they found a private area where more primates were kept. In particular the team noted a concolor gibbon (Hylobates concolor ssp) in the distance.
At Samutprakarn Crocodile Farm the team found at least 10 orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), 6 pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus), and 10 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). The orangutans were all young animals and there were no adults in site. Two of the orangutans were being used for photography with the public and at least 8 more were found in a storage area behind the zoo where the team could see the captive orangutans reaching out from their cages. It was difficult to see into this area (by the adult chimps and gibbons) so there may have been many more orangutans than the team could count. With no adults to be found in the zoo, the orangutans at Samutprakarn Crocodile Farm must be smuggled from the wild.
The conditions for the animals at the crocodile farm were terrible. Chimpanzee cages were 3cm deep in algae and slime, the gibbons had their teeth knocked out so that many of them (of different species) could be kept together without biting each other, and all the cages were тАЬcleanedтАЭ by throwing a bucket of disinfectant over the cowering animals. This is a cruel and indecent way to treat any animals тАУ especially endangered species.

Finally the team went to check on the baby orangutans that were being forced to wear clothes and pose with tourists for photos. After the photo sessions the baby orangutans are chained inside small cages. The chains were so tight on one baby that his foot could not even touch the ground.


Experts from Monkey World and Pingtung Rescue Centre in Taiwan went to Chatuchak Market to see what was for sale. Again they found rows and rows of cages filled with South American macaws, African grey parrots, Asian pheasants, eclectus parrots, Egyptian tortoises, snakes, sugar gliders, lion fish, clown fish, etc, etc.

At one bird stall the team were offered 2 pairs of blue and gold macaws for US$1000 each. The pairs of parrots were kept in plastic boxes on shelves.
The team then met a shop keeper who was the owner of several stalls in Chatuchak market and a farm in Chaing Mai. This wild animal dealer had dozens of crowned pigeons (from Papua New Guinea), African grey parrots, and cockatoos for sale. Also for sale at one of his shops were two South American primates, a common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) and red-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas).
The shop keeper said that he told the Thai government that he could breed his parrots up to 12 times per year and that all he had to do was show an official a single egg and all the birds would be registered as legal. It is not possible for parrots to lay eggs this frequently.
The shop owner was very clear that illegal orangutans could be obtained for 160,000 baht (US$4000).
The next animal dealer the team met was a Chinese Thai man that worked out of a stall in Chatuchak market. He was prepared to sell all different species of wild animal to the team. At the time of the meeting he had in his possession a clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), sun bear (Ursus malayanus), slow loris ( Nycticebus coucang) and two orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus). All of these animals were offered to us for sale. The orangutans were for sale for 170,000 baht (US$4270) each. The dealer did suggest however, that if we were prepared to wait until after the CITES conference in Bangkok in 2004, the prices would be lower!
The dealer also said that he could get us more orangutans and as many golden-cheeked gibbons (Hylobates gabriellae) as we wanted.
Also at Chatuchak Market the team were offered slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) from a group of ladies that were in the middle of the тАШcat and dogтАЩ section undercover. The ladies had several loris in small bags that they got out to show the investigators.
Next the team went on to Sriracha Tiger Zoo. At this park the team we surprised to find a тАЬcircus showтАЭ that had performing orangutans (2), chimpanzees (2), an Asiatic black bear, and a couple of tigers. The team started talking to the staff who admitted that the chimps had been smuggled from Africa, into the Philippines, and then into Thailand. They also stated categorically that the orangutans came directly from Indonesia.

The team was also shocked to see the physical condition of one of the chimpanzees. A chimpanzee, named Naree, had her incisors and canine teeth knocked out. Subsequently, the tissue in her mouth healed over and a severe infection had developed. Naree the chimpanzee now has huge, solid swellings across her face. The veterinarians at Sriracha showed the team some x-rays from the chimp. It is clear that if the chimp does not receive immediate specialised veterinary care, she will die.

Finally the team went to Safari World again. This time they went to the park and asked if they could see the orangutans being trained. The staff let the team into the training area where there were many young orangutans. A couple of orangutans were brought over for the investigators to meet while the others continued with their training.

At this point the assistant Curator came out and began to tell the investigators that Safari World had 41 orangutans and that there were not any adults that could be seen. He said that he was beginning training for a new show that would use many orangutans in an orchestra performance.
While wandering around Safari World, the team also found hundreds of macaws and up to a hundred crowned pigeons, a hundred eclectus parrots, and a hundred palm cockatoos. Clearly endangered wildlife from Papua New Guinea is entering Safari World with seemingly no restrictions.

Summary and Update

For the past 3 years Jim and I have conducted an undercover operation in Thailand trying to track smugglers of primates in South East Asia. We began our investigations in Thailand due to the fact that a gentleman by the name of Raymond Humphries was convicted of animal trafficking from Bangkok into the UK. His main business was birds of prey, and it is estimated that his business turnover was ┬г1 million per year in illegal wildlife. He was stopped at Heathrow along with his 2 couriers who had 2 suitcases full of dead birds of prey. When his home was raided they found hundreds more birds as well as 6 slow loris (a type of Asian primate) and 1 golden-cheeked gibbon that was incredibly rare. The gibbon was apparently purchased for his wife as a present on his тАЬbusiness tripsтАЭ. Monkey World was asked by Customs and Excise to re-home the gibbon as we had others that had also been rescued from the illegal pet trade in Asia. Monkey World gave expert testimony at Mr Humphries trial in regards to the rarity and smuggling of the gibbon. He received a 6┬╜ year sentence which he is currently serving in a closed prison.

As Monkey World had rescued and rehabilitated a number of golden-cheeked gibbons (which originate from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia) we decided that we should make an effort to track the smugglers and the trade back to its origin. In Bangkok, in the first year, we were stunned how easy it was to talk to people about purchasing orangutans and gibbons illegally from the markets. We were also surprised by the sheer numbers of rare species that were being exploited in the safari parks and zoos around Bangkok. After our investigations we compiled a brief description of our findings and prepared a dossier for the Thai Authorities. With the assistance of our MP, Jim Knight, we were able to have a meeting with the First Secretary to the Thai Ambassador in London. Following our meeting at the Embassy on 27 November 2003 raids were made by the Thai Police at two of the wildlife parks we had alerted them to. At the first, Safari World, we had suspicions that they had at least 42 illegally smuggled young orangutans. Following the raid it was announced in the local media (Bangkok Post and The Nation) that 116 illegal orangutans were found at Safari World! The second raid was at Sriracha Tiger Zoo where 100 illegal tigers as well as 2 illegal orangutans and 2 illegal chimpanzees were found.

We have a couple of very specific concerns:

Thailand signed CITES in 1983 and as a signatory has very specific rules and regulations as to the тАЬdisposalтАЭ of illegal wildlife. First port of call should be the country of origin where the animals can be repatriated. This is a specific requirement of the treaty that Thailand is obligated to fulfil. The 116 orangutans come from Indonesian Borneo and therefore the Thai Government should have contacted the Indonesian Authorities in order to return them to rehabilitation centres in Borneo. This has not been done and now the Thai authorities are talking about waiting to see what the Judge says in the ensuing court case. However, the court case is irrelevant to the requirements of CITES laws.
Secondly, at Sriracha Tiger Zoo we found one of the chimpanzees, a female named Naree, that had a severely deformed face. We talked to the veterinarian and keepers about her condition and they said that she had been taken from Africa, to the Philippines, and then onto Thailand (all illegally of course). NareeтАЩs problem is life threatening. She has had her first incisor and canine teeth broken off. Often trainers do this to keep the animal from delivering a nasty bite. The roots of the teeth then got infected and the gums healed over the infected roots. The infection has now spread upward into her skull and it will eventually kill her. In terms of CITES, as we do not know exactly what country in West Africa Naree came from, and due to her medical condition, she cannot be returned to her country of origin. The second option for illegal wild animals according to CITES is for them to be sent to a recognised rescue centre (such as Monkey World). We have requested that the Thai authorities let Naree come to England for the life saving medical operations that she needs. So far we have been told to wait and see what the outcome of the trial is but according to CITES law it should not matter and Naree may die soon.
Finally, there were other zoos that we told the Thai authorities about where there were illegal wild animals. One called Samutprakarn Crocodile Farm had many orangutans and chimpanzees that we believe are illegal and are kept in terrible conditions. This park should also be raided and the illegal animals removed.
At the beginning of December Monkey World let its 15,000 members know of NareeтАЩs plight and the smuggling of orangutans into Thailand. They are now writing to the Thai Embassy letting them know that Naree should be released, the orangutans repatriated, and that they will not travel to Thailand unless the Thai Authorities follow up on these matters.
At the end of December 2003 we received a message from the Thai Embassy letting us know that Naree is still alive, but is very unwell, and the Thai vets are at a loss to do anything for her. The Embassy was going to try and follow up by making a request to Sriracha Tiger Zoo to release Naree for lifesaving operations in Britain. We are now waiting to hear. As of January 2004 Naree was still performing three shows per day at Sriracha Tiger Zoo.
During January 2004, Environment Minister, Elliot Morley requested an update on the situation in Thailand following a presentation Alison and Jim Cronin gave to the House of Commons. It is expected that Mr Morley will be arranging a meeting with the Thai Ambassador to discuss both NareeтАЩs future and the future of the illegal orangutans.

http://upload4.postimage.org/1593684/thai2003d.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1593684/photo_hosting.html)
http://upload4.postimage.org/1593685/thai2002h.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1593685/photo_hosting.html)
http://upload4.postimage.org/1593687/thai2002c.jpg (http://upload4.postimage.org/1593687/photo_hosting.html)

November 10th, 2006, 16:05
...don't pose with wild animals on holliday in Thailand, its degrading for them, and just not politically correct, even if it's fashionable to be politically incorrect

Someone said once--On this board, I think--that it is illegal to take those photos of tourists with wild animals.
The illegality may be in charging for the photos. Perhaps a religious thing (Having to do with) the monkey, snake, crocodile, elephant...etc...gods but since I see people snapping away at these animals at Nong Nooch, etc. seems more likely a licensing issue or a policeman & photographer working in cahoots: another way to part a tourist from his money? (Note: that is a question.)

I did a search and found nothing to indicate that photographing animals is illegal (But I have the attention span of a baby orangutan so didn't search very long.) The only thing I found was; it is illegal to photograph the Emerald Buddha or climb upon any religious image to take a photo.

Of (possible) interest: It is illegal to EAT wild animals. Elephants, by the way; are not considered wild animals in Thailand, they are considered to be cattle.

The danger I see in the instance of using wild animals for photographic props...danger to the animal...is that they become domesticated--And if released, or escape, back to the wild may not survive.

There are restrictions on what you can photograph in several countries; for instance: India\Government buildings; China\ Military at night. (So it might not hurt to check before you shoot.)

I policeman in Budapest made a fuss because I was photographing a landmark building. How could I tell him I didn't give a hoot in hell for the building (The damn thing was in such disrepair it was buttressed with boards and reinforced with chicken wire! Bad for tourism?); it was the the hunky young Hungarian, who had stripped down to his black bikinis & cowboy boots to cut weeds? I told the cop, the old lady , in raincoat and galoshes (Oops, almost said goulashes), cutting weeds with him reminded me of my poor dead mother and he let me off with a finger wagging. All the flap got the attention of the hunk and...well, that's another story--With a better happy ending. :bounce:

November 11th, 2006, 06:32
:bonedemon: :protest: :bonedemon: