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View Full Version : Sad news - "Nu", friend of Jon (zzz) passes away

October 20th, 2006, 19:43
Earlier this year, Dodger reported on Nu, an exceptional young Thai guy who had been devastated by the sudden death of Jon (zzz) in Bangkok last year.
http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/fo ... asc-0.html (http://www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com/forum/about6484-0-asc-0.html) *

It is my sad task to report that Nu passed away in hospital in Pattaya this last weekend. Athough details are sketchy, his death was believed to be alcohol-related.

Nu was 23 years old. Rest in peace.

* link now fixed

October 20th, 2006, 20:37
Jon's (zzz) friend Nu. White teeshirt .... smiling.


Cheers ...

October 21st, 2006, 00:09
very sad to hear.

October 21st, 2006, 00:34
Thai boys do have a heart.... :cry:

October 21st, 2006, 05:01
I don't really have the words to describe the sad news of Nu's death.......I knew Nu when I lived in Bangkok and he often used to put his head down in the spare room in my apartment when he needed a place to sleep. He never asked for anything or moaned about some of the difficulties that he was having. In fact with his good command of English it was always a pleasure to have him stay and to listen to his next big idea. Sadly leaving Thailand a few years ago I lost touch with him, and had presumed he was doing OK...............He truly was a special guy, and reading the past post's about his friend Jon's death maybe didn't quite get over it.
Rest in Peace Nu thanks for the memories.

October 21st, 2006, 11:17
Monty has extended the courtesy of letting me post this response using his computer.

I was with Nu in the Banglamung hospital just a few hour before his unfortunate death and would like to set the record straight. The cause of death of death has been documented as the results of Spinal Meningitis, which, according to the head nurse, could possibly have been treated effectively if Nu had come in to the hospital a few days earlier.

Frankly, I have my doubts about the care the Nu received in this filthy hell hole called a hospital and will just have to accept the fact that no one will ever know the real truth about his condition. The Banglamung Hospital is no more than a staging area for the poor who can't afford a REAL hospital. It's the last step in the process for the poor before Boot Hill.

Nu was in a delirious state the last time I saw him and spoke incoherently. He did not appear to be in any pain, and even managed to give me one of his text book smiles before falling into a state of unconscious.

I am deeply saddened and will never forget that last smile...or the days we spent together in Bangkok and Pattaya as we danced until the early hours of the morning. I will never forget him.

I understand that Somporn, who was Nu's closest friend, has been notified.

It's a tough life for the Thai working boy...I can only hope that Nu is at peace in his new life.

Mai pen rai...


October 21st, 2006, 11:29
I never knew Nu, but I couldn't help but think of the following Haiku when I was reading all about his story. I can't remember who wrote it.

Those were sad times,
when without you
I watched worlds and days
rise up;
and then again
go down.

Rest in peace sweety. And wherever you may go let's hope you find it a happier place than place you had to endure here.

October 21st, 2006, 12:49
Monty has extended the courtesy of letting me post this response using his computer.


Dodger and Monty, thanks for posting that information. I met Nu a few times in the bar in which he worked, and will always remember the smile and happy disposition. I feel so sad and helpless reading your post, and think "if only I had known, maybe I could have done something"

October 21st, 2006, 15:19
Thank you Dodger for your post and letting those of us who knew Nu that at least a friend was with him before he died......
I'm afraid a lot of people mentally block out the difficulties that those who don't have any substantial income in Thailand have to put up with to survive, especially when falling gravely ill even with the 30 Baht (now to be free) medical program!

October 21st, 2006, 17:08
After losing zzz's urbane and witty contributions to the board, it is sad to hear of the death of the person of whom he wrote with such warmth.
When I left Thailand last week I provided my Thai friend with the money for much needed treatment; the comments about the care provided for the poor have reinforced my view that it was money well spent.

October 21st, 2006, 18:25
When I left Thailand last week I provided my Thai friend with the money for much needed treatment; the comments about the care provided for the poor have reinforced my view that it was money well spent.

I am not questioning the need for your Thai friend to have treatment or suggesting the need was not genuine but such things have been known in the past! It obviously all depends on how well and how long you have known your friend.

As a general comment, however, I think it is much better to buy a medical insurance for the friend, especially if the guy is a b/f or b/s. Obviously it is fine to give the "occasional friend" a couple of hundred Baht to buy medication in the event of a cold or other minor ailment and have done this several times in the past for the "current boy of the moment".

I now have a b/s and arranged for medical insurance for him. The scope of the insurance and prices do vary and you have to shop around for a good deal. I was lucky in that I took it out at just the right time as he was shortly after involved as a passenger in a motor cycle accident where the driver had no insurance. The hospital/treatment bill came to 8400 Baht which the insurance covered. In addition to the prevalence and frequency of motor cycle accidents, there are so many diseases (dengue fever, malaria, meningitis, hepatitis and even bird flu, etc etc) that can easily be caught in Thailand that I think insurance is value for money whatever the price.

The unfortunate thing is that most Thai boys have no regard for their health (even though many of them down pills bought from pharmacies like M and Ms) but instead rely on Karma and a mai pen rai attitude to get them through life.

As for Nu, I didn't know him, but am saddened by the death of any young guy especially when, as it appears, it could have been prevented by swifter treatment.

October 21st, 2006, 18:33
I never knew Nu, but I couldn't help but think of the following Haiku when I was reading all about his story. I can't remember who wrote it.

Those were sad times,
when without you
I watched worlds and days
rise up;
and then again
go down.

Rest in peace sweety. And wherever you may go let's hope you find it a happier place than place you had to endure here.

That was very sweet and very touching.

December 10th, 2006, 11:08
'As far as I know'
Sorry, Hmmm, but sometimes you may know less than you believe.
Thanks for the correction about the identity of Nu's boyfriend though.