View Full Version : He Went There . . . SEND MONEY!!

October 29th, 2006, 09:24
Not sure if anyone remembers a poster to this Board who went by the handle of 'HeWentThere'. He was a young man from the States who was looking here for advice on his Grand Dream to come to Thailand and survive by teaching English. He wrote a Blog on his adventures and although I have not read it in a long time, I visited it tonight.

Apparently his worst nightmare (i.e. destitution!) has almost come true . . . though it looks like a job is possibly just in the offing if he can just make it through the next month (i.e. November) on $76.00 US.

Needless to say, he's now begging for money to help get him to the end of the month: http://www.hewentthere.com/blog
A link to PayPal is front and centre on the Blog and the boy apparently is living in Pattaya somewhere. Perhaps Monty can arrange a one-time-only Baht-raiser at The Enchanted Hut.

Location:South Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand

I moved to Thailand in July. I am starting to wonder what the hell I've gotten myself into. I would appreciate it if you sent money, or at least love, or even better love AND money!

Good luck HeWentThere!! :idea:

Cheers ...

October 29th, 2006, 10:04
Who does this creep think he is? Some cute go-go boy?

"Buffalo(truck) me broke down. Send money. I get good job soon. I no wanna go home loose face."

sheesh :headbang:

October 29th, 2006, 10:41
In times like this it is a good thing to have friends, sounds like he needs money home not money to stay, Maybe he can say he is involved in the Some child murder and Colorado will fly him home for free.

Wes :drunken:

October 29th, 2006, 11:01
wonder if anyone actually sent him any?

October 29th, 2006, 15:27
This guy may be pure as the driven snow but to me it looks more like a scam. We have only his word for his predicament and the possibility of a job in the near future.

In addition, I think that the part of the post which says "A link to PayPal is front and centre on the Blog" is very significant.

Anyone who sends money to someone they have not met personally, on the basis of a web blog or plea to a message board is naive in the extreme and asking for trouble. They lay themselves open to be scammed by any scheme that some conman dreams up.

The whole thing is reminiscent of a scam that was being carried out by a Nigerian guy who was pleading for money on various web sites. I understand that when he was finally caught his bank balance was over $3,000,000 !

October 29th, 2006, 23:36
Let me tell you someting, Mr A as I will refure to him , Is a very talented person , who now has a job in Bangkok as a teacher With very high qualifcations .
That is a fact, and has no need to ask anyone for money, only me, and he will get it without a second thought. while in Pattaya he made many friend, with Thais and Farlang, raised bht for charity , and loaned people money,
And I concisder him a friend and a down to earth nice guy.
and at thirty he has the world in front of him. and has My and others surport.
I do not understand the Pay Pal bit . but you can P/M me to give more info.
But do knock someone till you have all the facts.

October 30th, 2006, 01:37
.. he might be a real nice guy, he might have finally scored a job etc.
But if this guy really thinks (or wants us to think) that he's going to make upwards of 100,000 bhat a month teaching English in Thailand then he is SERIOUSLY WHACKED!

October 30th, 2006, 02:41
Smiles wrote :

Not sure if anyone remembers a poster to this Board who went by the handle of 'HeWentThere'.

http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 72013.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/post-72013.html)

October 30th, 2006, 03:05
Smiles wrote :

Not sure if anyone remembers a poster to this Board who went by the handle of 'HeWentThere'.

http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... 72013.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/post-72013.html)

It is obvious that HWT did not do his maths when he wrote:

I already have my plane ticket, a place to stay, and plenty of credit if something should go terrible bad.

October 30th, 2006, 07:12
" ... I do not understand the Pay Pal bit . but you can P/M me to give more info. But do knock someone till you have all the facts ... "
Monty you silly boy. One would presume the "facts" are presented first hand by Him, Himself ... on his Blog ( http://www.hewentthere.com/blog ). Why would we need you as a go-between when it's his own words which are written plainly there?

As far as not understanding the PayPal thing ... what's to understand? The link to Paypal is right there on the Blog.

Cheers ...

October 30th, 2006, 10:18
Let me tell you someting, Mr A as I will refure to him , Is a very talented person , who now has a job in Bangkok as a teacher With very high qualifcations .
That is a fact, and has no need to ask anyone for money, only me, and he will get it without a second thought. while in Pattaya he made many friend, with Thais and Farlang, raised bht for charity , and loaned people money,
And I concisder him a friend and a down to earth nice guy.
and at thirty he has the world in front of him. and has My and others surport.
I do not understand the Pay Pal bit . but you can P/M me to give more info.
But do knock someone till you have all the facts.

Perhaps you should get Mr A, as you refer to him, to give you some English and spelling lessons - given how difficult a task that would be for him, it should keep him in work for some considerable time. :cheese:

:idea: BTW maybe he could throw in a few typing lessons as well!

October 30th, 2006, 11:54
Let me tell you someting, Mr A as I will refure to him , Is a very talented person , who now has a job in Bangkok as a teacher With very high qualifcations .
That is a fact, and has no need to ask anyone for money, only me, and he will get it without a second thought. while in Pattaya he made many friend, with Thais and Farlang, raised bht for charity , and loaned people money,
And I concisder him a friend and a down to earth nice guy.
and at thirty he has the world in front of him. and has My and others surport.
I do not understand the Pay Pal bit . but you can P/M me to give more info.
But do knock someone till you have all the facts.

Perhaps you should get Mr A, as you refer to him, to give you some English and spelling lessons - given how difficult a task that would be for him, it should keep him in work for some considerable time. :cheese:

:idea: BTW maybe he could throw in a few typing lessons as well!

Every so often someone posts this sort of nasty comment about Monty's posts, without knowing Monty, and it is getting tiresome. Most of the long-time posters here or those who are acquainted with Monty, know that he is legally blind and a hunt-and-peck typist.

October 30th, 2006, 13:13
$76 U.S. in the checking account, that is true. Luckily, my blog is read mostly by my friends back home, of which I have many, and I told them when I need money I will write on my blog. I was expecting $10 here and there. Not a million. The reason why my money went is because of 3 things. I had a friend come to visit who got money stolen from her hotel room, that caused me to dig into my pockets more than I expected when she came here. Secondly, I got to view the nice but expensive facilities on the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital for a medical problem I had. Lastly, I had to put a deposit on an apartment in Bangkok. The only one I could find wanted a 6 month guarantee, and since I have to move to Bangkok by November 1, I was kind of in a bind.

That meant I paid out about 70,000 more than I had expected at this time

Moving to Thailand has been a little different than expected, but I do have genuine friends here who I don't need to mooch off of as of yet. Believe me, I have no problem asking should I need help. I will also say this . . . I was about to give up, there's a lot of frustration trying to make it through everything here. I put my good times and bad times on the web by choice for public consumption, if but I am not surprised that of all the blogs that is discussed on this forum, it's the one where I'm having trouble.

Lastly, I'm not sure if this post was started to try to have people actually help me, or if it was started to point out that I'm in a bit of a struggle for a month, but either way, it's nice to know that without posting here for quite some time, i'm still remembered and thought of. I've made it throught much worse than this, most of you don't know that I was next door neighbors to LET ME TELL YOU for a month. If I can do a month of that, I can do a month with little money.

p.s., Cottman, glad to know you are still alive, looks like i'll be eating the 20 baht jim joom and not our favorite cheeseburger from you know where.

p.p.s, if I don't make it and have to go back home, Monty is still responsible for providing the best birthday I ever had in my life, and for those of you who take the time saying such bad things about this man without knowing him, it's your loss, not his.

October 30th, 2006, 13:40
By the way, I actually agree with this totally, and I do not expect money from anyone I don't know. And for the record, I didn't post about this on here first, I am not asking anyone on this board nor anyone in Pattaya for help. Let me also assure you that my bank balance is nowhere near $3,000,000.

This guy may be pure as the driven snow but to me it looks more like a scam. We have only his word for his predicament and the possibility of a job in the near future.

In addition, I think that the part of the post which says "A link to PayPal is front and centre on the Blog" is very significant.

Anyone who sends money to someone they have not met personally, on the basis of a web blog or plea to a message board is naive in the extreme and asking for trouble. They lay themselves open to be scammed by any scheme that some conman dreams up.

The whole thing is reminiscent of a scam that was being carried out by a Nigerian guy who was pleading for money on various web sites. I understand that when he was finally caught his bank balance was over $3,000,000 !

October 30th, 2006, 14:35
Every so often someone posts this sort of nasty comment about Monty's posts, without knowing Monty, and it is getting tiresome. Most of the long-time posters here or those who are acquainted with Monty, know that he is legally blind and a hunt-and-peck typist.

Add to that: a very kind man; here and in person.

October 30th, 2006, 16:17
Too bad he's ugly otherwise I'd send him some.

October 30th, 2006, 17:13
Perhaps you should get Mr A, as you refer to him, to give you some English and spelling lessons - given how difficult a task that would be for him, it should keep him in work for some considerable time. :cheese:

:idea: BTW maybe he could throw in a few typing lessons as well!

Every so often someone posts this sort of nasty comment about Monty's posts, without knowing Monty, and it is getting tiresome. Most of the long-time posters here or those who are acquainted with Monty, know that he is legally blind and a hunt-and-peck typist.

If, as you say, Monty is legally blind I offer him my sincere apologies - I am not in the habit of verbally abusing someone who is physically disabled. How is anyone supposed to know this at the other end of a computer link?

As for hunt and peck typists, there are many more here than just Monty :geek:

However, Cottman, didn't you realise that my post was meant to be read as satire. Lighten up!

October 30th, 2006, 20:38
" ... Lastly, I'm not sure if this post was started to try to have people actually help me, or if it was started to point out that I'm in a bit of a struggle for a month, . . . .
. . . . and for those of you who take the time saying such bad things about (Monty) without knowing him, it's your loss, not his.... "
Hi HWThere,

The original thread-starter was posted because I stumbled over your Blog . . . thought back and remembered your original quest . . . read that things were not going as (badly?) planned . . . and thought the rest of the Boad may remember as well and be interested in your adventures so far.
It was not posted specifically to advertise your needs.

Like every thread on the Board, once the original message is posted it goes where it will according to the whims of the members here. You must understand that ~ on this Board ~ "Asking-For-Money" type topics are almost automatically going to start up the red flashing lights.

As for Monty ... he can take care of himself. Wonderful man I'm sure, but he can take a joke: god knows he's called just about everyone here a f*ckin' wanker at one time or another. And probably deservedly.

Cheers ...

October 31st, 2006, 00:47
The $3,000,000 is a miss print,From Mr A. (H.W.T.).
But it is is good to know that he is not broke.
Smiles ,, You are quite right I am a wanker as is every male,you included, other wise, his is a lire'
Or not a man.
H.S Thorpe ,,I am not ugly I just pretend to be, And i am Not Gay, But my Boy Friend Is Gay
And Beautiful.
Take Care

November 19th, 2011, 09:50
For quite some time, I've wanted to post an update, but when I think about doing it, I ask myself 'why' and then talk myself out of it.

When I first moved to Thailand I had thought this message board would be a source of information, a place where I could share my experience, and a support base for moving to Thailand. I never thought there would be smirkers whose schadenfreudig pleasures are so craved for that people would search them out to share.

So I stopped posting, and relied on the network of people I had met in person, many who 'stuck up' for me on this board. I changed my blog address, worked my ass off for 2 months and read a lot of books (only things I could afford). But someone else familiar with the way I felt about this has asked me to please give an update so that people know how the story eventually turned out, so here it is. Apparently, some people (okay one person) would like to know how I wound up.

I never went back to America; I got a job at a company which I still work for to this day. Whether you believe it or not, my salary is very good (85,000 baht/month), and I have had no problems since my blog post (which was meant for friends, not this message board) 5 years ago. I don't want to say where I work, for obvious reasons, but in the 5 years I've been here, it has provided me with many opportunities for growth, challenge, and a good working environment with even better people to work with. I am in the education industry, but not a teacher. I am however, in an unusual twist of fate, in charge of hiring, among other things. I did have to move from Pattaya to Bangkok to make this happen, but I still get to Pattaya quite a bit. Especially now that Monty's back cooking (seriously, you have to try the Maryland Chicken!).

Personally, I am able to save about $1,000 a month and send it back to America to go toward retirement. It may not seem like much, but I'm only 34, so it should build, although who knows in this economy? I have fun with the other 50,000 baht that's left. A lot of fun!

I am here because of support, from friends abroad and friends here in Thailand. My purpose in writing this is not necessarily to respond to the people who seemed so excited about my possible failure or to those who wondered who I thought I was, although living here in spite of their negativity seems like the best way I can say 'go to hell'. I'm mostly writing this because before I moved to Thailand, I tried to read everything I could on it, and I'm worried that someone sitting in Farangland may read the old post and think that they can't make it happen for them if they want. Well, they can.

For those of you who were rooting for me, thank you. Thank you so much. And for those of you who thought I'd never last this long -- in the words of the great Sondheim:

Good times and bum times,
I've seen 'em all and, my dear,
I'm still here.
Flush velvet sometimes,
Sometimes just pretzels and beer,
But I'm here.
I've run the gamut.
A to Z.
Three cheers and dammit,
C'est la vie.
I got through all of last year
And I'm here.
Lord knows, at least I was there,
And I'm here!
Look who's here!
I'm still here!

November 20th, 2011, 13:41
Yikes ... what a voice from the past. :alc:

Frankly, HWT I doubt many of the members here know much about this reinvigorated thread . . . certainly I'd forgotten it.
I guess because I started it on 29 Oct 2006 (!!??) you deserve a "chock dee" from me. And I'm happy to send it your way.
Noticed that your Blog has seen better days ...

Best wishes.

November 20th, 2011, 15:35
...I am however, in an unusual twist of fate, in charge of hiring, among other things.

wanna hire me? :) i'm looking for a good reason to move there more permanently.

November 20th, 2011, 21:15
You make 85,000/month in the education industry? I'll call bullshit.

November 21st, 2011, 01:11
cdnmatt ... that's not very nice is it?

HWT, I am pleased to note the lack of desperation in your writing and figure that you are well and truly on your feet. Keep up the good work.


November 21st, 2011, 03:04
cdnmatt ... that's not very nice is it?

It's not very nice to lie either. If there's one thing I can't stand in this world, it's liars. Airline pilots make around 45,000/month, university professors make around 25,000 - 30,000, and he expects me to believe he went from soliciting online donations to pay for rent, up to 85,000/month within the education industry in Thailand? Not a chance.

Well, unless he opened his own school or something, but it appears he's on a wage, so again, I'll call bullshit. Thai companies do not pay employees 85,000/month, especially within the education sector. Maybe if it was in the financial or real estate sectors I could believe it, but education? No.

November 21st, 2011, 09:53
I also was 50% suspicious of the 85,000 baht figure. Only 50% because I have no hard information on whether it's true or not ... neither does Cndmatt.
The 'suspicious' 50% resides in the fact that I am fully aware of the kinds of low salaries which exist in Thailand in occupations which normally pay quite well in the west. In Thailand, in the 'education' sector, 85,000 baht is a small fortune. But who knows? For farangs? For western-businesses-in-Thailand?

December 6th, 2011, 19:51
Airline pilots make around 45,000/month, university professors make around 25,000 - 30,000, and he expects me to believe he went from soliciting online donations to pay for rent, up to 85,000/month within the education industry in Thailand? Not a chance.

Well, unless he opened his own school or something, but it appears he's on a wage, so again, I'll call bullshit. Thai companies do not pay employees 85,000/month, especially within the education sector. Maybe if it was in the financial or real estate sectors I could believe it, but education? No.
Can't comment on HWT's wage in the education sector but incomes do vary widely in Thailand as they do elsewhere don't they? You could quote average incomes by industry in Canada or Australia and it'd do nothing to indicate what the top earners in that industry make.

I have a Thai boyfriend (periodical) who graduated less than a year ago and scored a contract earning more than double that amount - close to 200k/month. He doesn't finish work until 9pm most nights, works six days a week and has little time for friends... but that's still a whopping salary for a grad. He's done well for himself. His English is crap too!

December 6th, 2011, 23:52
I have a Thai boyfriend (periodical) who graduated less than a year ago and scored a contract earning more than double that amount - close to 200k/month. He doesn't finish work until 9pm most nights, works six days a week and has little time for friends... but that's still a whopping salary for a grad. He's done well for himself. His English is crap too!

200,000 baht/month less than a year after graduating uni? What job did he get exactly? I'm assuming you mean an actual job, and he didn't start his own company, hence the strict monthly wage. That's the equivalent of a uni grad in Canada getting a job for say $40,000/month. In comparison, my dad was one of the lead group overseeing Exxon's offshore operations in Malaysia, and he didn't even make that much.

So I'm curious, what job did he land himself that pays 200,000 baht/month, less than a year after graduating? Is he developing new financial instruments for Goldman Sachs, or something?

December 7th, 2011, 00:13
BHT85K = тВм2k????
is that supposed to be a stretch target??

December 7th, 2011, 02:48
For quite some time, I've wanted to post an update, but when I think about doing it, I ask myself 'why' and then talk myself out of it.

When I first moved to Thailand I had thought this message board would be a source of information, a place where I could share my experience, and a support base for moving to Thailand. I never thought there would be smirkers whose schadenfreudig pleasures are so craved for that people would search them out to share.

So I stopped posting, and relied on the network of people I had met in person, many who 'stuck up' for me on this board. I changed my blog address, worked my ass off for 2 months and read a lot of books (only things I could afford). But someone else familiar with the way I felt about this has asked me to please give an update so that people know how the story eventually turned out, so here it is. Apparently, some people (okay one person) would like to know how I wound up.

I never went back to America; I got a job at a company which I still work for to this day. Whether you believe it or not, my salary is very good (85,000 baht/month), and I have had no problems since my blog post (which was meant for friends, not this message board) 5 years ago. I don't want to say where I work, for obvious reasons, but in the 5 years I've been here, it has provided me with many opportunities for growth, challenge, and a good working environment with even better people to work with. I am in the education industry, but not a teacher. I am however, in an unusual twist of fate, in charge of hiring, among other things. I did have to move from Pattaya to Bangkok to make this happen, but I still get to Pattaya quite a bit. Especially now that Monty's back cooking (seriously, you have to try the Maryland Chicken!).

Personally, I am able to save about $1,000 a month and send it back to America to go toward retirement. It may not seem like much, but I'm only 34, so it should build, although who knows in this economy? I have fun with the other 50,000 baht that's left. A lot of fun!

I am here because of support, from friends abroad and friends here in Thailand. My purpose in writing this is not necessarily to respond to the people who seemed so excited about my possible failure or to those who wondered who I thought I was, although living here in spite of their negativity seems like the best way I can say 'go to hell'. I'm mostly writing this because before I moved to Thailand, I tried to read everything I could on it, and I'm worried that someone sitting in Farangland may read the old post and think that they can't make it happen for them if they want. Well, they can.

For those of you who were rooting for me, thank you. Thank you so much. And for those of you who thought I'd never last this long -- in the words of the great Sondheim:

Good times and bum times,
I've seen 'em all and, my dear,
I'm still here.
Flush velvet sometimes,
Sometimes just pretzels and beer,
But I'm here.
I've run the gamut.
A to Z.
Three cheers and dammit,
C'est la vie.
I got through all of last year
And I'm here.
Lord knows, at least I was there,
And I'm here!
Look who's here!
I'm still here!

Hey -- whoever you are (because i cert dont know you one way or the other !!)

If you are living your dream in Thailand then fair play to you --.have fun ,and enjoy the life that others can only dream about

And to quote an expression we have at home --" fuck the begrudgers !"

December 7th, 2011, 23:58
200,000 baht/month less than a year after graduating uni? What job did he get exactly? I'm assuming you mean an actual job, and he didn't start his own company, hence the strict monthly wage. That's the equivalent of a uni grad in Canada getting a job for say $40,000/month. In comparison, my dad was one of the lead group overseeing Exxon's offshore operations in Malaysia, and he didn't even make that much.

So I'm curious, what job did he land himself that pays 200,000 baht/month, less than a year after graduating? Is he developing new financial instruments for Goldman Sachs, or something?
It's more than most grads in Australia earn. I was gobsmacked too but if you look at his spending and lifestyle habits, they're in line with someone who earns that much. He doesn't muck around when it comes to expenses. He reciprocates on meals and drinks (he didn't do this so much when he was studying). When I commented on his deteriorating English, he went out and paid for a 24k English tutoring package the next day.

He's a medical professional who works for one of the largest companies in one of the most profitable healthcare industries in Thailand. He's paid by the day, hence he takes on extra shifts whenever offered to maximise his income (young and short-term greedy, as I once was). On a typical day, he's in charge of 10-15 subordinates and oversees or performs procedures on 60+ patients. He finds the volume stressful. He's also responsible for consulting with patents, which I guess involves selling them on the services, so he's got to be competent in that function too. It's rostered so that he's the only staff with his level of qualification present at whatever site he's working so I imagine he has a significant responsibility.

I wonder how and why he's paid so much. As an employer, I reason...

1. The business obviously makes a lot out of its customers both in transaction size and volume, so it can afford to pay high wages to its staff.

2. They don't want to employ many staff at his level of qualification. Most staff are just lowly-qualified "technicians" who are probably lowly paid too. So they can afford to pay the few staff they have with high-level qualifications, like him a high wage.

3. He's graduated from one of the top universities with top results and some overseas training. He's impeccably groomed, smart, has high emotional intelligence and excellent interpersonal skills. He's also ambitious and willing to work very hard. He's freakishly focused. I mean, on his only day off, he'll work out in the gym, spend a lot of time meditating in a temple and then do something relaxing like watch a movie. Doesn't get out and party much.

From getting to know him, I think he also has good commercial sense. I think, as a fast growing company, when you find someone of this caliber who ticks so many boxes, you tend to want to hire and fast-track him. You need strong all-round drivers like him when you're expanding, pushing into new markets and such. People like him are treated more as a "key asset" rather than just a tool to be used.

I should disclose he has a close relative who is an executive in this company, but I don't think that alone gets him this kind of income. He might have that connection and some strong guidance but he'd still have to justify his position with his own merits and the potential he offers them.

So there... I'm sure there are people like him in every industry in Thailand including finance and law. I've met young Thais working for the Bangkok office of a top-tier management consulting firm when they were working on projects in Sydney and knowing that firm, I'm pretty certain their pay wouldn't be something to sneezed at either.

You get people who earn ordinary incomes and you get "outliers" who get well beyond that. Same in any country. That's why I wouldn't call "bullshit" to HWT's claim that he earns 85k in education. Nor would I do it to Latintopxxx's claim that senior managers can earn 100k or 200k in the manufacturing sector.

December 9th, 2011, 12:32
I have a Thai boyfriend (periodical) who graduated less than a year ago and scored a contract earning more than double that amount - close to 200k/month. He doesn't finish work until 9pm most nights, works six days a week and has little time for friends... but that's still a whopping salary for a grad. He's done well for himself. His English is crap too!

200,000 baht/month less than a year after graduating uni? What job did he get exactly? I'm assuming you mean an actual job, and he didn't start his own company, hence the strict monthly wage. That's the equivalent of a uni grad in Canada getting a job for say $40,000/month. In comparison, my dad was one of the lead group overseeing Exxon's offshore operations in Malaysia, and he didn't even make that much.

So I'm curious, what job did he land himself that pays 200,000 baht/month, less than a year after graduating? Is he developing new financial instruments for Goldman Sachs, or something?

Maybe I am missing something here but 200,000 baht per month in Aust dollars is approx $A 6500 Not sure where the $C40,000 comes from. I have Thai friends who pay condos in BKK in excess of 100,000bpm and that is less than half their salary. Of course they do work very long hours to get that.