View Full Version : Remembrance of Bars Past

November 6th, 2006, 13:38
Those of you whose memory stretches back around 20 years may recall with affection the old Barbeiry Bar in Suriwong Rd. It went through several incarnations, ending up as Team Boy (a homonym on its previous name) but never altering a single bit in form or substance. The premises are now being gutted completely. I'm not sure what will replace the go-go bar. It was certainly my first taste (if I can put it like that) of go-go in Bangkok

Sen Yai
November 6th, 2006, 14:35
Barbiery was my first тАШtasteтАЩ of a Go-go bar too, although not 20 years ago тАУ I was not old enough to buy a drink then :binky:

Maybe the X-cruciating group will open a new bar there, or perhaps the city fathers are trying to corral the homos into Soi Twilight across the road. I hear that their latest venture, X-Size, has just opened above Fresh Boy-X. With their current dominance, perhaps it should be re-named Soi-X.......

November 7th, 2006, 00:09
Where and How long ago?


Ok there are enough clues in the picture.
Me with hair and young ladyboys who are still working.

November 7th, 2006, 00:11
Me with hair

so more info required - which one is you?


November 7th, 2006, 00:15
And I really did LOL

November 7th, 2006, 00:46
Where and How long ago?

Ok there are enough clues in the picture.
Me with hair and young ladyboys who are still working.

OK so you have eliminated the old bald guy in the middle so are you on the left or right of the picture?